I have to disagree there. Recent events clearly show that the game companies are paying attention to what consumers have to say. Even though some companies (Microsoft) might choose to ignore it for the most part.
I think you really need to do some more research before a long post like that. Microsoft is trying to treat SINGLE player games like multiplayer MMO's. That is their ultimate goal.
They want you to keep paying into their system and as long as it suits them financially. As long as it makes financial sense they will keep the service going. But you can rest assured...actually you can bet the farm than the minute they see red in their ledger and the service is no longer making enough money for them they will shut it down so fast your head will explode.
You will be stuck with a very expensive brick and a really shiny set of snack dishes that used to be your game collection.
Somebody below listed a bunch of dev studios that went out of business in the last couple of years and I can tell you with certainty that most of the recent titles by those companies sucked.
The PS4 looks much better laying flat than standing up. It seemed like a PS2 lookalike from far away when they first revealed it standing up but then everyone was like ooooh! when the guy held it flat in his hands.
TruthSerum808's comments