Not sure at all what this game is about. The setting and visuals are interesting but how is the actual gameplay? Lots of consolitus? Just an average shooter?
Impressive but it looks console-ish with large hud, reticule and low fov. I bet they do like The Witcher 2 and release this a several months later on console.
BS2 is good fun for sure. Only reason its not as good as BS1 to me is because I've 'seen' the environment already. Still nice to play and revisit the awesome world of Rapture. Lots of atmosphere in this game which I really like in shooters.
Same here. Keep the console trash on a console. I play PC to have PC games. Multiplatform is bad enough and I hate it and wish it would die. There needs to be MORE separation between 360 and PC, not less.
Two Worlds 2 is a fun good game but has heavy consolitus in the UI. If you don't have Risen, get that first. When you finish Risen hopefully TW2 will be $12 and more worth it.
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