@staticdash22 I think it was more Joel couldn't stand to lose Ellie once he viewed as a daughter more then a person and that ties into one of the other scenes when Ellie says everyone she knows has left her, so Joel doesn't want to add his name to that list.
@VenkmanPHD @FKlepackiFTW When it talks about him growing the install base and bringing a huge number of players online to Xbox Live all I can think is 'BS, you 're taking credit for everything Halo 1 and Halo 2 accomplished, and I seriously doubt you developed those games'
It almost looked like a DBZ take on Super Smash Bros... Which is a game Sony should be prepping as a launch title for the PS4, they'd make a friggen killing off that.
@NinjaCoopa Tell me about it, they told us DA:O would be a successor to Baldur's Gate 2, which I replayed a few months before Origin's release, big mistake, it just made Origin's seem lackluster by comparison.
No backwards compatibility? No problem, so long as Snake is still voiced by Hayter, they can recycle the dialogue even but they better not screw with that!
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