1) HoN is by FAR the fastest paced of the 4.... its not even close ... I can't grasp how you came to that conclusion.... maybe because LoL's map is smaller you get to people faster or something? thats about as credible as it gets.
2) Player Skill Orientated????? ASHES friggin arrow is much bigger than Miranas as a quick example they are about equal in the department .... infact skill shots can be more devastating on HoN/DoTA again its like if ive entered a vortex where a LoL fan warps the reality around him.
3) Custimization with in-game effect is a BAD thing ..... it disturbs character balance, ultimately its just an excuse to keep you grinding ..... and the trade off is that the ingame earned items as you played are alot less varied and have less effects than the compeitiont.
Things like having friggin blink on every character is just dumb .....
honestly .... HoN is by far the fastest paced of this bunch .......
1) gameplay wise I would say it's about the same, the ranked matches usually starts out with invasion/defending jungles etc. But if you take the waiting time for getting a game going into consideration, lol is the fastest in my experience.
2) The size of Ashe's arrow, was not what I meant with player skill oriented - just the fact, that some skills needs to be aimed by the player, which means, that a good player will hit with a skill shot based skill more often than an unskilled player - not to say there is no skill shots in dota, dota 2 or hon.
3) imo the customization leads to a much wider range of character builds and strategies, which is good in my book. This way - a ranked team can strategize on how to build their team, which adds another layer to the gameplay. It's not disturbing character balance per say, as everyone have/can get access to the customization - the only difference being, how "good" you are at mixing your summoner spells, talent tree and item tree, which means a well prepared team, with a good tactic/strategy, have a bigger chance of winning, than an unprepared team - ofc. if you don't like thinking too much about the game your playing, this could be seen as a con.
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