I can't recall hearing about any dedicated chips for those things like what Xbox One has. If there isn't any the resources will have to come from somewhere else like the CPU and/or GPU.
Wickerman777's forum posts
[QUOTE="Evo_nine"][QUOTE="Kaz_Son"]No you are for hyping shit like Ryse.Kaz_SonYou mean the shit with better character models? what does that make killzone? lol

You guys are so silly, lol. Both of those games look EQUALLY good. Whether or not they'll be any fun is another matter.
Getting a kick out of all the Rage insults in here. It wasn't game of the year material by any stretch but it wasn't shit either.
His words are being taken out of context, inflated to mean more than was intended. He was talking about the architectures being similar more than anything else.
Carmack said he hadn't done any performance testing of them. And as far as any other developers that might say the same thing they'd obviously have to be brown-nosers. There's no way 12 Southern Islands CUs performs the same as 18 of them. None.
Entire list.
#100 - XIII
#99 - Black
#98 - Tron 2.0
#97 - SiN
#96 - Halo: Reach
#95 - Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
#94 - Red Faction 2
#93 - Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
#92 - Crysis 2
#91 - Heretic
#90 - Battlefield 3
#89 - Doom 3
#88 - Unreal Tournament
#87 - Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force
#86 - STALKER: Call of Pripyat
#85 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
#84 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
#83 - Aliens vs. Predator (PC)
#82 - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
#81 - Counterstrike: Source
#80 - Tribes: Ascend
#79 - Timespliters: Future Perfect
#78 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
#77 - Crysis 3
#76 - Blacklight Retribution
#75 - Red Steel 2
#74 - Clive Barker's Undying
#73 - Hexen
#72 - Red Orchestra 2
#71 - Red Faction
#70 - Kill Zone 3
#69 - Rainbow Six: Vegas
#68 - Halo 3
#67 - Borderlands
#66 - Bulletstorm
#65 - Far Cry 2
#64 - Prey
#63 - Singularity
#62 - The Darkness
#61 - Soldier of Fortune 2
#60 - Timesplitters 2
#59 - Rise of the Triad
#58 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
#57 - Halo 3: ODST
#56 - Painkiller
#55 - Perfect Dark
#54 - Marathon
#53 - Metro 2033
#52 - No One Lives Forever
#51 - Serious Sam
#50 - Quake
#49 - Doom 2
#48 - Unreal
#47 - Call of Duty 2
#46 - Halo 4
#45 - Left 4 Dead 2
#44 - Call of Duty: Black Ops
#43 - Borderlands 2
#42 - Battlefield: Bad Company 2
#41 - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
#40 - Aliens vs. Predator (Jaguar)
#39 - Far Cry
#38 - Rainbow Six 3
#37 - Star Trek: Elite Force II
#36 - Star Wars: Republic Commando
#35 - System Shock 2
#34 - SWAT 4
#33 - Far Cry 3
#32 - Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
#31 - Bioshock Infinite
#30 - PlanetSide 2
#29 - Star Wars: Dark Forces
#28 - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
#27 - The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
#26 - F.E.A.R.
#25 - Crysis
#24 - Left 4 Dead
#23 - Battlefield 2
#22 - Tribes 2
#21 - Duke Nukem 3D
#20 - Medal of Honor
#19 - Ghost Recon
#18 - Team Fortress 2
#17 - Quake III
#16 - Unreal Tournament
#15 - Rainbow 6
#14 - Deus Ex
#13 - Battlefield 1942
#12 - Metroid Prime
#11 - Wolfenstein 3D
#10 - Quake II
#9 - Counter-Strike
#8 - BioShock
#7 - Halo 2
#6 - GoldenEye
#5 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#4 - Halo: Combat Evolved
#3 - Half-Life 2
#2 - Doom
#1 - Half-Life
As is the case with any top 100 about anything there's plenty I don't agree with.
