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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

Tsug's Top 10 Brawl Characters

Here's my opinion on 10 characters that I happen to like. If you're wondering where Lucario is, I don't like Lucario. So there.


With Mewtwo gone (but not forgotten :cry: ), Marth would be the next in line to be my main, but Pit seems interesting, don't know why. This is of course subject to change, but I think I'm going to be maining Pit. (My mains in Brawl were Mewtwo, Marth, Fox, and Bowser.)


Marth looks even cooler now, so you'd better believe I'm sticking with him. But you know, it's strange. For some reason, at some time there's this change, and I completely lose all skill with one character and all of a sudden become really good with another. So right now I just can't seem to win with Marth, and my skill is right now with Bowser. Anyone else get that kind of thing?


Replacing Fox for my third main is Wolf. While it's mostly because of Fox's head (DOES NOT COMPUTE), Wolf also seems more my style. But did he have to have the Landmaster? There's wouldn't be nearly as much Landmaster jokes if only Fox and Falco shared it, I bet.


As I said above, I'm really good with Bowser right now, so much that my brother has deemed him "cheap" and refuses to play against him. (Bowser? Cheap? :lol: That's my brother alright.) I just hope he rolls a bit better now. I mean, it's pathetic when I can't forward dodge and expect to get behind my opponent when I'm not eating-their-face-close.


I won't be maining Olimar, but he looks incredibly cool. I like everyone else who's seen him in action am a bit scared of him being rigged (broken, cheap, overpowered, up to the standards of whiny Smash pro wannabes, take your pick), but if someone has to be nuts, I'm glad it's Olimar.


First of all, all of you bashing his Final Smash shut your collective piehole, because it's hilarious. Dedede is big, he's got great B moves, and it sounds like he's pretty good too, so hell, sign me up!


With Mewtwo gone (but again not forgotten :cry: ), Luigi now takes his throne of Ultra-Funky Disco Master. Beware the Final Smash, beware the chop of death, and beware the uberfart, because Luigi's back in business.

Pokemon Trainer

How great is this? Especially if you grew up with Gameboy and N64, dreaming of all your Pokemans in your Super Smash Bros...some people have their Sonic and Snake, this one's mine.

Ice Climbers

I only put them this low because it doesn't look like they improved at all (Popo needs to recover plznthnku?), but their Final Smash looks incredible and useful, and plus, they're the Ice Climbers.


We all know Jigglypuff is awesome, so I'm going to spend the rest of her section talking like this: 0MGZ +3H J00G1YP00FZ 4M H343 F+W F4LC0WN P444NCH 0H N035 G33G41YP00F D34+H 2 U 101Z

Feel free to agree.

Fanbios: Week...8?

Geez, it's been a looong time since I've pulled out the Fanbios, but now I really have no excuse, so...CLEAR


Alright, now that we've revived it, let's add three entries that mysteriously are not already there.



AdobeArtist (denies) - AdobeArtist is the resident sig-maker artist, of SW. Anti-fanboy before it was cool, Adobe would be ticked if he saw that I filed him as a lemming, so of course I had to do it. Currently competing with Willy105 in the picture contest Iron 'Shop, to decide the SW Artist.

DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Fuzzy_Munch (uncertain) - Fuzzy_Munch is the latest of a line of posters with posting styles strikingly similar to that of the banned nasos_33333. Usually seen as the OP of multiple first-page threads talking about 360 RPGs. His status amongst fellow lemmings is unknown.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Apart from some apparently....interesting OT, Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.

yo_foo (accepts) - Known for his signature smiley in his avatar and at the end of each of his posts, yo_foo is one of the biggest and most memorable trolls in SW. After a rumor spread that he died in a car accident, he came back, and was worshipped as a god by at least one poster.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti was known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either.

SuperMario_46 (accepts) - SuperMario_46 is one of the larger sheep in SW. He also frequents SystemWars Bets, and is the leader of the Anime Gaming Trust union. Quite attractive amongst donkeys.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. Tsug is also the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts), but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Tomarlyn (?) - Formerly a rarely-seen manticore in SW, Tomarlyn, known by the Futurama avatars and sigs, became one of SW's most-seen anti-sheep after the Wii's launch. Forming an argument usually from personal experience, Tomarlyn attempts the "betrayed gamer" persona, and comments in seemingly every anti-Wii thread.

Ganon42 (accepted) - Formerly one of the biggest anti-sheep in SW. While most anti-sheep focus on one issue, ganon42 attacked the sheep on everything, from kiddy games to rehashes to gimmicks to non-gamers. He recently porn suicided, presumably because of Gerstmanngate.



Blackbond (?) - Known by his sig/avatar, his tell-it-like-it-is threads, and his defense of Madden, Blackbond claims and portays a decent manticore, but is still, it seems, the eternal enemy of the cows.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.

Tman93 (uncertain) - Tman93 is the Capo Soldati, or Soldier Boss, in SystemWars Bets. He and his associates dig up whether you're following through on your bets or not, and the info goes straight to the rest of the Bets crew. He can also break your legs over the internets is need be, so don't be cheating. Formerly a cow in SW, he defends the underdog of each period.


If some of these entries need to be brought up to date, feel free to let me know.

