TC:HK was stale after a few hours, the combat felt like a 'decent at best, headache at worst' clone of the Arkham games' combat system. JC2 was freaking awesome, GTA needs a grapple hook mod
Really hope Naughty Dog crank out UC4 as their first PS4 game and then once they're more familiar with the hardware/software go all out on a new IP or Last of Us game. Hell, whatever they do on next gen is gonna be amazing.
Great video Danny; it seems like in the past 12 months you've single handily raised the bar for what people should expect in terms of quality of gaming journalism. Always interesting, rightfulness and just the right amount of humour, well played!
Not scared to call to it like it is, but can anyone really review a game this big this soon from release? It almost needs a re-review a month or so down the road
Excellent video Danny, a great message that should be heard by plenty of people, not just gamers. In a few months we'll come back from our 'holiday" and there'll be all sorts of nonsense in the media about GTAV being a mind-corrupting, murder enticing mayhem brain washing thing... Those who don't get to visit the game world properly will have a skewed perspective on what it actually is. Like you said so perfectly, it's not about the shooting... it's about the world and the adventure. Well said mate.
A lot of the changes (big areas where enemies aren't auto-scaled for example) reminds me of the classic Baldur's Gate gameplay, if they can bring that style to DA3 with the Frostbite engine running I'll get this on day one, or at least week one after I get the internet's opinion
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