[QUOTE="Wickerman777"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] The are not AAA average either, rat boy. :lol: And lol state of decay, budget downloadable game that going to pc.Murderstyle75
So Halo isn't AAA anymore? It's only one of the top selling gaming franchises on the planet! The scores have been dropping but that's just been because of the fatigue factor. Had Halo 4 came out of nowhere, had there not been all the other Halo games preceeding it, it would have scored much higher than it did. Damn, I'm pretty much sold on getting a PS4 cuz MS screwed up Xbox One so bad but I am always gonna despise Sony fanboys. The shit you guys say is way, Way, WAY beyond absurd. Halo sucks, Gears sucks, Forza sucks ... give me a break you trolls. You guys mindlessly slam anything on Xbox and at the same time mindlessly praise anything on Playstation. All this hype for Driveclub has been especially hilarious. It's totally unproven but that doesn't stop y'all from going on and on about it the same way you did Lair all those years ago while at the same time bashing games that have proven track records solely because they aren't on your platform.
And at the same time you can despise Xbox fans for praising Halo, Gears and Forza as the greatest games ever. For one, PGR was way better than Forza and even introduced the cockpit view first. But unfortunatly cosmetic bells & whistles like custom paint win over performance. Secondly, Epics Unreal Championship 2 was far more fun and innovating than their very repetitive a Gears of War and scored much higher numbers on most websites. Gears wins the hype war though. And while Halo has always been solid, its a pretty simple game. Probably easier than COD. I mean I can not play Halo for 6 months, pop the disc in one day and still maintain a positive k/d in almost every game. There isn't much depth to Halos multiplayer and almost all customizations are purely cosmetic.Halo is simplistic. You'll never see me deny that. But that's its beauty! It has never been a game that strives for realism like a COD or Battlefield. It's pure arcadey fun. Anybody that tries to tell me it isn't fun is gonna lose credibility with me instantly.
[QUOTE="XboxStache"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] Many lemming are doing this now. How can defend 360 when last place and last AAA average exclusive was 2 year ago.Mr-KutaragiHalo 4 and State of Decay weren't 2 years ago, udder boy. The are not AAA average either, rat boy. :lol: And lol state of decay, budget downloadable game that going to pc.
So Halo isn't AAA anymore? It's only one of the top selling gaming franchises on the planet! The scores have been dropping but that's just been because of the fatigue factor. Had Halo 4 came out of nowhere, had there not been all the other Halo games preceeding it, it would have scored much higher than it did. Damn, I'm pretty much sold on getting a PS4 cuz MS screwed up Xbox One so bad but I am always gonna despise Sony fanboys. The shit you guys say is way, Way, WAY beyond absurd. Halo sucks, Gears sucks, Forza sucks ... give me a break you trolls. You guys mindlessly slam anything on Xbox and at the same time mindlessly praise anything on Playstation. All this hype for Driveclub has been especially hilarious. It's totally unproven but that doesn't stop y'all from going on and on about it the same way you did Lair all those years ago while at the same time bashing games that have proven track records solely because they aren't on your platform. I mean, you guys are the only group of fanboys I know of that frequently make gifs and avatars out of your CEOs like you think they are gods. Truly sad.
Meh, a console could be shaped like a turd for all I care. The innards are what matter and that's where Microsoft really screwed up.
I don't deny it's difficult but the point was it is possible and in the coming years we'll probably be seeing it in something. If memory serves me correctly (And it may not be) I think the presentation had one layer packed with ESRAM, another layer was the APU, and the final layer was a dGPU. So yeah, this misterxmedia is full of it but he is basing his bs on real tech.
Oh yes it is i am sure but i don't think now is possible or that it can be such a high end GPU,something smaller Wii U like.
Well yeah, his 5 tflops claim is completely insane. That's part of what makes his claims so easy to dismiss (Among about 407 other reasons). I think that if and when APUs like this become a reality the dGPU part of it probably won't be that robust.
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