Two threads of this silliness in one day. :shock:
Wickerman777's forum posts
Ya I agree. The guy is crazy but also knows his hardware. His english is really bad but his devotion to Xbox is legendary. I thought people on here were rabid fans! I read his stuff because even though he's insane I like that he talks about hardware more than other forums. He's like the beyond3D forum guys but much more entertaining!! I'll probably get a PS4 but what really bothers me is that we really don't know whats in the Xbox One. I need to see the real hardware specs before pulling the trigger on the PS4 ... Microsoft has a lot of amazing hardware designers and they spent a crazy amount of money making that system. I don't think they would just come out with a 1.2TF off the shelf GPU with ESRAM slapped on! We shall see! Thats what makes me excited. I want to see who is right. You should follow that blog for the jokes :) ttboy
What they did is technically impressive in a way ... but it's an embarassing blunder in another way. As far as I know they pretty much created those data move engines themselves. But what's so stupid about it is that they aren't needed because 8 gigs of GDDR5 is doable. They didn't think it would be so went out of their way to make DDR3 usable. They created custom tech to enhance the DDR3 which is eating up valuable space on the die, hence the reason the GPU has less CUs and ROPs than the PS4 does. It's kinda like a company spending a lot of time and money creating the ultimate coal power plant and then someone else coming out with a nuclear power plant before they get to reveal it to the world. They were probably patting themselves on the back for being so brilliant while making it but then went "Doh!" when Sony announced 8 gigs of GDDR5.
10TF ... lulllzzzz
Yeah, even 5 tflops is ridiculous. The guy could fool a lot more people if he'd choose a number somewhat realistic, like maybe 2.5 tflops.
I think we can stop hoping for Xbox One hardware improvements. These consoles are probably in mass production already. And if not it's gotta be extremely close to that starting.
This is the event and the time is listed below.
9:30 AM
XBOX One Silicon
John Sell and Pat OConnor
Hot Chips: A Symposium on High Performance Chips
This guy seems to think that this is the real Xbox One. He has been saying that the Xbox One is not 1.2TF for months. Normally I would think he is crazy but he does understand architecture and can do basic bandwith calculations so I wouldn't dismiss him. He claims to have insider information.
w2w apu
+ dgpu 680gtx level gains.
and a new designed ddr3
hsa+ gcn2.0 +
w2w apu is interesting if true. He explains it below,
it is APU + DGPU
W2W = wafer 2 wafer, in stacking
1st layer wafer imagine as APU like Vgleak (include shape & move engine)
2nd layer wafer => dGPU
3rd Layer xx MB of eSRAM (the quantity of it will be > 32MB)
in reality it could be > 3 layer
above is simplified stacking scenario
In other words Xbox One specs did not changed since Febrary 2013(APU is a system SoC that VGleaked and dGPU is application SoC - 2x8950 level GPUs tapped together) and Xbox One is a 5TF paper beast with optimisation and other new tech will equal to PCs 5TFx2=10TF. Here is a link about what w2w is about
Shit, this bs claim again. Anytime I see a thread about a Xbox One hardware improvement I immediately click on it hoping that maybe they've finally done something to improve it. Pretty disappointing that this thread is about the same ol' nonsense. This isn't the first time this exact claim has been posted here. It's been making the rounds for months. Its supporters just keep pushing back the date of the "big reveal" to whatever new tech show they can think of. 5 tflops ... even 10 tflops? C'mon, do ya really think MS wouldn't have been boasting about that long ago and that numerous devs wouldn't have leaked it? This is fantasy.
So Destiny and Titanfall win a lot of Gamescom awards? Guess those x-Halo and x-COD guys know what they're doing.
ms is this gens sony.
they even get their own version of lair.
maybe they thought they need to lead the industry in huge flops and decided to challenge sonys flop dominance.
Lol, Panzer Dragoon has been around a hell of a lot longer than Lair and unlike Lair the games are good.
I never played the RPG (Don't think it made it to America but can't remember for sure) but I heard very good things about it.
looks nauseating.:cool: Not as nauseating as this static lastgen explosion:[QUOTE="percech"][QUOTE="Kaz_Son"]:cool: Awwwww yeaaaah! Bask in the glory:
First of all you stacked the deck here. You picked a crisp video of Killzone with decent contrast and the Titanfall vid is pixelated and washed out. But anyway, in those clips the Killzone explosion does seem to look better. But the funny thing is how that explosion happens right in front of that guy and he doesn't react at all. No way he even would have survived it at that proximity but hilariously the guy doesn't even flinch. So in your quest to try to convince people that Killzone is better than Titanfall you exposed a problem with Killzone by accident, lol.
It's quite unrealistic to expect PS4 at launch to match what a 7990 can do.
Lol, do you think it's realistic to expect a PS4 to match a dual GPU card EVER in it's entire lifetime? 'Cause that's just crazy talk.
No, I don't. But I do think that by the end of its lifetime it'll be putting out games that rival what a 7970 in a PC can do and that Xbox One will have games that rival what a 7870 in a PC can do.
EA has been showing the PC version of BF4 running on what AMD claims is a 8 tflops graphics card, 7990 (Although because of the kind of card it is I don't believe it'll really achieve that. Maybe more like 5-6). PS4 is 1.8 tflops. Of course there's going to be a difference! Yes, consoles have an efficiency advantage over PC but that tends to come later, once devs have had a few years to become very familiar with the hardware. It's quite unrealistic to expect PS4 at launch to match what a 7990 can do.
But having said that there's still a few months before launch. I'm sure it'll improve. I'm reminded of the way Halo was way back in 2001 just several weeks before launch. Journalists were talking about all kinds of performance problems with it but Bungie ended up fixing it in a very short time.
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