Willy105 Blog
All haters of the new Indy movie that loved the old Indy movies....
by Willy105 on Comments
...need to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark again.
They are all complaining the new movie was silly. I did find it silly, but it was still great. They say that it was very silly compared to the older movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark.
After watching Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and rewatching Raiders of the Lost Ark, I couldn't see a difference in tone at all.
Yeah, Mutt swinging tress with the monkeys was silly. Marion hitting an Arab with a frying pan was also silly. Escaping an exploding atomic bomb in a lead lined 1950's fridge seems lucky, Indy getting out of the pit of snakes by making an old statue make a whole in the wall by guessing it was there was also lucky. Having brain dead villains seems kiddy, Belloq coming out of the bar with a burning hand and putting in the snow while crying like a Looney Tunes cartoon was also silly.
You are all held back by nostalgia, and so was I, but now I am not, and say that there is no difference between Raiders and Kingdom. And personally I will say Kingdom is better than Raiders because it was funner and had more action.
If you want a serious and mature Indy movie, then Temple of Doom is for you.
Also, on an unrelated note, Temple of Doom is my favorite Indy movie. It's just so good and I really liked it's story.
Somebody knows too much.
by Willy105 on Comments
Some brilliant person made this topic.....about me.
Just about everything he said is absolutely correct. It's amazing.
My religion is better than yours.
by Willy105 on Comments
Who wins in a fight? Iron Man or Indiana Jones?
by Willy105 on Comments
Haven't you noticed that both Iron Man and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull both start the exact same way, with a military convoy going thru the desert (that is used for military weapon testin) during the opening credits while a licensed song from long ago plays in the background?
"Um...um...ah....um...I have no idea what you are talking about!"
Kung Fu Panda becomes the 4th great movie of 2008!
by Willy105 on Comments
I went to see it today, AT THE PREMIERE!
Needless to say, it's very good.
Some of the most amazing action sequences ever shown on film, and I am not exaggerating.
More actions movies should mimick this movie in almost everyway possible.
Fantastic choreagraphy, and visuals too!
Dreamworks is getting very good! They are getting very close to PIXAR quality! It looked better than Ratatooie! The fur was so realistic and great subtle animations in the eyes and ears.
It's also funny and a decent story. It's great to see the 5 guys fight together, and Pu (the panda) fights just so amazingly. This choreographer is very smart. It's joyful to see someone of such mass and weight fight. It's also hilarious.
But it's also kinda short, and you are left wanting for more, with only 4-5 action scenes in the whole movie. but each of them are so awesome. In fact, the opening action scene got it right from the start:
A Dragon Warrior that was so awesome, it blinded all enemies by sheer awesomeness. Kung Fu Panda line in the opening fight scene
I came out of the theather very impressed.
With Iron Man, Speed Racer, Indy, and this movie, 2008 is turning out to be one of the best years for bockbuster movies ever (as in where the blockbuster movies are actually good). Maybe even better than 1998!
Can Wall-E turn the tables around and beat Kung Fu Panda? This is one action scene I do not want to miss.
Probably won't be doing something as big as the game in the future.
by Willy105 on Comments
I wanna have fun too.
This ain't no job!
10 months
by Willy105 on Comments
The Adventures of Mutt
by Willy105 on Comments
Another John Williams masterpiece.
It has been on my head since I saw the movie, and I just wanted to share it.
Dr. Jones! You're old, Dr. Jones! You look like my grandpa! Except old!
by Willy105 on Comments
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
That was fun! John William's new music for the movie is still in my head. What did you guys think?
I thought it was fantastic. I came out of the movie theater happy. And there some parts of the movie that just made your eyes pop out (like the finale). The action scenes were amazing, in fact, all of them were great, especially the first one and the one in the river/ants. And there was a very suspecious lack of Short Round (epic dissapointment)
For the list, I would pick from best to worst:
1. Temple of Doom
2. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. The Last Crusade
The reason being that Crystal Skull had some boring sections of just straight dialogue. Temple of Doom was action all the way. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the most nostalgic, but Temple of Doom was more enjoyable. And The Last Crusade had a great story, but that's not what Indiana Jones is about.
Is it better than Iron Man for movie of the month? Who knows.
I'm still thinking about Meet the Robinsons. That movie was good. It's still in my head. I don't remember a movie making me so emotional before. Sure, it wasn't great animation, but it has such a great story and direction. It was a powerfull movie.
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