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#1 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts



OK, I totally agree with you that the dGPU claim is false. It's totally made up. I think the guy is just having fun with people. However, I don't agree with you that it's ridiculous to stack a dGPU on top (Or under, whatever) of an APU. There was a presentation at Hot Chips saying that APUs that are 3 wafers thick is the future of APU tech.



ESRAM+CPU+GPU alone are giving MS hell of problems,a DGPU staked on top of that is out of this world maybe in 8 10 years,stacked memory is basically new tech that hasn't been set free because of been on its infansy,the Ps4 APU is basically the strongest AMD has build,and hans't give as much problems because sony did not chose to fit audio,DME,ESRAM inisde it,so if you told me the PS4 APU had a 600SP GPU staked i say it could be possible in 3 or 4 years,but a 2000Sp GPU that is way bigger than 7870.

Not only that the cost would be stronomical.

I don't deny it's difficult but the point was it is possible and in the coming years we'll probably be seeing it in something. If memory serves me correctly (And it may not be) I think the presentation had one layer packed with ESRAM, another layer was the APU, and the final layer was a dGPU. So yeah, this misterxmedia is full of it but he is basing his bs on real tech.

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#2 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

The truth is out already. The console is completed. Impartial judges have had access to both pieces of hardware, and there is nothing in the devices that experts don't fully understand. The ps4 is the superior machine. End of story.GunSmith1_basic

Yeah, it's the devs that really kill all these secret sauce rumors for Xbox One. If there was any they'd know about it. We're just 2 months from launch and they say there isn't any ... so there isn't, sadly. :(

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#3 Wickerman777
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This Rumor has been floating around for awhile about a descrete GPU stacked in the APU.


Another site has stated that Albert Penello said it wasn't true.



If it is actually true we will know at the end of Sept. It possible there is something else going on that M$ isn't telling us. Whatever it is, we'll find out before the XBox One launches.



Post like this really make me laugh here we have an imotional invested lemming (who deny to be one) fiercely holding on to the theory of DGPU inside the xbox one and staked in the APU ..:lol::lol:

If you had even the smallest common sense you would not you would not even imply the words "if it is actually true"" dude WTF the so call DGPU was say to be more than 2000SP dude even alone stand alone i don't think TDP will allow for such a high end GPU to be inside the xbox one,let alone staked on a damn APU WTF this are not damn sandwitch that you put 4 slices of breath in your house,this is complex tech that even at PS4 levels and xbox one 1.31Tf are clomplex to make even without a DGPU.

MS know the interenet is full of moron who will believe any crap they say,this is the same company that is claming 1.7 > 1.6 such a pathetic margin they claim as victory and they some how will not claim as victory since day one a damn discrete GPU of 2000SP (more than the PS4 and xbox one GPU combined) come one dude stop been blind.


My god now i see who the sig running around in this threads really belongs to.

OK, I totally agree with you that the dGPU claim is false. It's totally made up. I think the guy is just having fun with people. However, I don't agree with you that it's ridiculous to stack a dGPU on top (Or under, whatever) of an APU. There was a presentation at Hot Chips saying that APUs that are 3 wafers thick is the future of APU tech.

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#4 Wickerman777
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The only thing I wish I could get a straight answer is about the CPU in X1. Nick Baker stated the CPU performs 6 operations per core, so 8 cores x 6 ops = 48 total operations.



Because he is a moron and got it wrong there is no Jaguar with 6 instructions per core,is 2 instruction per clock per core just like on PS4.

There is no secrete sauce hell MS Panello itself was saying 1.7 > 1.6 ghz don't you think if the had 6 instrcutions per core they would be saying it.?

Anything that MS isn't hyping is because is not there,oh and the speed of the PS4 CPU still remain unknown.

Considering how tiny the case is I very much doubt it'll be over 1.6 ghz. I've heard that's the optimum power level for that chip anyway. They really don't need to upclock cuz they designed their GPU so much better than MS did.

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#5 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

And here's your daily X1 vs PS4 performance thread. Let's see what tomorrow's thread will look like.


