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YoruichiMeow Blog

oh, pooh.

About 3 years ago, I rented the Heffalump movie solely because I thought the name was funny. I had a hard time watching it since it's intended for young children, but I still like to say "Heffalump!" occasionally just because...well, it's a fun word to say. Try it out, you might like it.

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book just because the name, cover, or poster struck your fancy?

meowing in your general direction

I'm a cat.


That's me!

(everybody reading this) "Uhhhh...?"

Okay, maybe only in a sorta-kinda way.

I'm a cat because I don't like showers, I'm lazy, I enjoy being pampered, the hair shedding is uncontrollable, if someone is mean to me I'll hiss and run away, and if someone does something nice for me I'm all over them, begging for more. Not to mention the meowing...

Why relate myself to an animal? *shrugs* Why not?

It's LeonMorado's fault, really. I mean, he's a benevolent yet snarky purple lion; always has been in my eyes, in the months since I started visiting the Bleach forum and started reading posts. Leon's personality seems to fit that symbol, and got me wondering and thinking about what sort of animal I was. Maybe a kitty, a monkey, perhaps a bat, or--oooh, a flying monkey! ...okay, so I never quite embraced the bat idea, but my husband thought I was an airborn creature, possibly a bird...which is weird to me because I don't understand in what logical situation I could be considered a creature of the air, but hello, I'm weird and illogical, so who am I to argue?

I came back to the cat...mostly out of laziness. It fits well enough. Why spend energy thinking of something else that might fit better?

My husband's a wolf. He's fiercely loyal, hard-working when he sees the purpose of a task, solitary, has a flash-in-the-pan temper (his bark and bite are pretty equal; he's broken some of his friends' bones--accidentally, but still), and he's very distrusting of people outside his "pack," or close family and friends. Despite (or perhaps because of) his fierceness, he's a very loving and kind husband and friend.

What about you? What kind of animal would you consider yourself to be, and why? If you can't think of what animal you might be, what sort of animal do you know you're not or is your anti-animal?

long-winded ramblings

My fingers feel the need to type at people, so bear with me. :D

Heading into the drearier part of the year, I feel like everything's become less interesting. The hype of the election is over. Hooray Obama! Boo Proposition 8! Halloween is over, and so is the excitement of both finding stuff for my costume and dressing up. Christmas is coming but I'm dreading it more than anticipating it because there is no game plan yet but to survive, and Thanksgiving is giving me daymares this year because my husband and I were somewhat vocal concerning controversial political mumbo-jumbo and our families all going to pester us with their opinions and questions (sigh, just let me type my responses, people. It's easier that way and I won't accidentally offend you--it will be on purpose...I mean, um, all offense is unintentional. Yes.)

One ray of sunshine: my mom's birthday is tomorrow! I got the bright idea back in May or so to make her a bag for her random trips she takes on the bus or plane to visit my sisters that live across the country, so I got super excited and planned it out and bought the fabric clear back forever ago. When she goes on a trip, my mom usually takes a book, a knitting or crochet project, some hand work to sew, paper to both color and to write with...and she's always in need of Kleenexes and pens. I sketched out a pattern with tons of pockets for all the random stuff she likes to take (I KNOW! I SKETCHED something! AND, it doesn't look like complete crap because it's basically just squares. Yay. Makes me want to scan it and post pictures as proof.) and after I cut the fabric out in June, I didn't do a blessed thing more until about a week ago. ^_^ Good thing it's just a bag! Bags are so much easier than clothes, because with bags the drape and fit of the fabric just isn't as important. Phew. While working on it, I took a three day hiatus because the magnetic snap scared me. I wasn't 100% sure about the instructions, so finally today I decided it was now or never! Silly me, it only took 2 minutes and turned out just fine. I did squinch the fabric a bit more than necessary, but ah well. My mom is nice, so she'll be happy regardless of the squinchiness. Maybe I'll post pictures of the bag sometime, if you wanna see.

The doggy Truffle is fabulous, for any of you who might remember her from blogs way back in the day. She wags her tail so becomingly, and has this way of resting her chin on your lap, the whites of her eyes just visible as she peers so pleadingly at you to just give her one little scratch under her chin that melts your heart. Sometimes she gallops up and down the hallway for no reason, and she has a few toys that I could swear she's trying to practice her shot putt with, whipping them back and forth at phenomenal speeds. Oh, and she steals my english muffins I make when I'm letting them cool on the kitchen counter if I'm not vigilant. Bad doggy! Okay, she's really good besides trying to steal food when we're not looking. I wuv her!

At the suggestion of LeonMorado (he's got great taste! Everybody listen to him!), my hubby and I have watched Invader Zim, V for Vendetta, Nightmare Before Christmas, (I've mentioned before he recommended Cowboy Bebop--that one is awesome) and I'm working on Trigun slowly but surely. They're all fabulous shows and I recommend them right back at any of you who might be interested!

