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#1 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Killzone looks good. But I like FPSs. The other two don't interest me.

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#2 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts


[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"] What are you going to do when the X1 actually is more powerful? How about you leave SW if it turns out that the X1 turns out to be more powerful? Sound good? Or should we keep you around to here you cry? Esfan13

I don't think it will get a GPU upgrade (The 53 mhz upclock is all it's getting) but if it did, especially if it became more powerful than PS4, I think we'd have to put tormentos on suicide watch.

The XBox One doesn't need a GPU upgrade. The extra GPU has been there all along. It wasn't just added.

If there's an extra one in there already how come none of the devs that have been working with it all this time know about it?

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#3 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"][QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"] Will you be mad if it does.FoxbatAlpha
im mad that it has a weak 768 shader processor GPU only... LOL thats what i am actually quite mad about

I know! Me too! Da fuq is that about?

I think just about every Xbox fan that knows the specs and has at least a little bit of understanding of them is asking that. I want to like the console but 1.3 tflops ... in late 2013?!!! Are ya kidding me? When did Nintendo take over MS?

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#4 Wickerman777
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Lets stop with the Xbox One GPU hate. Come on, yes PS 4 is a bit more powerful but when we compare XB1 and PS4 to Xbox 360, PS4 and WiiU.


So everyone should be happy that we finally will get true next gen console graphics with these systems.


Hmm, they really ain't true next-gen systems imo. 2.5 tflops would be next-gen.

Yes these consoles are designed for a 10 year life cycle. Somehow 1.3Tflops and 1.8 sound like they will be doing much 3-10 years from now

Well, here we are not even at launch yet and BF4 is gonna be scaled down for these consoles. That's freaking now! Imagine how far PC is gonna be ahead of them in a few years.

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#5 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Lets stop with the Xbox One GPU hate. Come on, yes PS 4 is a bit more powerful but when we compare XB1 and PS4 to Xbox 360, PS4 and WiiU.


So everyone should be happy that we finally will get true next gen console graphics with these systems.


Hmm, they really ain't true next-gen systems imo. 2.5 tflops would be next-gen.

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#6 Wickerman777
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Some of the devs are dropping hints. The comment made about "ONE of them will be more powerful. But can't say which ONE.".  

I'm a software developer -- not a game developer, but I have a friend who is a game developer located somewhere west of the Rockies. My information comes from what he has told me. Not from that MisterX site. I talked to him again a couple of days ago. He assured me again that there is more news to come on the XBox One and he stands by the 4TF performance number that he mentioned previously. Interestingly, he didn't know when the XBox One will release yet. Has heard October, November and December rumors. He wouldn't give a firm number on the CPU speed, just that it was faster than 1.6 and slower than 2.2.

My friend laughed about the the "ONE of them will be more powerful" comment. Said it was correct and it won't be the PS4.



That is the problem when you are to high in altitud oxigen is more dificult to get,so you get dizzy or you can even get a mild delirium if your friend is to high on the Rockies,that probably explain the 4TF remark.

By the way that comment you say was made by an EA developer and was retweeted by Yoshida,so you can only imagine what console is more powerful.:lol:




What are you going to do when the X1 actually is more powerful? How about you leave SW if it turns out that the X1 turns out to be more powerful? Sound good? Or should we keep you around to here you cry?

I don't think it will get a GPU upgrade (The 53 mhz upclock is all it's getting) but if it did, especially if it became more powerful than PS4, I think we'd have to put tormentos on suicide watch.

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#8 Wickerman777
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Where did you hear that only a few studios have the latest dev kits? I mean, you didn't even list the likes of EA and Activision. I find it difficult to believe that huge publishers like those wouldn't have the newest iterations.

Edit: Oops, maybe DICE is owned by EA. Can't remember for sure. But anyway, even if that's the case it still seems a little unbelievable to me.


Yeah it's a stretch, I get that. We will just have to wait. A poster in your above mentioned source said about the dev kits.

you should really just get the PS4, better controller, stronger hardware, more games being developed for it, better games being developed for it, exclusive content from many companies like Ubisoft, etc.... i see absolutely no advantges to owning a Xbox One, everything about it is inferior as a GAME console

Better controller? The fact that they have the dpad above the sticks like they think it's still 1995 proves it's crap in and of itself.

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#9 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts


At Gamescom Sony announced it had seen over one million pre-orders for PlayStation 4. This announcement was seen by some as an attempt to spark Microsoft into revealing its corresponding figure for Xbox One, but Spencer declined to go into detail.

"What we're seeing in the pre-order numbers is the overall value of what they get in Xbox One," he told Eurogamer. "I feel really good about how things are trending."Spencer said the Xbox One's all-in-one proposition will help convince gamers of its value when push comes to shove and both are on shop shelves this Christmas. "People see a box that has the gaming stuff, a great lineup of games, and a commitment from us that great games will continue to come.tormentos




Apparently pre-orders for the xbox one are doing very badly,look at how MS dance around the pre-sales topic and refuse to answer and basically say something that make no sense.

This is the same company that each month parade that the xbox 360 has months and months outselling the PS3,by MS words alone you can confirm how sad things are going for the xbox one,and everything does point to a world wide PS4 domination this gen.

The only desperation I see in this thread is the op's desperation that people pick the PS4.

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#10 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"] No Link for you my friend! The X1 is full of secrets that you can never understand. Tune into PAX ............Your favorite Epic games will be there to announce??????? AWWWWWEEEEEE YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH. Esfan13

So now it's PAX, eh? I'm right there with ya, man. :D Every show that comes up I keep hoping they'll announce that they've improved the GPU in some way. It's the only significant thing wrong with the system, the one thing that keeps it behind PS4 (Others will point to the memory type but that's overblown). But at some point we've gotta give up on it. I've reached that point. They ain't gonna improve the GPU. There doesn't appear to be the will to do it and there ain't enough time left even if the will was there (It could very well be in full-scale production by now for all I know). I'd love for the stuff that misterxmedia claims to be true, or even just partially true: After all, I've heard that APUs coupled with dGPUs running in parallel is something to expect in electronic products in the future anyway. But c'mon, it ain't gonna happen. It's utterly impossible to keep something that huge from leaking. Devs all over the world have dev kits and they haven't said a peep about such a thing. If there was gonna be a secondary graphics processor in there we'd all know it for sure by now.

Some of the devs are dropping hints. The comment made about "ONE of them will be more powerful. But can't say which ONE.".  

I'm a software developer -- not a game developer, but I have a friend who is a game developer located somewhere west of the Rockies. My information comes from what he has told me. Not from that MisterX site. I talked to him again a couple of days ago. He assured me again that there is more news to come on the XBox One and he stands by the 4TF performance number that he mentioned previously. Interestingly, he didn't know when the XBox One will release yet. Has heard October, November and December rumors. He wouldn't give a firm number on the CPU speed, just that it was faster than 1.6 and slower than 2.2.

My friend laughed about the the "ONE of them will be more powerful" comment. Said it was correct and it won't be the PS4.

Well, that would be awesome (Even 2-2.5 tflops would be) and would make for a few very fun weeks on this board but not for a moment do I believe it'll happen.