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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

Fanbios: Week 2

I was sick in bed for the weekend, so I had two choices: I could've dragged myself over to the computer to write about how sick I was, or I could...not do that. I chose the latter.

I got an unexpectedly positive response to the Fanbios, despite only having the time to start off with a single entry. I guess I'm just that good. :D Now let's try to get this going.



Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...



The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.



Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.


Feel free to comment, flame, debate, or ask for your own entry. I'll get around to it eventually.

After Ratchet and Clank: I Can't Believe I'm Saying This...

When it comes to most issues, cows and I don't tend to get along. So was the case with Ratchet & Clank, where I predicted floppage for their latest proven killer-app to be. That was when I thought the official hype was AAA, but I didn't expect to still be right.

After I saw the first page covered with threads about other sites' AAA reviews, I'd basically given up. At that point, it didn't matter what GS gave it.

Still, when I saw 7.5, I was excited that I had called it again. I was all ready to join the lemmings in their parade when I remembered all those other reviews. The reviews that we were so eager to count with MP3 and Zelda. Yeah, GS was at it again, and say what you want about fanboy hypocrisy, but I became a bit depressed.

It seems like SW is becoming a game in which you can only lose. Cows played it safe and still lost. And it seems like it's been forever since the lemmings had it happen to them. In fact, the last game was Bioshock, a game that wasn't even exclusive, and still got AAA. The doubts about the scales being tipped are lessening with each review, despite what people may say.

This isn't the first time it's looked this way, and at the risk of sounding repetitive, we'll have to wait until SMG to find out what the hell is truly going on.

To any lemmings, for once, let's just move along. I don't know why I'm trying to reach you guys, who are in love with Gamespot all the more now I'm sure, but if you have a conscience, this really isn't all happy sunshine. In fact, it kind of sucks, for all of us.

Feel free to comment.

Introducing...The Fanbios.

Two weeks ago, I said I'd be doing something to replace the SW Shout-Outs, at least until I had more time to write them. Well, here it is. Introducing the Fanbios, a list of System Warriors and what they contribute to SW.

The problem with the Shout-Outs is that I have to write a full blog post about another poster. In case you didn't know, that's hard. I'm amazed I got to eleven (not counting my own self-bashing Shout-Out). But I like writing them, because SW's an interesting place with very interesting people.

The Fanbios are basically going to be mini-Shout-Outs, and each week I'll add a few more to the list. This way, I won't have to write what seems like a novel for every fellow system warrior.

I also said two weeks ago that GUFU should prepare their flamethrowers. Here's why: I'm going to categorize this list by fanboy groups. That means each poster is going into a group, with (denies), (accepts), or (uncertain) next to their name. You will be opposed, you'll disagree, you may even be offended. But by TOS, I can and will do it.

Luckily, I prepared my flame shield, and since I know I'll have to defend this decision, I might as well now.

1: Fanboy means someone who is devoted to a console or company. Not vile filth spawned in the depths of Hades. I'm not insulting anyone.

2: I know I have a tendency to jump to conclusions on this issue, but I'll only categorize someone when I know what I'm doing. And yes, manticore will be an option.

3: If you're a fanboy and don't know why, look in the mirror. (A.K.A., your posts on SW.)

With that out of the way, let's get started. I have little time, so I'll start with myself.



Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.


As you can see, I want to keep the humor and entertainment (and truth :D) of the Shout-Outs, just in bite-sized form.

Feel free to comment.

Crackdown and Skate - Thoughts?

I've decided that I need more 360 games, and I'm planning to get these two games tomorrow. My brother really wants Crackdown, so I'll probably be getting that no matter what. I liked the demo - though I don't think the game lended itself well to a demo, with the RPG elements and all. But it succeeded at hyping the game for us. I'm wondering though, after you max out all your stats and destroy everyone - what else is there? Does the game end at some point? I'd like to hear from someone who's beaten the game.

And then there's Skate. I planned to get it when I got Halo, but they didn't have it again. Ironic - they had tons of copies of the most anticipated game ever, but this little-hyped skateboarding game was sold out twice. I guess that's a good thing, though.

I finally got around to playing the demo - impressed. Although the camera is annoying at times.

For those who have played the two games - impressions?

Sheep - The New Animals of Hype.

We know cows as the fanboy group that hypes everything to astronomical proportions. We all remember Killzone, the PSP hype, the pre-launch PS3 hype, the Killzone 2 hype, Heavenly Sword hype, Lair hype.

But recently, cows have calmed down quite a bit. Sure, there are still some who are worshipping Uncharted and R&C, but for the majority of cows, it's laying low until MGS4 and FF13.

Meanwhile, sheep are quickly becoming the excited bunch. We have countdown threads for every A and above game coming out (many but not all of which started by our main hype man, Willy105), we have the ginormous Smash Bros. Dojo thread, we have campaigns for games predicted to sell less than great, we have pink font, and of course, the Smash Bros. Dojo itself, which updates five times a week.