Also, we went to an anime convention in the Salt Lake area a couple of weeks ago and there were so many NERDS! It was awesome. I think they were way dorkier than me, but y'know...I tend to underestimate my dork factor, so I shouldn't say. I didn't get to buy any strange new pocky or t-shirts because the shops all closed early. :( I was sad.

Anyway, that's enough blabbiness for now. What about you guys? What do you look forward to or dread as we're heading into wintertime?

i'm hungry!

What food do you like so much you'd want to try and set the record for eating it?

Or...what kind of food could you eat every single day for the forseeable future and still not be sick of it?

For me, I think I'd want to eat garden tomatoes or fresh, ripe peaches to try for a record. As for the other question, I've been eating hummus veggie wraps almost every day for 2-3 months, and I'm still loving it, so I'd continue on with them.

What about you?

moment of silence

There will be no Pie Extravaganza at my parents' house this weekend.

sad pie

For the past 20+ years, every 6 months my mom will bust out her pie tins and go nuts. Apple, tart cherry, cream cheese pie with fresh strawberries, luscious chocolate pudding pie with a graham cracker crust, fresh peach, blueberry, velvety lemon meringue, and pumpkin... There are always so many to choose from, and often multiple of each.

Usually, I plan my whole Saturday that week around helping my mom with the pies, my favorite to make being the lemon meringue--it's always a challenge to see if I can get the meringue to look better than the last time, and to see if I can prevent "weeping" (pie pee). I'll end up slicing up all the fruits or doing dishes more than make pies because my mom's amazing and has all the pie crusts made...but it's not going to work this year.

Things are changing for my family; the reason my mom would make all of these pies was because my dad's side of the family--some 60-odd people--would get together at my grandma's house for a semi-annual church event, and pie is the final note we leave on. My grandma is suffering from the after effects of both repeated strokes and cancer, and having people over is getting to be way too taxing on her. Ah well, I'll miss making pie this weekend, and I suppose it's for the best. I can't have my grandma getting too stressed out...besides, I kinda suck at the small talk that fuels these events. I like anime and make cloth feminine pads for a living, they're both awkward and hilarious to talk about with people but both subjects don't make for great continuity in conversations with "normals".

...anyway, back to pie...if anybody wants to come to my house to make some this weekend, I'm so game.

harvesting a couch potato

One thing I'm grateful to the writer's strike for is that I started watching anime because there were no new episodes of my favorite shows. Way to go, peeps! Thanks for asking for more money and giving me time to delve into something new. Because of anime, I've been able to make some great friends here on talking about Bleach (and Death Note, but I haven't been to that board in months...)

Anyway, now that the strike is over and there are new episodes of all my old favorites, I'm excited for shows that are coming back with full--uninterrupted by striking, please!-- seasons. Here are the major shows I'm looking forward to, with spoilers possible to the current episodes:

The Office

Michael Skarn of the FBI

I'm obsessed with this show! I used to be, anyway. We'll see how it hits my fancy this season, with Ryan's position needing filling, Dwight and Angela having a secret affair, Jim and Pam split up, and the new HR lady jonesing for Michael...I can't wait for tonight's season premiere! I have high expectations for it, and I'd better not be let down.

Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles

Sarah and John Connor and their Toaster protector

I haven't ever seen the Terminator movies all the way through, but I love the high action and sci-fi feel of this series. Operation Impending Doom is gonna happen soon for the Connors, and I'm excited to see how the teenage John handles his rebelliousness. Will he choose saving the world or not doing the dishes? Ha! Who cares? There's robots! Run!

Plus, it's always fun to experience all the fun of a high speed chase without the speeding ticket, or random gun fights with metallic opponents.



I'm a sucker for sci-fi and action mixed, I'm noticing...anyway, Heroes is back, and better than ever? Maybe. There are so many different heroes going in new directions this season!! I can't wait to see where Claire's loss of pain, her link to humanity takes her. What kinds of ways is she going to flip? Mohinder's rash decision to take the serum without any prior testing was idiotic, and I know somehow they're going to make him pay. I think he and Maya together is hot, though. Well done, writers. By the way, Sylar is Peter and Nathan's brother?! Ah, Mrs. Petrelli...what kind of relationship do most women have with watchmakers? I can't say I'm crazy about Hiro distrusting Ando. Hiro's just annoying when he's suspecting and unsure, whereas when he's optimistic and creative I love his character.

Anyway...this season's promising good things, with HRG potentially working with Sylar, Claire flipping over to the dark side, and Nikki being reborn as Ice Man's kid sister. Woot.


Other shows I'm watching:
Chuck (cornily funny spy show, yay)
The Big Bang Theory (great if you like nerds or are one)
Fringe (it's okay, I'm going to stop watching if it doesn't help me love the main characters soon)
Dollhouse (when it starts)
*Also, I'm currently catching up on Middleman, Eureka, Invader Zim, and Trigun, and I'll be back on the Bleach bandwagon when it gets back to the HM arc.

What shows are you watching or not watching this fall, and why?

my mom

This blog is for me mum, who's a dear and a love, to say thanks for bringing me into the world and to say thank you for the incredible person she is.

