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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

New Avatar (Rabbids Have A New Job)

Now's the best time to completely contradict my last blog post and change my avatar. I liked the rabbids, but a change was long overdue. Now, I've given them a job of much moreimportance - watching my blog for any evildoer that leaves without leaving a comment!

It's my Mii. The close-up was unintentional, but I like it. Looks really strange in the small pic though. :?

Next, the sig...though I don't know what I'll do for that. You guys have any ideas?

Becoming A Legendary Poster

The Internet: Serious Business.

Now, now. You may think it silly that someone would care if random people on a forum remember them, but c'mon, doesn't everyone want to be remembered? Eventually, we'll all go to that great banlist in the sky, (or we'll just lose interest in posting here) and most will never leave their mark on the boards. So, if you're interested, here are my tips on how to imprint your username on people's minds.

1: The username. It's easy to remember a username like Blackbond and Jandurin, not so much for qzsjr3262. Also, try not to name yourself after DBZ characters if possible.

My username is memorable, but I can guarantee no one's going to get it right.

2: The avatar and sig. As unique as possible. At the very least, easy to spot in a thread. Bright and colorful helps. Don't change it that often if ever, especially if you get compliments on it.

3: The posting style. One of the most important things to have is a unique style. It can be as simple as a different font, or it can be something truly memorable, like yo_foo's crying smiley or nasos33333 putting one word in CAPS in every sentence.

4: Choose your side. What is more likely to be said?

"Hey, remember that Tsug_Ze_Wind guy? Now that guy was a sheep."

"Hey remember that manticore guy? Now that guy was unbiased and fair."

You'll not get anywhere unless you let people know right away if you're friend or foe. (Unless you're gingerdivid, of course.)

5: Finally, do something BIG. You've got what it takes to be a legend, now what you need is something legendary to do. You could go down in self-ownage history, like Wok7 or Twinblade, or you could become a hero to some, like Natural_Mystic or subrosian. Or, you could even be the next Ace. :o

However, and this is important, don't try too hard. Otherwise you'll either have people looking at you confused, or you'll just be laughed at, and not in the history-making way.

Of course, there's other ways to be remembered. Post on Gamespot for years, be an all-around good poster, all that boring stuff. But let's face it, those people aren't going to be who comes to mind when you think of "legendary poster." And really, why would you want to be anything less?

Feel free to comment.

SW Shout-Out #8

Last week was a veteran troll we all know and love. This week, the new sheep on the block, who needs some more respect, and perhaps some coffee.


Flock is known for both his interesting posting style...and his controversial topics...that despite the ludicrous theories behind them...are for the most part well thought-out and logical....he's probably the only one I've seen who could make a thread about gameplay being overrated or Blizzard not being a quality dev and not be laughed out of SW....but as a sheep he hasn't gotten much respect....In fact it seems like he gets the least respect from us...we tend to reject the more aggressive sheep when we should respect them more....

What do I have to say about FlockofSpagheti? Keep the posting style....keep making topics...and eventually you'll get more credit....and...perhaps...end...a...sentence...


Calling All M:TG Players That Are Aware of My Blog!

Oh no, it's technically no longer Friday! I have failed! :cry:

...Anyway, I want to see how many people (that are aware of my blog >_>) play or used to play Magic: the Gathering. How many years have you played, what type of decks do/did you like, do/did you play casually or seriously, etc. I know at least two of you did. :P

I've played for five years, though I took a two-year break from the game, so, um, more accurately, five years have passed since I started playing. Anyway, ever since I started, I've had a green/black deck based around counters (of the +1/+1 variety). As anyone who has played seriously could probably guess by now, I play casually. :P However, I'm looking into tournaments. I've built a lot of decks, and I don't see myself stopping any time soon.

What say you, Magic-playing people?

After Metroid: Looking up for Sheep, Looking Down for SW

Two days ago, us sheep experienced a huge flop. MP3 got 8.5, and the usual insanity commenced. The Big Three is now The Other Two.

However, I think something softened the blow for us. Sure, some opposing fanboys had their fun, but most were...worried. Worried that Gamespot was truly cracking down to keep their image, and their game would be next. For once, everyone felt the sting of the flop. We are now all in a state of paranoia.

So now, we've almost been left of the hook and left alone to recover. This would normally be great, but we are as worried as everyone else. What does this mean for System Wars, when we can predict that nothing but the absolute greatest games of all time will get AAA? Bad things. Less hype, more realistic approaches to anticipation of Gamespot's review.

Now, all we can do is wait for Halo 3, as it has become the game that will decide the future of System Wars.

Feel free to comment.

