I want tickets to that show. TAKE MY MONEY. TAKE ALL OF IT.
I would also like to submit my CV to replace the director, as clearly, the closing line ought to have been "O! I am slain!" That and the blocking. Seb blocked out Martin half way through and just NEVER LOOKED BACK.You gentlemen, are AAACTOOOOOOOORS, the stage demands it of you!
I wouldn't say Chell is a "human being", or an example of a good character design. Mostly because I have no idea what kind of person Chell actually is. There are hints of her past, but beyond that... Who is Chell? She's Gordon Freeman, without a cast to impress their ideas of who "you" are onto the character. That said, Gordon has as much personality as his crowbar. All we objectively know about either character is they didn't roll over and die when they were under threat, and both can be said to have some amount of ingenuity. At least with Gordon we know his background. Chell is literally a non-character.
I can't help but feel, as I wrote in a blog post about the PS4, that this graphical arms race is really ... stupid. So much time and money is being invested in better graphics, which seems to be resulting in higher game budgets and shorter games. If these new consoles are really supposed to be so powerful, why not use that power to create systems within games that support deep, dynamic and engaging gameplay? Why are we instead creating art assets which require entire teams to make a chair that convincingly fits within this world?
@diabolik_023 I'd like to say that this community doesn't come out with the volume of ridiculous nonsense required to keep Feedbackula going on a daily basis, but sadly... I don't honestly believe that.
@xhawk27 @Tripwolf What are you doing reading a release on the final DLC of a game that came out a year ago, if you haven't played it yet? Better yet, why are you reading the comments? I get why you'd be upset over that, but... it's a valid point. It's why I haven't bought any of the ME3 DLC. I don't see the point. It's a closed story. Adding to it feels artificial and pointless.
@loafofgame @Verenti I suppose that actually makes sense. That man is made by his mantras, so to speak. If one thinks that the ultimate truth of life is bleak and despairing, I suppose I can understand why it might be insurmountable. Destiny is a funny thing. Thanks, I suppose.
@loafofgame see, I don't get that either. I tend to try to push through physical injury and illness. After a day of lying in bed, I am so frustrated with my impotence that I force mysel to get up, to buy oranges, to go for a walk. Likewise, when I messed up my ankle bad at fencing. The next day, I got up and pulled myself across town on foot to make sure I didn't miss a class, which was about a 30m walk, drawn out to about an hour. These things are obsticles. Again, not meaning to be insulting, but when faced with these sorts of problems, I see them as an insult to me, like someone heckling me to say that I don't have the willpower to overcome something because it will cause pain. Isn't pain there to break us, so we can be reforged stronger?
I mean, my brother suffered from depression in high school, so let me reiterate, that I genuinely don't understand this. I stayed up to three am, putting in job applications, for which I certainly won't get. I've been doing this for a couple months now, and it's just a world of constant rejection. There are days I just want to say **** it and just quit, but I end up redoubling my efforts, and putting in another five applications that day. I soldier on despite the last thing in the world I want to do write another stupid cover letter. But there isn't any other way forward, so I do. I do so with a bravado, because I know eventually someone will be dumb enough to think hiring me is a good idea. I keep throwing myself at this stone wall, for which I don't even get so much as a polite no thank you. Is that despair that goes with constant rejection not mental? This is what I don't get. I try and try to overcome my obsticles, mental, physical, social and otherwise, with no rational reason to keep trying except "It has to work out in the end". Why is it so unconquerable?
I've had what I've characterised as "intense ennui", but it is nothing like this. Which is strangely comforting. Mine is more like... Sherlock Holmes, and "my mind rebels at stagnation". When I'm doing something, especially when I have interest, it feels like I have more energy that the sun, and I could work days straight, and when I don't, then the world is a wretched place.
I think it was interesting, but I don't get it. I don't get how people can't just push through something. I don't mean this to offend anyone, but from my perspective, we often have things we don't want to do. I mean, things we fear to do. Really dread. But the only way past that is to charge through and soldier on.
I mean, in certain ways I've had emotions that I would normally associate with depression, but they aren't the ones expressed here, like wanting to sit in a dark room and gorge on sadness. To play merose music, sit in my arm chair and howl with pain and quote Poe with a degree of venom and bile usually reseved for ex-lovers. Because by diving into that dispair, I know the storm will break and the day after I won't have any emotion left to be sad, so I can go out and get some fresh air, and smell the flowers.
Verenti's comments