Or maybe I actually took in multiple sources and opinions and correlated that with my experience (ie. empirical evidence) from other games in the series, noting what the notable changes to the formula were and formed an educated opinion based on the data made available to me.
@dexda: It might help, but if you compare Sniper Wolf's death scene in MGS vs Twin Snakes, the version with the static flat faces is infinitely more impactful.
A low poly model won't kill a good performance, but a high poly model won't save a bad one.
Emotion doesn't come from polygon count. It comes from performances. Better tech doesn't guarantee a better performance; It only means a slightly prettier one.
@daniel_meigh: Yeah, I mean the main goal of the Enclave is to reverse centuries of genetic damage and fix the human race. Arguably, they are making an actual effort to save humanity (albeit with bioweapons), which is considerably more than the brotherhood of steel can say for itself, which is just a militant tech cult.
The lack of real good guys makes Fallout a great setting. You really just have choice between bad and less bad.
To be fair, Snake Plisken's name was used in MGS 2 and Snake Plisken was also, y'know, an expert in infiltration who was tasked with rescuing hostages within a 24 hour deadline.
You'd have to be a real idiot not to see the considerable similarities between MGS and Escape from New York.
@face76: It is not my habit to keep looking for reviews until I find the one the confirms my pre-formed opinion on the matter. That is precisely what I am criticizing.
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