Still playing? I didn't know anyone played it to begin with.
Vundi's forum posts
Killer Instinct Gold for the N64 came in a limited number of gold cartridges. I got one of those when they came out. :)
But if you're felling frisky, you can always hang on to it and melee the bad guys with it! :)
I'm not going to argue this point with you because I always try to respect oither people's opinions but it really doesn't make a lot of sense to say that games which haven't even been released yet are garbage. There's no way anyone can know that. COD2...pretty good. :)No and I'll tell you why, all present and futureCoD games are garbage except for 2.
Games don't really scare me anymore. Back in the day though, Resident Evil 2 scared the crap out of me. Even now when I pop it in for old times sake it still gets me in certain spots.
Yeah, I blasted him in the head a time or two as well. Had me pulling my hair out.I didn't find it that hard to be honest, it was just the hostage at the end i was stuck on weirdly enough:evil:.
I feel that great story arcs should end but great characters should persist. Take the Avatar cartoon for example. That cartoon was fantastic but you new pretty early on that the story was going to come to a definite end and when it eventually did so I was very pleased with it as a whole. However, I think it would be great to see the same characters in a new story. I feel the same way about certain video games. Halo and Gears of War are perfect examples. I don't think anything would be wrong with letteing the stories wrap up and be done with only to later on thrust the same characters in to a whole different story direction. As long as it's done well, I don't see any reason a good franchise can't last for a great deal of time.
I am. It's not the Mile High Club I wish I was in, but I'll have to live with it. :)kfjl
Ya know...the "other" mile high club just doesn't seen like it would be as much fun and probably equally as frustrating to attempt. Haha!
Beat the epilogue mission on veteran difficulty. It's a pain.Seeing how I had it on PC, achievements don't apply. What exactly did you have to do for it on the xbox version?
i recently got married 10 months ago.
Here here. I'm about to go down that path in a few months myself. Finding time to game will be a bit more challenging but I'll still game as often as possible. Well, congratulations to you too then! Best of luck with everything!
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