Compromise Reached, War am End.

SW Bets will be stickied temporarily around the time of big game releases. We live. :)

I'd like to thank everyone who supported us when it didn't look like we would survive, and Casey and Cake for this compromise. Now, go place your Iron 'Shop and SSBB bets or I'll eat you.

SW Bets Resticky Petition

Whoo boy...a lot of stuff has gone down in the past week. A whole saga of events that I feel should be written down and archived as an epic, but that's for another blog. Right now, I just want to set a few things straight, and do what I was going to do before I found out I couldn't post blogs for some reason. :?

You may have seen the thread in its less glorious state, right after we were unstickied. We were all panicking, planning to leave to another site, cursing out everyone and everything that opposed us. It was not the proudest moment, but I stand by most of what I did.

First off, I just want everyone to know that we were told nothing about getting unstickied. We had to get the hint from coming across the sticky in the making, and piece together what was going to happen ourselves. We were completely ignored before and after the event when we tried to ask questions, and that is the main reason this whole thing escalated.

Our opposition did everything behind the scenes, and tried to let no one know until it was too late. We wanted to do the opposite, getting the community involved and making as much noise as possible. It didn't work as well as we'd hoped because we had no support from the powers that be, and if there's anything I've learned from this whole ordeal, it's that people fear anyone with more authority than them to the point of phobia.

But, that wasn't the whole reason. I admit I was rushing things, telling everyone to join us in leaving the site, and that's why I'm not surprised that our petition didn't go anywhere. But, I'm trying again.

SW Bets Union Petition

SW Bets Petitiononline

Here they are, sign both if you can. No "Do this now or we're leaving the site," just a bunch of people in favor of getting this thread restickied. We've calmed down, and now we're going to have our wits about us, but we will get SW Bets restickied, and its place as an SW necessity restored.

If you want to help out even more, here's the sig that most of the SW Bets Mob is wearing.

Feel free to copy + paste it into your sig. Help restore SW Bets.

Do You Like SW Bets?

What do you think of SW Bets?

Do you think it's a good thing for SW to have?

What do you like most about SW Bets?

What do you dislike most about SW Bets?

If it was gone tomorrow, what would you do?

From you, the community, I want to know.

The Community Will Always Win.

Yeah, so it's a little early. (Or a little late - did something for New Year's Eve on Monday) Just felt like saying something.

If you're looking for friends and happy sunshine, System Wars is not the place to be. If you don't agree with me, you are my enemy, and if I fail to convince you to my side, I'll dismiss you as a fool. Such is the attitude of the war-torn apocalypse that is the System Wars forum. As hardcore as the ****ing internet can get (as long as you don't use Google.)

But deep within this well of sadness, this underworld of anger and hatred, this cesspool of nothingness, there are people. Like, people people. People that you can get to know, people who have lives, people who are actually...pretty cool. We are the community, and underneath the mountains of ****, we're all friends here.

It seems as though we never cease going for each other's throats, but there are times when we can all agree and unite in a rare scene of oneness. For example, no one likes Jack Thompson. Everyone likes making fun of Big Rigs (except for the people who are sick of hearing about Big Rigs). No one wants the small freedom we have on this board lessened - all just examples, of course.

In the end, people can try to invade and divide our community, but they will never succeed, because we will unite once again. You make the rules we don't like, we'll break 'em in such an astounding amount you'll have no choice but to rewrite them. If you ban our members, they'll come back however many times it takes. You take away our board, we'll all flock to another site - and by then, you've missed out.

I have heard people say that the board is a waste of time. I have also heard those same people many other times, on the only board I frequent. Know why? Because it's like a train wreck mixed with a hurricane and lots of chewing gum - you can't look away, and it may be tragic, but it's so damn unique. That uniqueness is maintained by the equallyunique community, and as these doubters and naysayers begin to lurk, they too will become absorbed into the chewing-gum train-hurricane wreck.

So I say to you, won't you join us?

Well, Back to Melee.

It's been a fun year. Halo 3 kept me occupied for quite a while, SMG probably kept me for as long as any single-player game can hope to in the wake of Super Smash Bros. I...didn't play all that much else, but who needs other things? I dislike change enough, thank you very much. And with that, I think it's time to head on back to Melee.

Brawl's coming soon, and I gotta be prepared. I'll be going for one of the new control schemes, but just in case, I gotta warm up to the 'Cube controller. I'm hesitant to practice with Mewtwo, but if he is still in, he'll be my choice online. Even though, admittedly, I suck with him.

If I can't get Mewtwo, I'll probably be Pit. But who do I train with to prepare there? Link? Kirby? ....Peach?

My best character right now is Marth, who's return isn't looking good at this point. I'm training with Kirby, who I'm decent with.

My bro wants to be good with DK, but right now his best is Mario. And he's pretty good with him. He's looking forward to Diddy Kong and Yeti DK (he likes monkeys - who doesn't?).

Finally, I've been procrastinating for a long time, but Brawl will force me to get my Wii online. Guess I should do that soon.

...Yeah, so I won't be playing on Live as much, but I'll still try to get in a few rounds of Slayer in between Meleeing and much preparing for Brawling. If you don't see me at SW as know.

Going to into hibernation