100 Million? On the control? Does it make bacon sandwiches during long load times and game installs, because if it doesn't that money was not invested well
I'll buy a deluxe Wii U when new Zelda and Metroid games are released, if I want to play Wind Waker my old Gamecube still works, just need to clean the dust of it. Zelda was never about fancy graphics, it was always more then that, essentially why it's always been a great series. Why should I or anyone care about a HD re-release
Considering how BG2 Throne of Bhaal pretty much ended the series story arch there'd be almost no need for a sequel continuing the storyline. I'd rather see a spiritual sequel that pays tribute to the original strengths and gameplay styles of the series rather then trying to force the story forwards
@BG_Guru Those console games were a joke, overly simplified silly combat, no charecter development, lame plot... It was like fan fiction from a bunch of kids whose sole inspiration was a trailer for the Hobbit film.
CoD was only a finalist, and it was the original Modern Warfare, I'm cool with that, even though I still think Skyrim isn't quite as great as so many claim. The overall list is great, the two good Bioshocks, Unharted 2, Last of Us and MGS4 were all amazing.
@corrus @CrusaderForever Would love to see them tackle a new next gen IP that combines Uncharted's crazy action set pieces with the mature story telling of Last of Us, but anything that could good will be a while off, these guys won't rush quality
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