[QUOTE="btk2k2"]Yea, I do not get it. The only difference a smaller bus makes is less memory bandwidth, if you overclock the memory you can get some of that back so a 7790 is a pretty good benchmark to get an idea of the X1 GPU performance. It will never be exact so his obsession with bus rates, register cache, primary rates seems really strange.tormentos
Another good one from him is how he thinks that the xbox one will be better than the 7790 because it has more bandwidth,so you picture him a scenario and he answer telling you the 7790 doesn't have 133Gb/s alpha blending(which by the way is not confirmed but rumored by DF and MS was the source) but when you tell him that the xbox one doesn't have the speed,CU,SP or TF performance of the 7790 he ignores it.
The 7790 actually has 1.79 TF vs the xbox one 1.31 without the 10% and 1.18 with the 10% DPu reservation.
That is another thing MS already lie about Bandwidth on the xbox 360 and Major Nelson claimed with charts and all that the xbox 360 destroyed the PS3 Banwidth wise,and actually used a similar situation from the 360 to claim 278GB/s by adding bandwidth together.
Any argument on bandwidth from MS should be taken with a truck load of salt MS love to play scenarios that will never ever take shape on consoles.
You guys can argue about bandwidth all you want but the reality is neither of you know exactly what the capabilities of the ESRAM in Xbox One are or how fast it is. Nor do you know how many problems, if any, it's going to give developers. The only thing we know for certain is that its inclusion (The data move engines as well) is the reason there's less CUs and ROPs in it than there is in PS4. I don't know for sure but my guess is that devs aren't going to have bandwidth problems with Xbox One. It'll be fast enough in that regard. But there's no getting around it having only 12 CUs and 16 ROPs. Because of that PS4 is clearly the superior hardware.
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