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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

Enough With "Just Wait!"

I was suspended for the day of Monday (teh stickies demand dominance :P), so posting a Shout-Out on Monday would have been quite difficult. And I don't post Shout-Outs on Tuesdays. :|

Or, the reason could be that I expected Dewy's Adventure to be reviewed by now, and I also expected it to get less than A after some things that have happened (ahem), so I could write about how awesome I suck. After it wasn't reviewed I may have had nothing else on my mind to write about.

I'd say the former is more believeable.

Either way, I'm going to Feel Asleep!! for a looong time at this rate.


The post title might have had you thinking I was gonna take it to the cows hard. No lemmings, this is for you.

It seems every day when I come to SW, there's at least one topic criticizing the cows for their "just wait" strategy. Lemmings believe that when the time that cows are waiting for finally comes, it will be far too late, all the while the PS3 remains expensive, not worthwhile, and disappointing, further damaging the Playstation image. All of this I agree with, I even made an anti-just wait slogan that got sig-quoted. I'm not against you guys here.

But why do you have to repeat it every single day, every single time a cow tries to make a point? It's officially a stale argument, losing its relevance and becoming a go-to cookie-cutter bashing statement. That may sound harsh, but do you guys realize you look desperate clinging to that argument?

But it's still true! Yes, it is. I said I agreed with you, but think about it this way: Cows are conceding this year and putting their hopes into '08. Some cows have said that outright. So why pursue an injuredenemy if you're so confident that they'll never become a threat to you? My strategist side says you should focus on the growing threat that is the sheep and our arguments.

Of course, my sheep side says you should all roll over and die. :P

But the cows are using stale arguments too! "Three red lights?" Do you want to stoop to their level? I don't know about you guys, but over here on Sheep Planet, we try to be the better fanboys when possible.

You're just sticking up for them because sheep are waiting too! The difference? Our games are coming out very soon, the Wii is leading in sales and has no problem with image, and we keep quiet about it for the most part.

Lemmings, I reiterate, you are in the right here. But when you're warring against an empty field, someone's gotta eventually wonder what the hell's going on. So the next time you want to call out a waiting cow, just think about it first.

Tsug Ze Wind is Back in Business.

I had some problems with Xbox Live a while back, and seeing how I wasn't too addicted to Halo 2 anymore, I never fixed those problems. So, I wasn't on Live for a loooong time.

So when I saw that those problems didn't magically fix themselves when I got Halo 3, you could imagine my shock. So, I finally fixed it and I'm now back on Live. And my connection hasn't even been that bad!

If you run into Tsug Ze Wind, feel free to say hi. Of course, I won't reply, as I've lost my headset. So I'll say it in advance...hi.

Also, if you end up against Lord Tamarin (if I can ever get that account a membership - #$%& complicated one problem after another technology), expect an easy win - he'll be my little brother. Don't worry, he also lacks a headset.

After Halo: Little Impact, But It's Still A Mess.

Sunday, Sept. 23. SW gathers 'round the stickied threads, awaiting the chaos that would arrive the second it was posted. After hours of waiting, hours of anticipation, it was unveiled....9.5.

A happy ending for lemmings, but for the rest of us, not so much. Gamespot showed us that they weren't just toughening up and becoming "the hard reviewers," they were going to review based on who they haven't yet disgusted and driven off the site. That would be the lemmings, and in the end, GS didn't have the grapes to be "the hard reviewers."

You can tell when a review is made for its fanbase. The controversial topics are not touched, the common series criticisms are either praised or dispelled, and the only negatives found are nitpicky details that are admittedly nitpicky, in a jokingly sort of "yeah that kind of sucks, but who cares?" kind of way. Unprofessional. More than enough for claims to be made. I still won't make any, instead I'll just say that this is yet another example of why Gamespot are some of the worst reviewers around.

People always praise Gamespot for not falling for the hype, when they did just that, and made it clear.

However, this review has surprisingly little effect on SW. Halo got what was expected, lemming have another AAA as expected, and aside from having to hear the stories of its awesomeness for the next few months, really, nothing will change.

And so, the apocalyptic explosion was really a minor boom, and SW is already practically back to normal - minus a few hundred lemmings who will be playing Halo for the next few months. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to join them.

Feel free to comment.

SW Shout-Out #11

Last week, I looked back on Shout-Outs 1-9, and talked about Dualshockin's less sane past. This week's poster you might not have known until recently. He likes watching people suffer. And Prince.


You may know him as "The Bookie." I may know him as "Boss" - but I may not. :twisted: He's the creator of that there SystemWars Bets thread I've been yapping about, and since then he's gotten many more friends...and enemies.

*dun dun duuuun*

The thread has grown far bigger than any of us could have imagined, and I must say, he's done a great job of keeping it (mostly) under control. But it hasn't been easy. People have laughed at his system, people have complained over the miniscule details of their bet, he got accused of being on a power trip, a rules nazi a...kbpLMAO2. Now, I tried looking that last one up in the dictionary, no luck.

