Hey, you still haven't answered my question. Is PS4 HSA compatible and what about Xbox ONE?
They both have HSA solutions, although the PS4's setup for it is better. To put it simply, the PS4 uses a system designed by AMD itself modeled after hUMA and what that will eventually end up becoming on AMDs new line of motherboards next year. The just don't call it 1.00 because wouldn't want to declare the tech 1.00 in a non-commercial chipset.
MS also has a HSA reminiscent setup, technically, although its more intricate, far more complicated, and in my opinion, no where near as effective.
Going from details from VGLeaks, NeoGAF and other sources, Microsoft spent well over $3 billion in R&D, which I'm sure is far more than SONY has spent for R&D for their console. Also, both companies had their internals designed by AMD.
How the hell did SONY end up with the better deal from AMD?
Because MS spent a lot of money on a bad decision: DDR3. They spent a lot making custom hardware; data move engines, the ESRAM, etc., to prop it up. All that time and money for something that shouldn't even be in there because the capability for 8 gigs of GDDR5 became available in 2013. The worst thing about it is the way it gimps the GPU; space on the die that should have went to beefing up the GPU went to the DDR3-aiding custom hardware instead. The whole thing was a cluster**** and in my opinion they should have come to terms with their mistake and bit the bullet: delayed it for a year and redesigned it. Heck, a year's delay would possibly enable them to get Volcanic Islands architecture in there instead and that would give them a clear edge over PS4.
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