@Dannystaples14 Smart TVs already do that stuff, hell I can stream video content via the youtube app on a PS3 or X360 already, why MS made TV a huge part of the Xbone I'll never know. As for not buying a season pass, I agree with you 100% never going to get one!
@xsonicchaos @Keivz_basic Seriously think it's staying previous gen. I heard Rockstar planned to make it their last big game on those platforms before shifting their efforts into new next gen projects that would see PC releases come more frequently because the xbone and PS4 are basically PCs.
@Martyr77 "Keep gamers entertained between big game launches" Pretty sure gamers should be playing their games in between launches and not needing distractions from linear entertainment.
@skipper847 They've been showing footage from all the different builds I heard. Initially PC (since everything gets developed there first) and then the various console versions more recently.
@MICHAELKNIGHT2K Considering the success of TLOU and the current lack of PS4 games this will probably make money. And how many PC gamers really want to spend their cash on a previous generation console port?
@Sevenizz Crafting System and upgrades, different enemy types, online mode. And everything you described can be found in MGS1, doesnt mean SC stole it, just shows gameplay needs to be build on a foundation that can only be altered in so many ways. What gets built on the foundation of course can be very different each and every time.
Some exec at Sony is pleased by this news, they know it just got slightly easier to sell their Morpheus VR headset now
Based on this article I'm willing to keep an open mind, the VR looks amazing, it could be the thing that truly reinstates PC gaming as the 'master race' ever since the majority of devs embraced multi-platform launches there hasn't been the same number of high quality PC exclusives that pushed gaming (2004, Far Cry, Doom 3 and Half Life 2, all would end up on consoles but they were showing what the future was going to be really, a great year)
O.R. hasn't lost any potential it's just on a different road to it's ultimate destination now
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