[QUOTE="VoxteX"]they aren't secret:
De Blob - http://www.fun-motion.com/physics-games/de-blob/ THE GAME IS FREE ON PC GO DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW
Mushroom men - WTF?
FF:CC cyrstal bearers - Crystal Chronicles has never scored above 8.0 nice try
ToS 2 - Very good game.
Fatal frame 4- Fatal Frame is an A (7.0) franchise, 8.0 if it gets lucky
Fragile - Looks bad from videos, could be decent.
Deadly Creatures - WTF?
Rygar - is this a remake? the original wasn't very good, 7.0 game.
SimCity Creator - another sim city...
Tenchu 4 - no Tenchu has ever scored well
Rune Factory - WTF?
Kore - WTF?
Sky crawlers - WTF?
So that was probably the worst list of games I've ever seen.
wow, okay.. where to start.
Mega Man 9 is not a remake. It's going back to the NES ****of graphics and focusing on smart level design and gameplay. It's ****c mega man action.
De Blob look's promising
Mushroom Men look's promising.
Oh no, FF CC did not get above a 8.0, so fail? yeah, okay.
FF is a good franchise, 7.0 does not mean fail -- look under the 7.0 rating its a "GOOD"
Fragile has promise
sky crawlers looks promising.
Little King's Story will be Wii game of 2008.
I don't agree with that whole list, but most Wii game's show promise, no one knows where they will end up going. Also, the list should never be compared to PS3/360 because it never will have as big named IP's as the other two. What it does have is a lot of games PS3/360 owners will never see like Little King's Story.
Thanks for that post. You are the only rational poster in this entire thread. I agree with you completely.
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