though why are we rating demos when we can rate the games themselves
I must agree with you. I have rarely played a demo that had left me in awe, besides Bioshock! The World in Conflict demo was hands down one of the most memorable and fun experiences. The demo alone sold me on the game. Mass action, mass bombardments, and mass loss of life! There's no need for senseless structures, it's all drop 'em in Ivan's face! Hot War FTW!
I think it's a little off. Given that it is cheaper to purchase a 360 for mid ranged graphics compared to a mid range computer ranging to $CAD700 (Full Com) or you could easily upgrade to a fancy card!? Making it a CPU/GPU Boost $400? In either case, the 360 does trumkp mid range users being the bette rbang for your buck.
Don't get me wrong, I have a high-end rig, that supports DX10, and I'm loving every minute of it. One thing is for certain, 2K Boston/Irrational (Creators) Built the 360 version and that 2K Australia recoded it for the PC. Given the misdirection of talent, it's easy to see why the 360 version is better! It had the original team working on it, and extras working on sourcing it to the PC. So the argument can go either way!
I was wondering given that you're able to recarnate throught he Vita-chambers, given that it is available to everyone. What's stopping Andrew Ryan or Frank Fountaine from reviving themselves in an endless war in rapture. It' be like rolling a boulder up the hill for eternity! Eventually they'll run out of ways to kill each other, and perhaps hugs near the end?!
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