He gets almost as much criticism as a mod. That would be enough to drive any unexpecting poster insane (and it has - have you seenhis latest poll? :P). So quit giving him flak, SWB haters. Or the mob's going to hafta bust some 'caps.

What do I have to say about Mr. Tony SWprano? No one else could be a better bossman. Also, we totally need a union. Ooh! Or an Xbox Live clan! An Xbox Live Clan would be awesome. So, about that rule change...

Screw It. No, Wait...

You know what's great about Metroid Prime 3? Everything - the controls, the levels, the boss battles, even teh gr4ph1x. By the end of the gen, it's going to be seen as one of the best titles you can find on this gen's consoles.

So why can't I beat it?

I'm not stuck on anything, nor am I even bored with the game. But any time I would want to play it, I want to play something else more. And that something is always....A multiplayer game.

I'm so addicted to those games that I can't even get myself to play a single-player game, no matter how good the game is. So, I'm not going to try anymore. Maybe I'll come back to those games eventually and beat them, but for now it just isn't gonna happen. I've got too many games to look forward to to look back on incomplete games.

So that settles it: No more single-player games.

Wait, no, I don't want that either. I have no problem playing through Mario games and the like without interest being diverted. (A good thing too, 'cause I'm as hyped for Galaxy as ever.) But in general, multiplayer games hold my attention for eons longer then any single-player game. I'm a multiplayer guy (but not really an online guy). And I only have so much time for gaming.

But acceptance of this means that I won't play some of the best games of this gen. That also sucks.

Hmmm.....perhaps I could buy the great single-player games anyway to see if they do keep my attention? But then, if they don't, I've wasted money. Except not really, because they're still great games in my possession that I'll play eventually.

You know what, I think I will do that. Oh, wait....that means nothing's changed.

Thank you for wasting your time. Feel free to comment.

Go Anarchy!

The people of SW had spoken. And then, the people of SW actually had spoken. It has been decided in this threadthat there will be no official system to decide the winner of the System Wars. Free debate has triumphed!

Now, I'd like to look back on how I saw this whole ordeal.

It all started with a seemingly random sticky that came at a suspiscious time, right when the Wii passed the 360 in sales, and on Labor Day weekend. I took it as just a survey to see what SW thought at first. When I saw that a decision was going to be made based on the majority opinion, I felt like sheep were getting cornered, so I voted for sales originally to back our side. When the obvious decision was made, I dismissed it as something we'd all forget. Then I saw it being used for the rest of the day. Debate in SW was halted by people saying "oh well, this thread doesn't matter, lolz the rule." Basically trolling, but backed by a moderator who joined them.

The second sticky was made to decide how to implement this new decision. Since the other thread was nowhere in sight, I went in and criticized this whole mess and the moderator behind it. Casey was there, and arguing against me. Then some GUFU arrived, and we had him cornered. He responded by deleting all of our posts to get the thread "back on-topic," and moderating us for participating in a debate he was part of. I was disgusted.

Later, I tried again, posting in the thread he told us to go to to "complain about losing." I got few responses, none of which from Casey, and the thread sunk.

I accidentally clicked on his profile once, and saw that he wasn't taking this well. I left a comment. It got rated -4 quickly, a lot of people were on his side.

That sticky was a mess for the next few days. Half the comments were deleted, and finally, Casey truly snapped, telling us to "leave him the **** alone." I went back to his blog and commented again, and this time I was suspended for a day - the mod way of saying "get out of my face."

It was clear that nothing was going to change his mind, so all I could do was hope that SW had some common sense somewhere.

While I was gone, something happened. The second sticky was taken down, and there was a new poll. Apparently people had pointed out a genuine flaw in the former poll that not even Casey could ignore, and so the whole plan started againfrom scratch. Cake created the poll linked above with the third option, and that option won by a landslide. And all was well.

Now what? Hopefully SW will never try to tame itself again. Hopefully Casey can lighten up about the issue and rebuild his respect, 'cause I do like the guy normally. And hopefully, this story will act as a sign that SW isn't just a pit of nothing, there actually is some interesting stuff down here.


SW Shout-Out #10

That's right, #10. Woot, a milestone!

Before I begin, I'd like to take the obligatory look back on the last nine Shout-Outs.

I started the Shout-Outs because...well, I didn't know what else to do with my blog. I began with the controversial jedigemini, trying to explain to my fellow sheep that he isn't a bad guy, and we should back him up more often. Unfortunately, no one realized my blog existed yet.

However, they sure would when I did my next Shout-Out, criticizing subrosian. My mistake was putting a response to a post about GUFU in the post, and what ended up happening was a GUFU debate and not focusing on the Shout-Out itself. Still, it got the most replies of any Shout-Out yet, legit or not.

In #3, I scolded my fellow sheep for betting against tree-branch, no matter how safe the bet was. Then, I found out he was banned anyway. Oops. Well, now that MP3's been reviewed, we won the bet! Woo!

