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Tsug_Ze_Wind Blog

Enril, You're A Disgrace To Wind Spirits.

LostWinds spoilers ahead.




Good? Mmkay. I know it's a short game, but just in case.

Okay, Enril, you may think you're all that, but for a wind spirit, the most powerful and handsome spirits around, you're no big deal. As I've been whipping up cyclones like a Smoothie King blender since you were in air diapers, leave it to Tsug to explain how you fail.

First off, what wind spirit worth their salt needs to martyr themselves to start a tiny tornado? Was that all the power you had? Really? Link's Gale Boomerang could do better, and that thing sucks. No wonder you have to help a fat kid hop and break through barriers a normal-sized meatbag could just squeeze through.

Not only that, but you can't even do that right until you find those shrine thingies. And what's the deal with your gust only being able to lift the fat kid twice? Seriously? Your vortex sucks just as much. You can't break crystal thingies with boulders? You can't kill those leafy bird thingies in one hit? You can't spin the fat kid?

Your Slipstream is alright, but the best thing to use with it is the Jumbrella Cape - The fat kid needs a cape to glide? Where's the wind spirit at?

So maybe you're one of those wise-type wind spirits. Oh wait, I can hear a breeze passing through your head. "We have to go to the Old Mines!" Really? We're IN the Old Mines. "We have to defeat Magmok!" No ****? Help the kid out, for God's sake!

Enril, LostWinds is the place for the wind spirits to shine! You're giving us all a bad name here! Sure, the game would be too easy with say, me, there, but at least I wouldn't be stuck on that stupid boss because your wind powers are so damn incompetent!

I can only hope you improve greatly from here, and that in LostWinds 2, you won't need to use fruit to break a barrier. I swear to God...

-Tsug, the Superior Wind Spirit

I Still Exist...I Just Don't Exist As Much.

So, I'm not going to leave. SW Monthly went fine, we got ourselves an SSBB union to replace the giant SW thread, and all is at least okay.

Thing is though, SW's just really bored right now. The two stickies for MGS4 and GTA4 seem to be the hotspot, but the rest of SW is just crippled. "Is PC dying", "Is the 360 dying", "Is the PSP not dead"...these threads are always there, but they rarely completely cover the first page. We really just want something to happen, it seems.

I guess we'll have to see if E3 gives us anything to talk about. At the very least, we can talk about how lame it is now. As for me, I'll still be posting every once in a while, I guess.

Tsug out.

Status on Leaving

So I stayed around for a while to chat about Brawl (I almost left without getting ANY of your FCs!). Now the thread was unstickied, and it'll probably sink soon. So, what's next?

I'm mad that I can't even have a banner in my sig that mentions SW Bets. In fact, that'll probably affect my decision more than anything else, because it reminds me of how stupid all of this is. We spent 8 months on that thread and I'm not going to just pretend it never existed like GS wants me to. That might end up being my ultimatum - let me at least have that, or I'm out. To deny me that is stupid.

SW House Cup will have to prove itself to me. The only reason it's even on my radar is because Willy's got a part in it. If it proves to be more than "SW Bets Lite," I may hop onboard.

I did do an article for SW Monthly instead of my Weather Report. I just hope it doesn't get everyone in trouble.

So, my actual, um, status on staying or going? Still undecided. The rest of this month will have to play out, and by then I'll probably have made my decision. Also, don't expect me to be blogging as much. The Fanbios are on hold ATM.

Tsug out.





Why am I here?

I'm not back. But I haven't left. I'm I'm here because I couldn't stop lurking, and I was curious to see the Brawl review. But I don't even care about it now that there's no bets to be resolved. It doesn't make sense.

Have I forgiven Gamespot? Hell no. I've got plenty I still want to say on the SW Bets issue. Maybe that's the problem.

Let's get it all out.

The argument against us is that it's not Gamespot's fault, it's the anti-gambling law. Never mind that it took Gamespot to judge our silly thread as "gambling," and failed to talk with us about it, maybe about changing the thread to be less like their gambling definition. They removed our union and all of our past bets forever, and deleted all of our sigs, including my non-SW Bets related sig that I don't have a copy of. Then, they warned us not to speak of this atrocious action against our silly thread, lest we face suspension.

