The game is well made with good RPG/Political Sim/RTS/Action/Strategy elements, combined into a pretty neat package :)
I've played it through on Hard(est) difficulty and I enjoyed it.
The characters and the voice acting is very good, atmospheric and sucked me right into the game.
Playing the game feels alot like playing TW series, with a risk board for world map, and old school CnC tactical battles, the difference being the whole morph into a dragon (wiw a guddam jetpack!) during the RTS battles and assist your troops with bad breath and different spells.
With that said, TW games are better at the Strategy and RTS parts (no games beat them really imo, except maybe CIV/CK II with the strategy part), but Dragon commander has the added layer with RPG parts, where you level up your dragon and units (research points spend on the upgrading) as well as managing the empire through dialogues with your generals and ambassadors.
All in all, I think the game was very fun and very different from other games I have played before. That it's placed in the divinity universe is a big plus as well, as I love the atmosphere and depth of lore it provides and I hope the story line in Dragon Commander will be connected to their (Larian, self publicing studio) next scheduled release (Original Sin (RPG)).
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