OK, I totally agree with you that the dGPU claim is false. It's totally made up. I think the guy is just having fun with people. However, I don't agree with you that it's ridiculous to stack a dGPU on top (Or under, whatever) of an APU. There was a presentation at Hot Chips saying that APUs that are 3 wafers thick is the future of APU tech.
ESRAM+CPU+GPU alone are giving MS hell of problems,a DGPU staked on top of that is out of this world maybe in 8 10 years,stacked memory is basically new tech that hasn't been set free because of been on its infansy,the Ps4 APU is basically the strongest AMD has build,and hans't give as much problems because sony did not chose to fit audio,DME,ESRAM inisde it,so if you told me the PS4 APU had a 600SP GPU staked i say it could be possible in 3 or 4 years,but a 2000Sp GPU that is way bigger than 7870.
Not only that the cost would be stronomical.
I don't deny it's difficult but the point was it is possible and in the coming years we'll probably be seeing it in something. If memory serves me correctly (And it may not be) I think the presentation had one layer packed with ESRAM, another layer was the APU, and the final layer was a dGPU. So yeah, this misterxmedia is full of it but he is basing his bs on real tech.
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