Turned around? Are you kidding? It's getting smeared. Had the hardware been competently designed it would be #1 in NA right now ... for sure. If not the world it was poised to be the market leader in NA and MS blew it. Everybody I know is disappointed with the hardware. Some of them have changed camp altogether because of it (As I intend to do) and a few have went ahead and bought X1 anyway because they didn't want to abandon the profile they've spent the last 8 years building up and/or because they know people on XBL. But they do it unenthusiastically, begrudgingly. I don't physically know a single person that says "This console is great!"
Everybody I know, who know hardware are disappointed with both the PS4 and X1 in that regard. Those who don't, are content with them.
Well yeah, I'm disappointed in both of them as well. I was expecting consoles in line with the power of AMD's 7870 which would put their graphics processors in the 2.5 tflops range. I knew they wouldn't match high-end PCs cuz those graphics cards are ridiculously expensive and suck up a ton of power. But 2.5 tflops seemed doable. When I found out it was gonna be 1.8 and 1.3 tflops, and coupled with very weak mobile CPUs to boot, I thought "Are ya kidding me?!" But at least PS4 is somewhat in the realm of respectability. They got 75% of the way there and picked quality memory. X1 is a disaster all the way around hardware-wise.
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