I liked the series, but I feel it has ran its course, not to mention the series never sold terribly well in the west. Nothing worse than a series being sequeled to death.
Uloset's forum posts
Metroid Prime, I enjoyed all 3 games and never got the feeling that the trilogy was slipping.
Streets of Rage 2
Though I enjoyed FF7 and Halo 2's OST was awesome as well
Gran Turismo is the biggest seller so that.APiranhaAteMyVa
Exactly, since Sony has entered the industry the GT series has dominated in sales for every single system they've released. It is also a universally popular subject as people enjoy automotive racing all over the world. Where as most of the other franchises mentioned are subject to cultural bias and don't sell well in all regions.
SOR especially 2 I've played that game continuously for the last 20 years and am still not tired of it.
That is not saying that Final Fight was bad at all, I still give it a play once and awhile. I'll also give credit to the Arcade version as it was a graphical marvel back in 89'. Final Fight was the game that really showed what the CP System hardware was capable of.
Crystalis NES
Crystalis was awesome. there was a game boy color revival for it too if you did not know.
Never really played the GBC version though I'm not sure I could get over the changes for nostalgic reasons.
Crystalis NES
Since so many of us are on the DLC kick a great example of bull is the Speed Test Course Pack for Grand Turismo 5. This is a pure example of greed, there was a track to test top speed, 1/4 mile etc... in GT 1,2,3 & 4, but now they want me to pay $3.99 for one and it comes out more than a year after the initial game is released. LOL Sony yea I'll be "purchasing" that DLC reaallllll soooon.
I also agree with too much resources going into multilayer. I have no problem with mp modes in games, but don't gimp my sp experience for them.
DLC's the industry can suck it only difference now is I just wait for the GOTY ed or something similar if the DLC are anything I am even interested in. Either way they are losing money on me because I've pretty much stopped buying games near their release date. Unfortunately they are making money hand over fist on DLC's. I just feel bad for someone who is so dumb they'd pay 15 bucks for a COD map pack filled with a bunch of levels made on the same game engine a year earlier.
ah, i dont have any lag or anything, i just want to know how much Bandwith im actualy using, so i can avoid the next "Cap" from AT&Tgreendude123
I just meant it in the sense that it could be using much at all if a 1mbps connection works fine. If I was using all of my 1mbps down-path and .5 up that would only work out to be roughly 8.5MB a minute. Really though it is probably using half if not less of my connection speed more like 3-4 MB per minute. Play for six hours straight at that rate and maybe you use a Gig.
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