Ohh, so most of you guys are having problems then?
I suppose there's only one good thing to come of this - hopefully online sales for PSP games will go VERY cheap? Also, as PSP has never been my main console (as in every day of every year), and a console (portable) that I always come back to now and then, I am unaware of this NGP. What is it?
I knew I should have taken advantage of those cheapish games a few months back... you could get certain games in a deal of like 2 get 1 free or something, and it was about £15 I believe, there weren't many of those deals though.
I wish stores would make some more space, that way they could have some classics such as PS1 and more PSP's. They would probably sell very well (especially the PS1).
I wonder what stores do with the older games (PS1 and PSP for example) when they become outdated...
I wouldn't say I'm having problems getting my hand on PSP games, but if it's a fairly unknown title, I'll have a hard time coming across it months later since most stores only order 2-4 of them. And wouldn't the online prices go higher if the games are becoming harder to find. I can understand games that are fairly common, but a niche game, like ZHP, would just go up in price.
The NGP (Nintendo Got Pwned) is the PSP2 (it's a temporary name that Sony is using, don't know why they're not just calling it PSP2), with a vague release of before the holiday season of 2011. So far, it looks awesome and is being said to be the PS3 on the go. Dual analogs, HD screen, memory stick format games, a 3G model and a non-3G model (unconfirmed for NA), and killer hardware make it shaping up to be a great successor to the PSP. The only major detail that's still unknown is the price, though it's rumoured around the $300-400 mark.
From my understanding, it's not worth it for stores to keep games older than last gen (so I still expect PSP games to be at most gamestores). As to what they do with them, I've been told that they're all stores send them to a sigle store in the area where they're liquidated (sold for really cheap). Don't know what they do with the ones they don't sell. Recycle?
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