As a owner of both systems here is my view...
Firstly, don't let this RROD unreliability cloud your judgement, within the first few months of owning my PS3 the laser stopped working - its easy to get caught up and think that the PS3 is 100% reliable, but in reality NOTHING is.
When I called Sony Support about the problem, I was issued an immediate replacement the next day - absolutley fantastic service, beats Microsofts stupid 30 day fix/replace procedure... so despite the dissapointment with the broken laser I was really happy that it got sorted really quickly.
RROD - My first xbox console has probably been returned 3 times, its just a ticking time-bomb every time it comes back... eventually I decided to get a new one with the JASPER chipset, and my oh my is it soo much cooler than my old 360, stability has vastly improved, provided you get a JASPER chipset you reliability is greatly improved!
Initially I bought my PS3 for blu-ray, I couldn't care less about its games, the library didnt interest me at all back then, all my games were on the 360.
Eventually I started to resent buying the PS3, I started thinking... does it really have all this power, is it really 'that' amazing? We all know that most dev's did a rubbish job on the multi-platform games, most came out better on 360....
and then.... I bought MGS4, WOW........ what a beautiful game..... I loved every second of it and it made me realise just how much of a beast the PS3 truly is, there was one part (a cutscene) where Snake was wearing a head mask that I had originally attached whilst playing.... but the custscene just looked like pure pre-rendered CGI, but it couldn't be because of the mask that I could see on his face.... at that point I could see the potenital of the PS3, games like Uncharted only futher prove this point.
So, is the PS3 worth the extra money? ..... the PS3 is no slouch, when they say its powerful they are right but it all comes down to software... I think its getting a lot better but I honestly think the 360 wins when its comes to the game library.
Don't forget that with the PS3 you also get wireless etc thrown in and free online play - even though in my OPINION xbox live gold is far superior but at a cost.
The 360 will always be tarred with his RROD syndrome, but these days (especially with the newer models) it really isn't that bad anymore.
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