Now, Duxup posted in rocktimusprime's blog saying that our anger is misdirected towards people that are working with us. This doesn't look like that at all. Deleting all the banners, silencing us with threats of moderation? How was that just acting with the "law?" How was that not sweeping it under the rug? If they care, (hint: they don't, and I don't expect them to) they have a funny way of showing it.

Gamespot would rather we leave. We've caused them too much trouble, and we're, what, 7-8 users out of thousands? Get out of here already. My feelings are mutual, Gamespot. I'd love to distance myself and this site, but yet I'm here.





Because you're here.

If it wasn't for you guys, the community, I would have left a long time ago. I'm sure many of us feel the same, in fact, I'd bet that the community is the sole reason for half the users to stay on Gamespot. The problem with this is that Gamespot doesn't have to change or improve at all, because we'll still be here, the masochistic community.

Gamespot needs to learn that the community's all they've got left, and they need to treat us better. Who's with me here?

At any rate, I'd never be content with leaving without you guys knowing where I end up. And since I have no place to go right now, I guess I'll be here. Not back, not leaving.

There's one last thing I want to talk about. I saw that subrosian and Willy are working on a project called the SW House Cup, where posters guess review scores, and earn points that go towards their group. It's a great itself. But it'll just never be the same as SW Bets. So I can't fully put my support behind it. But good luck, ande I'm sorry if you wanted to keep it secret.

So Much For Judgment Day. I'm Out Of Here.

SW Bets was locked, our union was deleted, and now we're going to be moderated for mention of the word "bets," or having the banners in our sigs. Way to go Gamespot. Way to keep the community around.

I might have left SW forever if SSBB got AA, because of a bet of my own. But, I would have said goodbye to my friends, I would have stuck around my unions for a bit, and I would have said my farewells in SW Monthly. Now, I'm just leaving, angry and confused.

This blog will be moderated. Whether I'll be banned or not I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. Gamespot is trying to sweep all of this under the rug. At any rate, I'll be posting this again, on a different site, and I'll be spreading the word on how Gamespot has stooped to this level against a completely harmless and much-loved part of the community.

I don't expect anyone to follow me, my ego isn't quite that big. To most of you though, hopefully this is another reason to think about the site. If you're keeping track as I am, those reasons should be piling high right about now.

So, goodbye my fellow sheep, hopefully our jargon and culture, products of the community, don't have to be restricted to this site.

Goodbye to the legion of FRGU, all two of you. I don't know how to make one of you leader, but eh. Whatever.

Goodbye to all of my friends, I hope you guys remember me at least a bit.

Sorry to Willy and SW Monthly for not doing my final Weather Report, but I don't want to get you guys in trouble. Just remember, you can't mourn the passing of SW Bets, have anything related to SW Bets, or say the word "Bets."

Lastly but not leastly, goodbye to the underappreciated SW community, and know that there actually is a community underneath the bloodlust.

What do you expect now, a porn suicide? No thanks. Gamespot already killed themselves. At least I'll be classy about it.

Tsug out.

Fanbios: Week 10

The week before Judgment Day. Will this Fanbio update be my last? Find out next time, on...TEH SYSTEM WARS.



AdobeArtist (denies) - AdobeArtist is the resident sig-maker artist, of SW. Anti-fanboy before it was cool, Adobe would be ticked if he saw that I filed him as a lemming, so of course I had to do it. Recently won the Iron 'Shop contest against Willy105 to decide the SW Artist.

DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Fuzzy_Munch (uncertain) - Fuzzy_Munch is the latest of a line of posters with posting styles strikingly similar to that of the banned nasos_33333. Usually seen as the OP of multiple first-page threads talking about 360 RPGs. His status amongst fellow lemmings is unknown.

