@IAMTYLERDURDEN @hiverious Obviously he's full of crap, too. What is all this about having a big budget and sucking? Have they never heard of Call of Duty? RE6's budget doesn't look that big.
@hiverious @fog90 I'm not saying The Raid is bad, I think pure action movies are good but I don't prefer them. But when it comes to games, I only care about gameplay, unless I'm playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
@jtrory @SoraOfKingdom Yeah I played all three and it stopped being an RPG after Mass Effect 1, when they got rid of the whole inventory system. What exactly do you think an RPG is? You level up and put points into powers, that is all Mass Effect has to do with RPGs.
@jtrory @SoraOfKingdom Haha did you even play Mass Effect 3? It's an hour of pointless talking and no RPG elements at all separating mindless shootouts with extremely bad AI. Then the co-op mode is pure shooter with no faux-RPG elements at all. What else would you call it?
@IAMTYLERDURDEN @fog90 RE6 isn't perfect but neither will Dishonored be, you are making a lot of bold assumptions about it. It is always nice to see a not-sequel come out, I guess, but plenty of non-sequels have sucked harder than RE6.
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