You guys should visit the Steam Forums and learn how to tweak this game up. After I tweaked/quick fixed Dead Island, I've been very happy with the results.
1. You can tweak the video.ini file.
2. Remove the stamina hud
3. Remove flashlight hud
4. Remove pose indicator hud
5. Remove crosshair
6. Up the shader to 5
7. Up the FX Quality to 4
8. Disable Bloom
9. Disable Blur
10. Get rid of stutter, fps lag from Keyboard input lag (this still hasn't been address by the developer)
11. Increase shadowmapsize
12. Enable Vsync
13. Postprocess
14. Increase shadows and texture quality
And many more. I can tell you guys with 100% confidence that the game not only looks so much better but it plays better without the huds. I've never liked the hud styl.e of Dead Island because it breaks the immersion. And you'll be glad to know that this will not cause VAC-ban. It has already been confirmed by Techland on Twitter.
This game is a total clusterF'up, poorly done port. Most of these things should of been properly implemented or fixed in the final PC version for such a near AAA game like this. If this was $20 budget or indie game I could understand but it isn't.
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