This is clearly different from sheep not too long ago, who, excluding giants like Zelda TP, were very quiet about their games.

Unlike cows however, we no longer are hyping to inevitable ownage. In the official hype threads, we're being very careful, and clearly not honest. It's a bit cowardly, but can you blame us? We have to wait it out until GS proves they aren't underscoring and failing us like they have so far. I however, for the record,always hype honestly.

What do you think? Are we now fun-loving party animals that drink responsibly, or are we just spineless, afraid to put our money where our mouths are?

SW Shout-Out #12

The SW Shout-Outs have made their triumphant return! Wait, no they haven't. I'm still doing something different next Monday, but I lost a be - er, I feel like I have to expose this poster for who he really is.

Last Shout-Out was the father of SW Bets. Now, the lowly scum that inhabits the SW sewers.


You may know Tsug_Ze_Wind as a king among sheep. At least, that's what he'd like you to believe. In reality, he's an insignificant nothing, but more on that later.

Tsug began his life as SW fanboy scum right after E3 '06. Because of his miniscule brain, he chose the easy, non-thinking route and trolled Sony fanboys, the poor souls that were going through some hard times. Just try to kick 'em when they're down, you coward.

I say "try," because Tsug failed at every attempt to "own" a cow. The cows used him as their punching bag for a while, then he was thrown to the sheep, who accepted him because of their nonexistent standards.

Luckily for him, he was on a team with a promising future. Unfortunately for them, they had Tsug. Through his moronic blunders, he single-handedly caused the Wii to be priced at $250. The sheep continued to support him, bless their hearts, but there was nothing they could do to stop him from making a fool out of himself and them all.

After the flop of Zelda (which is believed to also be Tsug's accidental doing), through some horrific mistake, Tsug became the voice of the sheep. The defense had valid arguments that might have been able to control the damage dealt, but all was lost amongst Tsug's angry shouting of "teh bias!11!" and "Mircosp0t!11!"

And so it continued, through the flop of Super Paper Mario to finally the flop of MP3.

Luckily, Tsug eventually found a new place to spread his filth: SW Bets. All was going well for the humble betting parlor until he came and destroyed it. 'Tis a shame, but it's for the best. Tsug has found a home in SW Bets' undersewers, and may we never see his grotesque face (or opinion) again.

What I do have to say about Tsug_Ze_Wind? Why would you want to know? I am Tsug_Ze_Wind. Why are you even here? Get out of here while your mind is untainted and your clothes smell decent! I thought Dewy's Adventure would get A, for crying out loud!

But feel free to comment before you escape. :)

I Found My 360 Headset....

..And I remember now why I didn't use it much. This thing is uncomfortable. And the sound quality sucks, and I'm not usually one to complain about things like that. No wonder everyone sounds exactly the same on Live.Plus, it gets tangled in my hair (though I think that may be user error :P).

But I can chat on Live now. It got annoying not being able to respond to anyone. Plus, you tend to get pushed around when you can't reply to people inyour group.

If anyonehas a really good headset to recommend, be my guest.

Yet Again, I Risk My SW Life.

SSBB is a titan.

We now have online play, and a full-fledged single player with online co-op atop our still-one-of-a-kind exceptional brawler.

There's no way, judging by recent game reviews, that this game will not deserve AAA.

That's why I'm making another bet.

Tsug_Ze_Wind: "If SSBB doesn't get AAA, I will leave System Wars forever."

Yeah, I didn't learn my lesson. After the Halo 3 review, when Gamespot contradicted themselves again, I should've left. I was clear that System Wars on Gamespot was tilted in one group's favor. I stayed because I worded my bet strangely, not because I won.

But I'm still here, and even though I have a leave-forever bet still pending,I'm going to give it another shot. After the Halo review, I'm confident that if Gamespot keeps consistency, SSBB will get AAA. If they don't, why am I, or anyone else still here?

So now, SSBB has to get AAA. It can't just be SMG (which would have saved me from my other bet) of the Big Three. One last chance, GS. Please, have your head on straight for this one.

Feel free to comment.

We Interrupt These Shout-Outs...

...To bring you this important message.

Lately, I've been finding it harder to write Shout-Outs every week, not because of a lack of interesting people in SW, but because I've hardly been in SW lately. Next Monday, I'll be starting something else that'll take the place of Shout-Outs until I have more time to visit SW.

All I'll say about it right now is, GUFU, get your flamethrowers ready.

Er, make that next-next Monday. I have a bet to complete. GUFU, un-prepare your flamethrowers for a bit.

WANTED: Dead or Alive

Lord Tamarin

For becoming quite skilled in Halo 3 in such a short amount of time despite being half my age.

Latest deed: Winning a Team Slayer match outnumbered 2 to 5.

Last seen in Big Team Battle matchmaking.

Skill: Sporadic, but exceptional.

Prize: $0, (not outta my pockets) but go try to find him anyway.


And so concludes the repping of my brother.