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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

SW is showing reruns.

We all know that SW gets dreadfully boring when there's nothing to talk about. E3 came and went really quickly, and now we're back to rehashes of stupid-to-begin-with arguments that no one wants to repeat. What's more, I don't see anything interesting happening for a loooong time. Looks like I'll be doing the union thing for a while. Join SSEU!

Time to hibernate. See you guys later.

Not Going to Giantbomb

Everyone's blogging about it these days, so let me make this clear. I am not going to Giantbomb. Ever. Not even once.

So if you see a Tsug there, it's just one of my arch-nemises and/or my evil twin.

You Found an MKWii!


I FINALLY got MKWii today.

*checks one off to-do list that is pages long*

So...yeah. See you guys in a few days. I gotta catch up!

The FC is 4038-7796-8552.

Post-E3 SW Drama

It was, of course, expected that SW would go up in flames if Nintendo's conference was less than amazing - and it was definitely less than amazing.

In SW, disappointment is failure, and failure is unacceptable, the punishment being lots of whining, mockery, and exaggeration. For Nintendo, that means claims of betrayal, stagnation, and "OMFG Reggie STFU."

All expected. Even though E3 was an all-around dud again, the spotlight is on Nintendo, who needed the E3 the most. There's really no point in damage control, so for those who still have their sanity somewhat intact, let's wait this one out for a few days. SW outrage is intense, but it burns out awful quickly.

As for E3? It's on its deathbed. We can hope for a good one next year, but I'm not holding my breath.

SW: Now in a smaller box.

And here I thought they were done at character vs. character threads.

"Threads solely about gaming information, linkage to gaming information or game discussions should go to General Game Discussion unless it ties into the System Wars theme. For example threads providing solely gaming news or news links, bulletins, trailers, screenshots, etc has nothing to do with System Wars."

Now apparently, even gaming news is off-topic. :|




Honestly, this seems like a pretty easy rule to get around (Instead of just posting news, we post news and ask whether this affects Console A or B more - Lookie, SW relevant. Whee.) But why can't they just leave the damn board alone? Did they really think this was necessary? Was there really a problem with irrelavent news flooding the board?

No, I think the problem is that no one gives a **** about GGD, the place they want this news to go. They have this bias against SW, but what they don't realize is that it's actually GGD that's the problem. It's a borefest. It's just SW Lite.

Gamespot, please, if one board has to be neutered, make it GGD. Don't ruin the only good board you have.

10 Things You May Not Know About Tsug.

That's right, 10. Because the number 10 is my friend, and I'm in a blogging mood.

10: The character Tsug is from a story my brother and I are making. He's a smart-ass wind spirit with an ego, so of course I connected with his character, so I started using him for my username.

9: Before I was Tsug, I had many different usernames. They were pretty generic and lame. Im happy with this username, but I'd probably use a different one if I was choosing now, a name of a different character.

8: For the one person out there that doesn't get it, Tsug is backwards for gust. Simple, but smooth. For my username, I was originally going to be Tsug_The_Wind_Spirit, but that was too long. Tsug_The_Wind sounds pretty bad, but Tsug_Ze_Wind = awesomeness.

7: My nickname IRL, for quite a while, was Gecko. There was a story behind it, but it still sounds pretty bad. After I ditched the nickname, I tried many others, but nothing stuck. After I learned the origin of my real name, I accepted my own.

6: So....what's the deal with this?




It's become sort of my signature. I just started doing that randomly, but you know, it fits. Gotta let the breeze pass through!

5: If I had to take a guess, I'd say that me, my, myself, or I appear in over 95% of my posts. Told you I have an ego!

4: My stance on fanboyism is that it is just like rooting for a sports team. If you don't want to participate, at least respect those who do, and just because a guy can get tickets to any game he wants, doesn't mean he's above those who just go to home games.

3: I'm addicted to emoticons, especially :P, so much so that I sometimes have to edit some out of my post. I've tried to cut down. Consider me in emoticon rehab.

2: I may act like the Internet is serious business sometimes, but it's mostly because I like to debate aggressively. I may exaggerate things, but I don't take them personally.

1: My dream is to be a musician.

Well, that didn't really end up being 10 things you didn't know, maybe 3 or so, but nowhere did I promise that you wouldn't know all of them. "MAY not", see?

I don't know who I could possibly tag, because it seems like everyone has been tagged already. So, if you haven't been tagged, uh, consider yourself tagged.

Two Years.

Two years ago today, I joined Gamespot.

That's....interesting, I guess. I wonder if I'll last another year.




Probably not. But maybe.

SSBB Vs. Halo - How'd I Do?

Remember this thread?


I make threads very, very rarely, but this one, done for Nintendo Dream's "Take Over System Wars Night," was a blast. I went through every category I could and compared the two games, genre difference be damned. The best part? Brawl wasn't even out yet. It was a lot of work, but I got 8 pages out of it. I believe I planned to come back to it after Brawl's release to see how much I got right, but I never did.

So, it's a lot to read, but take a look at the thread. How much do you think I got right?

Brawl: Top 10

Not to be confused with my previous Top 10, which was who I thought I'd main before the release. I've played with every character, and I've done hundreds of Random matches, but these are my 10 favorite characters to use.

1: R.O.B. He's just so cool, and he fits my playstyle more than Pit does (I had guessed before the release that I would main Pit. In Melee, I mained Mewtwo). I love his effortless recovery, and his Down B just kicks ass. If Mewtwo does come back sometime, I don't know who I'd main!

2: Wolf. I like his style. I just wish he could kill a bit better. :( In Melee my second main was Fox, but he became 100% more annoying and his forehead became 72% bigger. It looks fine on Wolf and Falco, but for God's sake, change Fox back!

3: Ike. In Melee it was Marth. I don't know why, but I just don't like using Marth anymore. Ike's the bomb though, so I don't care if he's overused, sign me up! (At least I don't Aether spam. :))

4: Zelda. I liked Zelda over Shiek in Melee, but she was just too underpowered. She improved (understatement), but now I think I like using Shiek more. :P My fourth place in Melee was Bowser, now he's #10.

5: Kirby. I used Kirby almost exclusively in SSB64, and he was also my main for a while in Melee. And yet, I still don't think I'm good with him.

6: Pokemon Trainer. He was on my list of people I really wanted in Brawl but I thought would never make it. Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Chairzard (:P) - The true OGs.

7: Ness. I have not used Ness much until now. I was trying to prove to my bro that Ness wasn't worse than Lucas, realized how awesome Ness is, and...yeah.

8: Snake. On release day, my bro spent almost the entire day playing as Snake after I unlocked him. Me? I only started using him after I learned about his tilts. Shame on me. :P

9: Gananaphone. I hated Ganondorf in Melee. Now that he's actually unique, he's cool. He sounds less funny with a Poison Mushroom, though.

10: Bowser. I liked Bowser's air attacks more in Melee, and I think he needs a better Up B or a projectile. Also, he was funnier in Melee. But I am a fan of his new Side B.

Just shy of my top 10 are Olimar, Pikachu, and Toon Link.

Here's my top 10 before release. Yes, I still hate Lucario. Snake interests me now, I guess. :P

I Fixed My 360 - DAMN IT!!

Bu...but I really did. I was able to download the Halo 3 map pack and everything!

At the very end of checking out Blackout, bzzzzzzrrrrrrrrr....

Two red lights again.

:cry: Why can't it just completely break so I have to send it to MS? That's obviously what I have to do, and I'm clearly a moron for trying to fix it myself over and over again.




But, the new maps are cool. (Sidewinder!!!) Much better than the Heroic pack.