Doesn't come out until next year but nothing else is even close to being on my radar to the extent that Witcher 3 is.
Wickerman777's forum posts
Balls. Things got changed late with the 360. Yeah, there was a problem with heating but ya just make sure you do that part better the next time. And judging by the enormous fan in Xbox One I reckon they took it to heart in a big way. I really could care less about the size of the case. And if it needs delayed to improve it then freakin' delay it. I would rather wait longer and get a 2 tflops Xbox One or even higher than get a 1.3 tflops Xbox One now.
No they did not,the changes were done on 2004 not after february 2005,and what was done was just use higher density chips which is not quite the same as making a GPU change i have told you this like 3 times already,i would not be surpise to learn that the actual 53mhz up clock is what is causing the yield issues,because if you increse the GPU speed probablye the ESRAM would have to be up clokc to,is call fine tunning where the difference in speed can't be great,so when the up clocked the ESRAM had a little gain from it from 102Gb,to 133GB/s (still unconfirmed) and the flop upgrade do to the GPU up clock.
The heating problem of the xbox 360 were several not just one,from GPU to CPU cheap solder.
You will rather wait longer but MS know that any delay mean they have no chance what so ever,a time advantage for sony would mean disaster,by the time the xbox land with a stronger GPU sony could already lowering the price,and probably had sell 10 million units,and for what for 160,000 Gflops more than the PS4.?
You keep talking about yield issues but that isn't confirmed. For all we know the delays in those countries might be because of all the backpedaling they've been doing with drm, Kinect, and pretty much everything else. Software has to be rewritten for changes like that and that could be the cause of the delays just as much as it could be yield issues. At this point I'm even suspecting that a SKU without Kinect will be released given that it no longer has to be hooked up and a headset is coming with it. That in and of itself, if it happens, would necessitate tweaking software.
But anyway, their decision making is just pissing me off to no end. If you're gonna delay it in several countries then just delay it everywhere and improve the damned hardware! Dump the ESRAM, dump the DDR3, improve the GPU!
This little game you keep playing where you subtract from the GPU what the OS will be using is bs. Guaranteed the PS4 will be the same way. No way the OS is gonna totally not touch the GPU's resources at all. Is just another case of MS coming out with something right away and Sony keeping it secret as long as possible.
The xbox one has a 10% GPU reservation the PS4 has no such thing,and even if it has one,10% it will not be the PS4 doesn't run a guide for cable box alone side with a HDMI in port.
The reason MS use so much GPU resources is because they are targeting cable box and TV guide on PS4 that is a miss,but on xbox one that does require resouces,cables boxes had proccesors inside.
Yeah, same way PS4's OS will only use 1 gig of memory. :) Until somebody drags it out of them I guess you're gonna believe whatever you want to.
You haven't factored in different color data types and fill rates.
X1's claimed to have 133 GB/s alpha blend would be around 8.2 Gpixel/s, which is far higher than 7770 or 7790's results i.e. It's closer to the prototype 7850 with 768 stream processors.
It's up to the individual to choose bteween accepting the 133 GB/s alpha blend claim or not. I'm not interested politics, but only in hardware.
Hypocrite post.
You want people to see that the xbox one has more bandwidth than the 7770 and 7790,but you resufe to see that the xbox one has less power than both.
1.18 vs 1.28 7770 and 1.79 from the 7790.
The 7790 has 610 Gflops more than the xbox one,and you ignore it,even if we ignore the 10% GPU reservation the xbox one GPU is just 30,000Gflosp stronger than a 7770,and 480 Gflosp weaker than a full 7790.
What you want to imply is that magically because the damn xbox one has more bandwidth it should beat both GPU while having less power..
So if we give the xbox one 290GB/s bandwidth it should be able to beat the 7970 right.? Because it will have more bandwidth right and as we all know bandwidth is all that matter power is meaning less.
Hey Ron what do you think about this.?
660Ti vs 7850.
The 660Ti has more power than the 7850 every one knows that,yet it delivers it over a smaller bit bandwidth..
The 7850 has 256 bit 4800mhz effective for a total of 153GB/s.
The 660 TI has a 192Bit one 6006mhz effective for a total of 144Gb/s.
So what gives.? how can the 660Ti with more power but less bandwidth beat the 7850,ins't the 144GB/s bandwidth limit the 660 Ti.?
So yeah more power still is more power and less power still is less power even if more bandwidth is present,i don't think the xbox one will beat the 7790 even that it has more bandwith because the 7790 has way more power.
This little game you keep playing where you subtract from the GPU what the OS will be using is bs. Guaranteed the PS4 will be the same way. No way the OS is gonna totally not touch the GPU's resources at all. Is just another case of MS coming out with something right away and Sony keeping it secret as long as possible.
Hasn't it been around 6 months since we found out what the PS4's specs were? Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like that long to me. Trips me out that a behemoth of a company like MS couldn't accomplish anything in that time other than a 53 mhz upclock to the GPU.
Because like i told you when sony reveal the console on February it was all over for MS,in that time it was impossible for MS to do anything or let alone react well,one of CBOAT leaks talk about sony catching MS off guard,and blame the problem on leadership,and guess what Matrix get fire,it say he resign but we all know what that means he was kicked out.
And that is why now you see MS trying to control their bad image,is the reason they don't want to trasmit live from gamescom,is the reason they even disable comments on youtube videos.
BY the time sony reveal everything it was to late for any change,the xbox one is huge and is not because MS wanted the unit to run cooler,it because they suck making consoles,the PS3 was big but the PS3 had a build in power supply,imagin the xbox 360 having the power brik inside how much bigger it would have been,now the xbox one is even bigger than the 360 and still lack an internal PSU,so changing anything inside that console from ferbuary on ward was impossible for them without a delay,it is how it is now and the console will release in less countries than originaly planned,yield still are a problem.
Balls. Things got changed late with the 360. Yeah, there was a problem with heating but ya just make sure you do that part better the next time. And judging by the enormous fan in Xbox One I reckon they took it to heart in a big way. I really could care less about the size of the case. And if it needs delayed to improve it then freakin' delay it. I would rather wait longer and get a 2 tflops Xbox One or even higher than get a 1.3 tflops Xbox One now.
Forza is a proven franchise. I think you guys might be heaping too many expectations onto Driveclub.
[QUOTE="dobzilian"]Because their parents cannot afford one?WolfGrey
I always find it funny as hell when people say that can't afford a PC.
Save 100 dollars a month for a year.
You can now afford a pretty decent custom rig that will last you quite a while and run everything on ultra. Now you can juust upgrade over time.
Or just get approved for a Best Buy card. 1000 limit for no credit. 18 months to pay off the first big purchase. Just by a nice tower off their site and work off that over the year.
That's if you order all the components and build it yourself. Plenty of people don't want to be bothered with all of that.
I don't hate them at all. Doesn't matter to me what they've got. But it is quite annoying when they go around saying this game and that game is superior on PC. It's annoying because it isn't accurate. The game is superior on a few PCs. They almost never bother to add in that little detail.
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