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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

Fanbios: Week 6

I need more requests, and more info from people who haveasked for a bio. Remember, anything you think would be relevant, your contributions to SW, your position on major topics in SW, etc. Also, if you think there's something missing from your bio, tell me and I'll add to it.

Only one added this time.



DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Fuzzy_Munch (uncertain) - Fuzzy_Munch is the latest of a line of posters with posting styles strikingly similar to that of the banned nasos_33333. Usually seen as the OP of multiple first-page threads talking about 360 RPGs. His status amongst fellow lemmings is unknown.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Apart from some apparently....interesting OT, Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti is known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either. In a way, kind of the opposite of Willy105.

SuperMario_46 (accepts) - SuperMario_46 is one of the larger sheep in SW. He also frequents SystemWars Bets, and is the leader of the Anime Gaming Trust union.Quite attractive amongst donkeys.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts, but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.

Tman93 (uncertain) - Tman93 is the Capo Soldati, or Soldier Boss, in SystemWars Bets. Heand his associates dig up whether you're following through on your bets or not, and the info goes straight to the rest of the Betscrew. He can also break your legs over the internets is need be, so don't be cheating.Formerly a cow in SW, he defends the underdog ofeach period.


As hilarious as it is that the Gingerdivid category is bigger than the hermit and manticore categories, we do need more hermits. And cows.

Feel free to...oh, you know by now.

I Hate Thanksgiving. It's My Favorite Holiday.

The holiday season is terrible. We get barraged with horrible Halloween commercials, questions about what we're doing for Halloween,stupid Halloween specials on TV, kids knocking at the door even though there's clearly no lights on and nothing to make you assume we have anything for you, which makes the dog bark incessantly. Repeat for the next two holidays, over the next two months. At least with Halloween places stay open so I can partially escape it.

Yessir, I'm the epitome of Scrooge and proud of it. Ever since my early atheist qualities made me question the existence of Santa Claus at6(only the first of many annoyances to my traditional family), I've never seen a big deal in taking one day to force some kind of celebration or moral. If it's so important to you, celebrate it every day, and stop bugging me.

I like Thanksgiving though....No I don't, but I hate it less than the other holidays. I only realized it this year. I stopped getting excited for trick-or-treating at 7, I stopped getting excited for recieving presents on Christmas at 12, and now, I kind of understand why you don't grow out of Thanksgiving.

It's obviously because you don't grow out of food, and in the U.S. midwest, you have Americanfootball (or as I've now taken to calling it, "downball," because the goal is downs and it's not invading another sportwhere the namemakes more sense). Well, I eat too much anyway, and I've never been interested in watching "downball" on TV, so it still sucks. Plus, places are closed (except for my McDonalds, thank god), and there's still TV specials, annoying questions, and only slightly less horrible commercials. (No one pretending to be Dracula or Santa Claus, just turkey noises.)

Bring on February! No, March! No, April! No...

After Uncharted/Mass Effect: 10 Things We Should Get Straight.

1: Let's get this out there right now: Mass Effect flopped, Uncharted didn't.

2: A case could be made that cows underhyped. A case could also be made that we all do it (Lemmings and Lost Odyssey, sheep and SSBB)

3: Mass Effect's score was shocking, Uncharted...not so much.

4: Both scores were disappointing.

5: Lemmings are mostly accepting, but there are some that aren't.

6: Lemmings are in no position to be bashing Uncharted.

7: Cows stand firm with their claim that Uncharted is the king of console graphics. They're wrong.

8: GS is not paid off, not that they ever were.

9: GS still reviews with their wallets and reputation influencing. I haven't seen enough to prove otherwise yet.

10: No, Anubis II is not a flop.

Feel free to agree.

Fanbios: Week 5

Oops. Friday...Damn it, not again.

So, a lot of you guys are requesting bios, but since I don't frequent SWas often ATM, I need info to write something. Anything you think would be relevant to include in your bio.

I have little time, so only two added this time.



DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Apart from some apparently....interesting OT, Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti is known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either. In a way, kind of the opposite of Willy105.

SuperMario_46 (accepts) - SuperMario_46 is one of the larger sheep in SW. He also frequents SystemWars Bets, and is the leader of the Anime Gaming Trust union.Quite attractive amongst donkeys.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts, but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.

Tman93 (uncertain) - Tman93 is the Capo Soldati, or Soldier Boss, in SystemWars Bets. Heand his associates dig up whether you're following through on your bets or not, and the info goes straight to the rest of the Betscrew. He can also break your legs over the internets is need be, so don't be cheating.Formerly a cow in SW, he defends the underdog ofeach period.


Yes Tman, I was serious. :P And sorry yours is so short, SuperMario, but I managed toinclude the info provided.:P

Also, if any of you think something should be added to your bio, tell me.

Feel free to...etc.

After All These Weird Reviews I R Insane!

Just when we thought we could predict the rest of the year...

SMG 9.5 GS/Crysis 9.5 GS/Crysis 8 1UP/Assassin's Creed 9.0 GS/Assassin's Creed 7 IGN and 1UP/Uncharted 9.1 IGN/Fire Emblem 6.0 GS/Kane & Lynch 6.0 GS....

I doesn't know why is going on!

*passes out*

Fanbios: Week 4

Despair not! My schedule is just really weird right now, and I'm sick (again :shock: but this time just with a cold). But this project will continue.

Let's finish up the recievers of Shout-Outs, and then I'l begin taking requests as I said.



DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti is known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either. In a way, kind of the opposite of Willy105.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts, but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.


So there we go. I've written full blog posts on all these posters, which you can find by...looking through my blog posts. (It begins at #5 though, I deleted the other ones back when I was trying to keep my blog clean.)

Feel free to do stuff.

After CoD4: The Multiplat Wars, As Pathetic As Ever.

Multiplats aren't all that important in SW. No matter how much you whine about this and that, the opposition is still getting the same game. There are cases where bickering about multiplats is warranted (VF5 being an example), but for the most part, multiplats aren't worth **** in the SW metagame.

So why is it that with almost every multiplat that comes out, there's this kind of bickering and whining? It reeks of desperation to me that you would go as far asto declare supremacy over something like aslight framerate drop. And it's never been as pathetic as with CoD4, where both games got the same AAA score but the argument continues. Here's my take on it:

Cows, don't get too excited. A multiplat scored the same as the 360 version. It is merely equal. Shouldn't your heaven-sent and heaven-hyped powerhouse machine be doing better? Don't you realize how idiotic it sounds to be cheering "Woohoo, we have the same quality product as those guys for once!"

Lemmings, drop it. There's no need for damage control, as there's no damage. It makes you look just as silly and stupid.

Hermits...actually, I haven't heard much from you. Good job being the better men (to my knowledge).

CoD4 shouldn't even need a sticky. It's done. The verdict: Shut up.

That was a fun rant. Feel free to comment.

Fanbios: Week 3

So I didn't have a Friday blog post again. No excuses this time, I forgot. Stupid Fridays.

If you've noticed, everyone with a Fanbio so far has had a Shout-Out. After those people each get Bios, I'll begin taking requests.



Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...



The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.



Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threadsthat even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts, but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently createdthe "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.


I see what I did there. Feel free to comment.