Yeah, X1 hardware sucks. Who didn't know that already?
Wickerman777's forum posts
Bayonetta. Yeah, it's old but I got around to it only recently. Character and story-wise it's silly but gameplay-wise it's like crack. I completed it on every difficulty setting and 100%ed the achievements, not something I usually do, but I was hooked. A real bummer the sequel is exclusive to WiiU.
It's never as fun playing by yourself. Single-player games had their time in the 80's, but when the 90's came to an end, the Internet was being utilized to deliver a more social gaming experience that offers emergent gameplay.
That is a matter of opinion. Competitive multiplayer sucks for a multitude of reasons: For one thing who has as much time to get decent at the games as 12 yo's and man-children who live off their parents' forever? Then there's all the cheaters and griefers that ruin the game. There's the kids that never shut up. And most competitive multiplayer is the same thing, just running around shooting each other. Gets old pretty fast. Like someone else in this thread said competitive multiplayer often lacks depth.
And coop sucks cuz every ounce of challenge is removed. Everybody has to die at the same time to actually die so it's like playing with a God code. When there's no challenge it's not a game anymore, is just pushing buttons. To me if you're gonna "play" a game this way you're just as well off to watch the game being played on Youtube.
I don't like the trend either but it is what it is. Nowadays people expect to get a kzillion hours out of a game or they won't buy it. I don't know where they get the time to play so many games for so long. I sure don't have that much time. But companies are forced into the choice of spending a fortune on making their single player campaigns go on forever or extending playtime with an online multiplayer mode. Usually online multiplayer is the cheaper and easier option. I'm not into the multiplayer thing, like old-school type games where the campaign is the focus and I don't think that everything has to be the size of Skyrim to be worthy of a purchase.Yeah, 6-8 hours is too short but 12-15 is fine with me for most kinds of games. RPGs need to be longer than that though, but not necessarily Skyrim-long.
Both consoles are weak. It's not that PS4 is more powerful, it's just less weak. They both suck. GTA5 is a last gen game and neither of these "next gen" consoles can run it at a steady 30 fps.
I've actually been pretty surprised by how well they've been doing in NA given that hardware. Things in Europe are going pretty much as I expected though. Had the system been designed properly MS would have won this generation. Sony is too broke to compete against a quality machine from a powerhouse company like MS right now. But instead the hardware design is about as bad as they could have done it and things are what they are. Is as though Mattrick had been secretly working for Sony.
But as shockingly bad as the hardware is what surprises me more is that they didn't delay it to improve it once the writing was clearly on the wall. Doing so would have given them a long-term chance. Now they've no chance at all. Chance of the gaming division being profitable? Sure. But zero chance of being the market leader.
In this day and age of games shipping with crippling bugs and online problems that usually get sorted out eventually I think Metacritic needs to change their policy of not allowing review scores to be updated.
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