Yeah, it does get old saying the same stuff over and over and over again (And it amazes me that there's still some people that say they don't know which is more powerful. Are ya kidding me? It's been discussed to death!) but at the same time these threads tend to be the only ones I find to be much fun.

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#6 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"] Pennello dont know the half of it. He has to refer to people that know before he posts on GAF. He twisted his words also hinting that there is more. FoxbatAlpha

Lol, whatever. Really goes to show just how weak Xbox One is that people are clinging to any scrap of hope they can think of that the specs might be better cuz they just can't believe the official numbers. But the specs are accurate, sad as that is. So bad, in fact, that I'm gonna buy a Playstation for the first time since the original.

Wernt you on the whole second dGPU thing for a while? I have know idea what else they can be hiding and if this is all there is to the console, so be it.

Lol, I never believed that dGPU nonsense. I said it would be great if it were true but that there was no way it was true. There's a kzillion different ways that it makes no sense. I mean, look at that guy's site, lol. His writing and his so-called source's writing are exactly the same! It's glaringly obvious that he's having a conversation (And a badly spelled and punctuated one at that) with ... HIMSELF! And if MS was sitting on all this hidden power they'd tell you about it. Even if there was some kind of NDA they could still say they have an as-of-yet unrevealed chip in it that adds such-and-such amount of power. You just don't say exactly what it is or who makes it. They surely wouldn't stay 100% silent about it while these "Xbox One is weaker" threads and articles rage on the internet. And ... oh man, I could go on and on. Like I said, there's a kzillion reasons it makes no sense.

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#7 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]Sept. 29th. The truth is gonna hurt these cows to the point of mass suicide. There is gonna be a lot of wet pillows around this time. FoxbatAlpha

Penello has shot down every secret sauce rumor that's been out there. There's nothing left. 1.31 tflops is what it's going to be.

Pennello dont know the half of it. He has to refer to people that know before he posts on GAF. He twisted his words also hinting that there is more.

Lol, whatever. Really goes to show just how weak Xbox One is that people are clinging to any scrap of hope they can think of that the specs might be better cuz they just can't believe the official numbers. But the specs are accurate, sad as that is. The specs are bad enough that I'm gonna buy a Playstation for the first time since the original.

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#8 Wickerman777
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Sept. 29th. The truth is gonna hurt these cows to the point of mass suicide. There is gonna be a lot of wet pillows around this time. FoxbatAlpha

Penello has shot down every secret sauce rumor that's been out there. There's nothing left. 1.31 tflops is what it's going to be.

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#9 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="Sonysexual1"]The Xbone's inefficient architecture will allow only 50-65% of its theoretical power to be used.delta3074
How would you know? Yes i am sure MS went with hardware they can only use 65% of the power on *rolls eyes* If you are not a game developer then shut the hell up dude or provide evidence that a game developer has actually said that about the XB 1 I am pretty sure the Ps4 will be more powerful but i won't abide people pulling percentages out of there backside dude.

The percenatages don't come out of anyone's backside: 18 CUs vs 12 CUs = 40%-50% difference. Really couldn't be anymore simple.

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#10 Wickerman777
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Its pretty obvious that PS4 is by far the best bang for the buck... hell its been obvious since E3.



Tell that to the lemz, they still not believe it...:lol:

I just wish they'd fix that controller and ape MS's achievements system completely. Yeah, I get why the controller is the way it is. They don't want to piss in the Kool-Aid of long-time Playstation owners. But times have changed!!! The d-pad is barely used anymore. Makes no sense to me to give it such prized real estate on the pad. At least make a secondary design of the pad where you've got the d-pad and the left analog stick's positions swapped ... a v2 that can only be bought separately. That would make it much more attractive to me. As far as achievements and trophies go it's hard for me to even explain why I prefer MS's system. I just do. It's like asking someone why they prefer the color blue over green. They can't explain why. The trophies are already clearly influenced by MS's system. If you're gonna steal something don't half-ass it, do it all the way.