[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]The internals are set up very smart for the X1. They have a processor for everything. We just learned that the sound has its own processor. Kinect has its own processor too! All this frees up the CPU. Did you know that Sony's Eye Toy runs off the CPU and chews up a tremendous amount of power? FoxbatAlpha
Oh really wait isn't this what mark Cerny say about the PS4 since February that it has dedicated hardware for different things and to save game resources.?
The PS4 even has a second CPU ARM one..:lol:
Encoder decoders,audio chip,the audio block on the xbox one account for 8 of those such processors dude..:lol:
Why do you think recording game is transparent on PS4.? without hit to performance like FRAPs has on PC.? O yeah there is hardware for that,oh and it records 15 minutes,vs the xbox one miserable 5 minutes.
And word is running that you can actually record more and that the 15 minuted limit is actually what the PS4 is constantly recording all the time.
Link to where it say the PS4 has a great CPU hit with the PS4 eye,and by the way the PS4 eye is not mandatory so tough luck for you dude.
No Link for you my friend! The X1 is full of secrets that you can never understand. Tune into PAX ............Your favorite Epic games will be there to announce??????? AWWWWWEEEEEE YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH. So now it's PAX, eh? I'm right there with ya, man. :D Every show that comes up I keep hoping they'll announce that they've improved the GPU in some way. It's the only significant thing wrong with the system, the one thing that keeps it behind PS4 (Others will point to the memory type but that's overblown). But at some point we've gotta give up on it. I've reached that point. They ain't gonna improve the GPU. There doesn't appear to be the will to do it and there ain't enough time left even if the will was there (It could very well be in full-scale production by now for all I know). I'd love for the stuff that misterxmedia claims to be true, or even just partially true: After all, I've heard that APUs coupled with dGPUs running in parallel is something to expect in electronic products in the future anyway. But c'mon, it ain't gonna happen. It's utterly impossible to keep something that huge from leaking. Devs all over the world have dev kits and they haven't said a peep about such a thing. If there was gonna be a secondary graphics processor in there we'd all know it for sure by now.
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