SW Shout-Out #7

Last week was Willy. This week is surprisingly, not Willy.


If you don't know, you know him. SW's resident gaming historian, gingerdivid has the most prolific trolling record of any not-banned poster.

He's baited for a long time, and people still bump his threads to 1000 posts. He's able to still bait so many people because, unlike other trolls who stick with a side and get boring eventually,Gdiv's flamebait thrives on confusion. Is he a cow troll? Is he a sheep troll? Is he a non-troll sheep? Is he a non-troll cow? Is he....a lemming of some sort?

No matter what side he's on, his threads are always funny, and while he doesn't have a single "OMGWTFLOL" quote like Twinblade's "Einstein and Hitler he has plenty of memorable moments. From his most famous "gaming historian" to the battle to figure out his age, to the thread where he praised all the Zelda games until he got to TP, then trashed it to hell.

He's one of the few trolls that has earned respect from some veteran posters. He's also one of the few trolls that has earned the hatred of some veteran posters. Which I find pretty hilarious, myself. :lol:

Gdiv's been laying low for a bit, but I sense he's waiting. Waiting for the Big Three. Waiting for Halo. a cow.

Rant About Music These Days #6193

Okay, so we all know that this music today blah blah what happened to quality blah blah guitar solos.

But I can't for the life of me figure this out; Why do music videos suck so much?

You'd think that would be what increases in quality as the quality of the actual music goes down, like turning it into a visual medium to imprint the faces of these pop stars, doing something very interesting and cool instead of having to rely on (god forbid) their sound, on people's minds?

No. Even that's too hard apparently, because in a video the singer or whoever the main focus is is either standing around singing, standing around not singing, or doing something random that has nothing to do with anything. No shiny, cool, or edgy visual, just their boring selves. Does that mean....people are buying their albums not because they're hypnotized and brainwashed, butbecause of the music???

And it seems every video is a variation of this ever-so-popular "stand around doing nothing" formula. Look, they're standing around doing nothing in different places! Look, many instances of that guy being boring that's I guess supposed to tell a story or something! Look, they suddenly broke out into an awkward-looking dance!

I have to give props where they're due, though. Lots of sex, scantily clad women, and...scantily clad women. They at least know that much about attracting people's attention. Hey, look what's driving yet another industry!

PC System Wars Status

PC counts for exclusive games. If your sneakers could play Mass Effect, it wouldn't be 360 exclusive.

PC does not count for total AAA games, unless you only count those released in the competing console's lifetime.

PC does not count for sales, unless hermits can provide evidence that X PC's were bought specifically for gaming.

PC does not count for company status, as the PC is not a Microsoft system. ;)

It seems to me that the PC's importance in System Wars is still questionable.

What say you, people?

SW Shout-Out #6

Up until now, I was deleting my blog posts so that I could keep my Fanboy Guide up, but seeing as I haven't updated it in ages, I think I'll let it sink now.

In other news, I Feel Asleep. When I first joined and saw someone of this level, I thought that person was the God of the Internets. Those were the days....(no, they weren't really the days.)

Also, for anyone that hasn't yet, place a bet in SystemWars Bets. If you lose, I'll be PMing you reminding you of your phail. That's reason enough to do it!

Oh yeh. Shout-Out thingy. down there.


Last week I spoke of t3h m0dz....and got modded the same day. Coincidence....or conspiracy?

This week is someone seemingly completely unrelated to CaseyWegner. :| (seriously, I couldn't think of anything to connect them.)


You might know Willy as the poster who does SW the service of making threads about random Wii games in a strange advertising format. Coincidence...or conspiracy? :P Theories of stealth marketing aside, Willy is one of the more well-known and easily recognized sheep.

You might also know him from his infamous "art of Satan" quote. But actually, I think he's really the only one that could say something like that and not have it come back and bite him. Watch yourself Willy, you could've easily ended up like Wok7.

Willy also took over the SW Comic, and has done a great job with it. The production values could go up a bit, but hey.

What do I have to say about Willy105? Keep doing your thing, man. A very unique style is a great thing to have in SW. Just...don't go overboard and claim that mature games are the work of Satan again.

[F33L FR33 T0 C0MM3NT]

Three Red Lights Scare

So, I was playing my 360 yesterday, after cursing out my printer for breaking on me right when I needed to use it. :x, and I get...

The three red lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I figure, someone must hate me, because that's just how my week had been going. So, I turn it off and walk away, damning technology,but as I drop my controller, it hits the home button and turns it back on....and it seems to work. So, today I tried again,played on it for two hours and nothing happened.

So, do the Three Red Lights not automatically spell doom? Or was it just a preview of Hell to come?