Actually, contrary to popular belief, the art of using a hand fan or something to wave at yourself for comfort actually increases your body temperature because of the activity. Much like how a lot of portable fans excrete heat and "pretend" to cool you off.Try using a book as a fan.
Very effective
UnsaidWarning's forum posts
At this point wouldn't you only have something like 1-2 months left of the class? I mean why bother dropping out now you might as well finish it?GeForce2187I don't know really, it just seems like if I'm going to go and get an F, I may as well not go and get an F. See my reasoning?
Actually, I'm a film student. Its not really counting towards anything, I took it to kind of get better. Unfortunately I realized I don't care too much about school pacing.It depends... if you have any interest in music at all then stay in and work at it. If not, then you might want to drop out.
Your call.
A C actually hurts my GPA too, so that blows. The worst part is the final project is a really hard melody writing assignment, and I suck at it completely. I'm going to be REALLY pissed if I try and PHAIL.
So I'm pretty sure theres a good chance I am going to fail my Music Fundamentals class. I only dabble in Piano, but the writing of music is like Math to my brain and I'm way behind. It's too late to drop with a Withdrawal also, so I'd get an F if I stop going. I'm doing OK on tests and such, but have just recently been on a string of failures. And I'm behind on lab hours.
So should I just Bail out or attempt a 50% chance at getting a C?
I think FF7-10 all had some great storylines and plot twists, but it'd be hard to pick. Chrono Trigger also had a great storyline, like the above poster mentioned. And Xenogears was great... *Tries to stop himself before he hits that 20 list the TC mentioned*
But greatest storyline goes to Suikoden 2 by far though.
Yeah probably the ps2, it just has a really great selection because of it being able to play ps1 games, which still imo were some of the best generation of games.
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