@Dream-on-stereo @RogueDiplodocus Better name, seriously? But I guess 'bone' is a good name for a console that nearly died following it's first big E3 conference
MS actually gave the best possible response when asked about NG. Trying to recreate the culture of another studio would be a terrible idea and result in some unoriginal, shallow, poor quality games
Danny you sum it up perfectly, Nintendo need to balance their old with something new and approach their software with new deas instead of trying to re-create the console concept with each new generation. If they release a new Zelda game and a new Metroid FPS (I got a GC just for TP and MP) I'll pick up a WiiU, but I'd do so much sooner with a bold new IP as well. Even Sony and MS had the brains to release Uncharted and Gears with their new consoles last gen and look how well those franchises have done
There is absolutely no need for a HD re-release of RE4 but that doesn't change the fact that RE4 is one of the best action/survival horror games ever made. It's one of the best entries in the entire (and convoluted) series and knew to use QTEs sparingly, had great set piece events and generally did almost everything right. So even though this is a redundant release, I'm still kind of keen
BG2, an RPG with the size of skyrim, the challenge of dark souls, addictive nature of diablo and an amazing blend of story and characters that wasn't mired in a rubbish ending (Mass Effect?) That's how I desribed this game to a friend who loves RPGs but had never heard of BG, he genuinely thought I was making stuff up and that there was no way a game from 10+ years ago had all that
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