I would buy lots more digital games than I do if hard drive space wasn't the problem that it is. There's been lots of stuff that's been on sale on XBL for $5 that I've turned down that I would have purchased if space weren't an issue.
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slim and slim e models and I'm buying one but keeping my content on my old using the new for new stuff I already filled the 250 gig and the 320 gig I have only has 58 gigs left
Isn't there issues with swapping hard drives back and forth? Like with your profile and/or licensing and stuff? I just assumed there would be.
False. Hardware design has already determined the outcome of this gen. Mattrick set back the Xbox brand years with his idiotic decision making and Spencer is in an impossible to win situation because of it.
It's nice that there is finally a larger hdd available for X360 but at the same time I'm very disappointed that it's 500gb rather than 1tb. The latter would have eliminated space concerns entirely. What we got instead only alleviates them. And the price is ridiculous, of course. But the prices have always been absurd for X360 hard drives.
I have a few questions about it. First of all, I read in an Amazon discussion that a license transfer has to be done if you move games from your old hdd onto a new one. Is that true? If so it's kinda surprising to me because I always thought that licensing was connected to console ids and gamertags, not hard drives.
Secondly, I also read at Amazon that older transfer cables won't work with it, that a newer transfer cable has to be purchased. Is that the case?
Did you guys know Halo 2 Anniversary in the MC Collection will not be 1080p?
Did you know nobody cares?
It's one thing to not be able to do a modern Assassin's Creed game or something like that in 1080p but a reboot of a game approximately 3 centuries old can't even be 1080p on this hardware? That is ... well, it's almost unbelievable. What's next ... Pong can't be 1080p on X1?
Considering how hot a topic resolution has been this gen and that MS said this game would be 1080p/60 I'm surprised this hasn't blown up more than it has. It's actually pretty shocking to me that even a reboot of a game this old can't be done at 1080p on X1.
Did you guys know Halo 2 Anniversary in the MC Collection will not be 1080p?
Man, one game was said to be 900p, and the decision is not locked. Also, out from over 100 games available, only 3 are not native 1080p on PS4. How is that resolution not a trend?
I personally believe that, with a few exceptions, 1080p will be the standard for the entire gen, like 720p was the gen before.
Many of those games are ports of last-gen titles and/or are running on last-gen engines.
When it comes to resolution and framerate I think where the biggest drops are gonna come is gonna be with games ported from PC to console, like Witcher 3 as I mentioned above (OK, this might not be a port, per se. But I think we can agree that PC is the lead development platform for that title). PC tech was already miles ahead of these consoles when they launched and it's just gonna keep widening. In order to keep up an increasing number of those ports over time will have to be 720p/30.
It's rumored that Witcher 3, a true next-gen game, is gonna be 720p/30 on X1 and 900p/30 on PS4. That's a far cry from 1080p/60. And that's early, folks. Expect a lot of games to get back to 720p/30 in a few years.
@DarthaPerkinjan: well Nintendo games usually are the best made games. Nintendo doesn't release hyped garbage.
Of course they can make their stuff 60 fps. Look at the art! Do you really want everything looking like Saturday morning cartoons like Nintendo games?
A few years from now we probably won't be seeing many 1080p/60 games on these consoles, especially X1. For a late 2013 launch these machines are weak. They've both got plenty of memory, really the only thing they did well (Only a partial accomplishment for X1 since the bandwidth is lacking), but the CPUs are terrible and the GPUs mediocre and bad. They're gonna have to keep up in some way with what is going on with PC gaming for the next several years and no way they can do that at 1080p/60.
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