  • Her laugh, when she really thinks you're funny, is worth going through 20 jokes and stories just to try and get one good long laugh out.
  • She calls all of her children and grandchildren "bean". ex: "You're such a good bean!"
  • The rain is an event with my mom. When there's a storm, she gets all of her houseplants outside, lines them up, and will peek out the window occasionally to "see how happy they look!"
  • "Sorry" is one of her favorite words...really, it is.
  • Her initials are D.A.D. ^_^
  • When I was little and our family would be traveling a long distance, she would sing silly nonsense songs about mud pies and dressing up, and the ice cream store to keep us entertained and quiet.
  • I'm "doo-dah hum-ha girly."
  • She makes some wickedly good food (my favorites are her quiche and sweetrolls) and taught me the basics about cooking, baking, and being nice.
What's your favorite thing about your mom?

spring cleaning

I'm not sure what triggers it, but my husband has this little mechanism in his head that will suddenly ring an alarm and cause The Great Cleansing of Possessions every few months. Everything is up for debate. The Wii that he saved his spending money (yeah, we're a married couple that gives each other allowance) for months, while going to school and needing plenty of other stuff, is definitely close to being on the chopping block. His two black Aerogrows, which he specifically asked for a few months ago as a bonus from work, have had the plants ripped unceremoniously out and are ready to be packaged for shipping. There's a bamboo bench he just had to have which he bought from my brother-in-law that might be up for grabs, too, not to mention the six-foot LoveSac he's had almost since I've known him. He's the sort of person that will thank you graciously for a handmade card, then scan it a week later and shred the remains. (No, he's not getting a handmade card this year. ^_^)

Nothing is sacred, nothing is deemed worthy of keeping unless he thinks it's necessary.

Why don't I stop him? Well, he makes sense when he tells me he wants to get rid of something. Darn my ability to see logic in other people's plans... Plus, the extra money is always nice, the stuff isn't really doing that much for me anyway, and the things he wants to sell is usually something he can claim partial or full ownership to. He has stopped suggesting that I get rid of half my hoard, thankfully. He'll only bring up getting rid of or selling something of mine if he knows I don't use/want/need it. I'm happy to get rid of my junk I don't use, and even some that I do use, but I like doing it on my own terms and on my own time.

I'm grateful that he has this ability to get rid of "things", because both of our parents have a terrible time getting rid of possessions they don't use or need. Their homes are full of strange odds and ends. My parents house at least 6 mismatching side chairs, multiple out-of-date wardrobes in case of Surprise Child #2, and who knows how many containers, bows, toys, fabric, and probably innumerable other objects. I don't want to live in constant fear that three extra Mason bottles might have been exactly what I need in a month. That's not how I want to live! But sometimes...just sometimes...I wish there were things that weren't up for selling, scanning and shredding, and removing from our life.

Update: I went out yesterday for a few hours, and when I came home the LoveSac was sold, the Aerogrows were packed up and ready to ship, and there is practically an offer to buy one of our cars in the works. ^_^ He's a go-getter, that husband of mine.


Have you ever felt annoyed for no particular reason you can think of? Lately I've been full of the feeling I used to be so familiar with as a teenager, impatiently on the precipice of anger yet frustratingly self-contained. Something wants to be done, but I can't put into words or actions what could possibly make the feelings go away...

Yeah, so I've been all sorts of pleasant to be around for the past while. I feel bad for my poor husband. Hopefully this all passes soon, but if it doesn't...all shall know my wrath. Or hear whines about my angst. Whining's pretty close to wrath, right? :P

Do you ever feel like there's a problem you can't see to solve? What do you do when there are feelings you want to get past?

vampire knight

I finished watching Vampire Knight yesterday. This fun little vampire romp had a lot of content in the first season's 13 episodes, and at the risk of being killed by millions of fangirls, I liked this vampire tale much, much more than either Twilight or Fruits Basket (the anime). It follows a prefect named Yuki Cross, who protects the Day Klass (normal kids) from the Night Klass (vampires), while protecting the Night Klass's vampiric identity from the world, including from the other members of the Day Klass. Yuki's aided in her prefect duties by the stoic and reserved Zero Kiryu, whose secretive nature and over-protectiveness of Yuki leads you to root for him after a few episodes, even though he comes off as caddish and harsh in the beginning.

In contrast to Zero, there's the handsome Pureblood vampire Kaname Kuran, who saved Yuki from an evil vampire when she was young. He's chivalrous and kind, and she seems to adore him. The trio have the typical triangle dynamics in a lot of ways, and the 13th episode leaves you immensely curious as to how the relationships will shift in the next season, which starts this October in Japan.

Most vampire stories I'm familiar with have the blood sucking leading to death or the victim turning into a vampire, but in Vampire Knight the blood sucking is more intimate, and somewhat sensual for the vampire. The blood itself is very telling of the person it came from, which was all interesting to me.

I'll be anxious to watch the last 13 episodes of Vampire Knight. I think I'd give it a 6.8/10 at this point...but I'm on my tiptoes to see what happens next between Yuki, Zero, and Kaname.