Jethrovegas (uncertain) - Jethrovegas is known for his awesomely strange and unique threads that he makes every once in while. He also writes for SW Monthly. Formerly an anti-sheep.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Saolin323 (uncertain) - Saolin323 is the biggest Fable 2 fanboy in SW. He makes many threads about the game that are all very similar. Popular amongst opponents, he has been called out more than once.

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Apart from some apparently....interesting OT, Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.

yo_foo (accepts) - Known for his signature smiley in his avatar and at the end of each of his posts, yo_foo is one of the biggest and most memorable trolls in SW. After a rumor spread that he died in a car accident, he came back, and was worshipped as a god by at least one poster.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti was known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either.

SuperMario_46 (accepts) - SuperMario_46 is one of the larger sheep in SW. He also frequents SystemWars Bets, and is the leader of the Anime Gaming Trust union. Quite attractive amongst donkeys.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. Tsug is also the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.

Vandalvideo (accepts) - Vandalvideo is one of the most well-known hermits in SW. He's usually found in large PC debates, and is recognized by his signature "Misconception."



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts), but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Tomarlyn (?) - Formerly a rarely-seen manticore in SW, Tomarlyn, known by the Futurama avatars and sigs, became one of SW's most-seen anti-sheep after the Wii's launch. Forming an argument usually from personal experience, Tomarlyn attempts the "betrayed gamer" persona, and comments in seemingly every anti-Wii thread.

Ganon42 (accepted) - Formerly one of the biggest anti-sheep in SW. While most anti-sheep focus on one issue, ganon42 attacked the sheep on everything, from kiddy games to rehashes to gimmicks to non-gamers. He recently porn suicided, presumably because of Gerstmanngate.



Blackbond (?) - Known by his sig/avatar, his tell-it-like-it-is threads, and his defense of Madden, Blackbond claims and portays a decent manticore, but is still, it seems, the eternal enemy of the cows.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.

Tman93 (uncertain) - Tman93 is the Capo Soldati, or Soldier Boss, in SystemWars Bets. He and his associates dig up whether you're following through on your bets or not, and the info goes straight to the rest of the Bets crew. He can also break your legs over the internets is need be, so don't be cheating. Formerly a cow in SW, he defends the underdog of each period.


My 360's Basically Busted.

Yeah, it's the RROD. But wait, it's not. It's the looming specter of "maybe," the unsuccumbing deathbed, the speed bump to hell. Not one, not three, but two red lights.

With the two red light problem, I can play my 360. For a bit. Then, it'll shut down. If I clean it, it works for a bit longer, but still eventually gets the Two Red Lights of Injury.

With Halo, I can play, maybe, one Matchmaking BTB game. More on a good day. But I'll still turn it off long before I want to, because I fear that it'll crash, and I'll lose ranking for the dastardly act of quitting.

Okay, so send it in. But wait, won't they just give me a refurb anyway? The same problem may happen again, and I'll be back to square one. Plus, there's something iffy about shipping away my hard-earned data in a coffin. Plus, I can still play the thing. I'm a procrastinator, damnit!

Well, I guess I'll wing it for now. Clean it when I feel like playing, play in moderation, all that crap. If you see me on Halo and I quit in the middle of a game, well, now you know why.

Stupid thing.




Did I mention my Wii runs perfectly? ;)

Fanbios: Week 9

Don't got much time, so just fixing Adobe's bio to include Iron 'Shop results.



AdobeArtist (denies) - AdobeArtist is the resident sig-maker artist, of SW. Anti-fanboy before it was cool, Adobe would be ticked if he saw that I filed him as a lemming, so of course I had to do it. Recently won the Iron 'Shop contest against Willy105 to decide the SW Artist.

DaysAirlines (uncertain) - In SW, DaysAirlines is a lemming who seems to have created his own brand of sarcasm, the likes of which is rarely seen in SW, not identified as fakeboying or trolling, and defended by veteran posters. This does, however, make him the target of new posters from all sides. To any new posters: Don't do that.

Fuzzy_Munch (uncertain) - Fuzzy_Munch is the latest of a line of posters with posting styles strikingly similar to that of the banned nasos_33333. Usually seen as the OP of multiple first-page threads talking about 360 RPGs. His status amongst fellow lemmings is unknown.

Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...

Tree-branch (uncertain) - Apart from some apparently....interesting OT, Tree-branch was a well-known troll in SW, at least for a while. He had a Rouge the Bat avatar, and although succeeding at flamebait, not very many memorable topics or moments. Most known for his bet that MP3 would get below 7.5, he challenged sheep to it and got quite a few. Before the MP3 review came, he was already banned.



Dualshockin (accepts) - Dualshockin is one of the most well-known cows in SW. What most people don't know is that he used to be one of the biggest trolls in SW, with more than a few sig-quotes and memorable moments. Now he prefers to keep the bait in his controversial signatures, and debate as an actual cow.

The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.

yo_foo (accepts) - Known for his signature smiley in his avatar and at the end of each of his posts, yo_foo is one of the biggest and most memorable trolls in SW. After a rumor spread that he died in a car accident, he came back, and was worshipped as a god by at least one poster.



FlockofSpagheti (uncertain) - FlockofSpagheti was known for his controversial topics and his posting style that looked like he was drifting off after every sentence. He became a well-known sheep pretty quickly, bringing a big-list of Wii games to anti-Wii threads. and creating more than a few pro-Wii threads of his own. Nowadays, he's never seen in SW.

Jedigemini (uncertain) - Jedigemini is perhaps the most aggressive sheep in SW, creating topic after topic of sales charts and bashing the opposition. Because of his non-sheeplike approach, he isn't popular with his fellow sheep, and isn't well-liked by the opposition either.

SuperMario_46 (accepts) - SuperMario_46 is one of the larger sheep in SW. He also frequents SystemWars Bets, and is the leader of the Anime Gaming Trust union. Quite attractive amongst donkeys.

Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. Tsug is also the best poster on System Wars.

Willy105 (uncertain) - Willy105 is the official hype man of the sheep, creating grand hype threads that even get compliments from the opposition. After the banning of its creator, Willy also took over the SW Comic. He is creating a game based on System Wars, and his new project is an SW monthly magazine. Pro-Diddy Kong, anti-violence.



CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.



Subrosian (accepts) - Subrosian is one of the most respected posters in SW. Tends to be long-winded but writes excellently. Was fiercely anti-Nintendo at one point (his thread "Good-Bye Nintendo", posted after E3, got 1,000 posts), but now he seems to have a different attitude. He recently created the "Avant-Game" union, after leaving GUFU.



Tomarlyn (?) - Formerly a rarely-seen manticore in SW, Tomarlyn, known by the Futurama avatars and sigs, became one of SW's most-seen anti-sheep after the Wii's launch. Forming an argument usually from personal experience, Tomarlyn attempts the "betrayed gamer" persona, and comments in seemingly every anti-Wii thread.

Ganon42 (accepted) - Formerly one of the biggest anti-sheep in SW. While most anti-sheep focus on one issue, ganon42 attacked the sheep on everything, from kiddy games to rehashes to gimmicks to non-gamers. He recently porn suicided, presumably because of Gerstmanngate.



Blackbond (?) - Known by his sig/avatar, his tell-it-like-it-is threads, and his defense of Madden, Blackbond claims and portays a decent manticore, but is still, it seems, the eternal enemy of the cows.



Gingerdivid (accepts?) - Known as "The Chameleon Troll" (actually he isn't known by that at all, I just completely made that up, but it sounds cool), gingerdivid is the most prolific and well-known troll in SW. Known to switch sides at any time, Gdiv is most memorable as a cow, with many hilarious threads and sig-quotes. Currently a hermit, he claims to have turned over a new leaf. Oh, we will see.

Tman93 (uncertain) - Tman93 is the Capo Soldati, or Soldier Boss, in SystemWars Bets. He and his associates dig up whether you're following through on your bets or not, and the info goes straight to the rest of the Bets crew. He can also break your legs over the internets is need be, so don't be cheating. Formerly a cow in SW, he defends the underdog of each period.