In my next Shout-Out, I talked about the mysterious "strange power" of the-very-best. He may disagree that it exists, but I know it to be true! :P

#5 is the first Shout-Out that I didn't delete. It was to CaseyWegner, and as you can see, I didn't really have too many criticisms against him. Five weeks later, I have quite a few more. :lol:

The next week, I did a Shout-Out to my man Willy105, where I applauded his unique style while hoping that "mature games" never came up in a discussion again.

#7 was a reminiscence of gingerdivid's wacky exploits. The time and place have been set for a true epic, in a week we'll see what tha G's got planned for Halo 3!

By #8, it was once again time to campaign to get some respect for an underrated sheep, this time it was FlockofSpagheti. Though I was unsuccessful in that regard, it seemed to remind people of jedigemini. Hmm...

Finally, last week I spoke of the unrelenting sarcasm of DaysAirlines, and pondered the thought of someone in SW who was neither serious nor trolling. I soon dismissed the idea as "poppycock." :P

Phew! And I still have an actual Shout-Out to write! Here we go, #10.


You may know Dualshockin as one of the big cows in SW. Sony's famous controller is his name, defending Sony is his game. Clearly not one to hide behind a false label, he lets you know right away what he's all about.

Or does he?

Y'see, while Dualshockin might be a mild-mannered cow nowadays, my memories of him paint a picture of a far different poster. I remember him turning a Jack Thompson lawsuit thread into a lemming-bashing thread. I remember his sig, a collection of Playstation successes and opposition flops, all with flammatory commentary. I remember him enraging any lemming or sheep in his presence. Yes, Dualshockin used to be a full-fledged, 599 U.S. dollar troll!

So, why is he different now? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe he got moderated one too many times. Maybe he found that the PS3 is growing out of its "laughing-stock" phase, and now wants to join his fellow cows in the defense.

Or maybe, he's waiting to surprise us all...with its return. :twisted:

No More Procrastination! For Now.

I just realized it was Friday an hour ago. At least I have an excuse this time: I was suspended for Thursday. It's like that day just didn't happen...didn't happen...didn't happen...*echo, etc.*

Aaaaaanyway, after a long time doing what I do best, I've decided to make tomorrow (today) the day to head to Gamestop (stop...not spot. Stop, not spot...see spot run. See stop...crap.). That's right, tomorrow. Why am I putting this in my blog? Because you're about to see the procrastinating champion set a deadline and meet it. It will be a phenomenon (haw, I used it in all this week's blogs, cookie plz), the likes of which the world has never seen. Scientists try to solve the context, philosophers are wondering what's next, etc.*

* - Or, it could be that I couldn't think of anything else.

So, if I don't do this tomorrow (today), I will be humiliated. On mah blog. Mah blog! It'll clearly be a must-see event! And if I do in fact meet the deadline, I may decide not to procrastinate anymore sometime in the future maybe a bit later!

Feel free to intend to comment tomorrow, and if not then, the next day. Really.

This just in....*drum roll* it is teh success! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play MP3 for the rest of the day. Remember kids, procrastination doesn't pay.

The SW Bets Phenomenon

I've been spending most of my time on SW in this thread, and even I'm just amazed at its popularity. We have hundreds of bets, some from the most unlikely people, we have a lot of posters eager to help us, and even the people that struggled or failed to complete their bets want to try some more. It's easy to see why there's interest, the thread has all the makings of a hit TV series. It's fun and exciting, with some drama and suspense, and you can relate to the characters involved. (Hello, my adoring fans. :P)

But its massive popularity has taken us all by surprise. Clearly, it's more than just a goofy thread. So what makes SW Bets the place to be(t)? Is it the rush you get from being right and saving yourself from humiliation? Is it the competition, racing to top the craziest bet and get on the Hall of Fame? Is it the laid-back, semi-off-topicness reminiscent of the old SW that you want to be a part of? Or is it all of those things, wrapped up in a thread powerful enough to give some of SW hope?

I'm proud to be a part of this thread, and I think it'll stay around for a long time.

Next week I'll talk about something I've noticed, that could be changing SW.

SW Shout-Out #9

Last week, Spagheti was on the menu. This week, it's not. WHAT IS GOING ON AT THIS RESTAURANT?!


In SW, there's debate, there's trolling, and then there's DaysAirlines. His postings have been a mystery to us for a long time. Does he come from a parallel universe? Does he live in a perpetual Opposite Day? Or does he just really like sarcasm? Whatever the case, his usual posting style involves saying the opposite of truth, usually PS3-related, because lord knows that's a difficult target. Hey, look what I just did.

What's interesting is that he's basically trolling, but he's not. He doesn't seem like he's trying to bait anyone, and when someone questions a post of his, someone will always say "Oh, that's just DaysAirlines." What is this strange phenomenon?

Could this be an undiscovered third type of poster? Someone not intending to best someone with logic or lack thereof? Someone who can leave weaknesses in their logic and have them filled by a strange culturalforce? A "jokester" in System Wars?

My brain, it melts. Feel free to comment.