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YoruichiMeow Blog

fire and rescue

Yesterday while driving around town doing some errands...I passed a "Fire & Rescue" vehicle. Maybe I'm just a dork, but don't you think "fire and rescue" would be a funny gag on SNL or something? They rush to an office, loudly get somebody fired, and "rescue" them from the drudgery of work. :D

Okay, I'm just a dork.

tagged like a shirt

I've been tagged by Katara925. I'm not sure if that means she owns me, or if my shirt is now hers, or...I don't know, I've never been tagged before. I've been told I have to tell you 10 things about myself... so here goes nuthin'.

10 things you hopefully didn't know about me:

1. I've never been tagged before this. (ha! I just told you that. I'm a slacker!)

2. I love to eat vegetables.

3. I drive a green car.

4. When I was 8, my mom let me pick out my first pair of glasses on my own, which looked like this.

5. My throat had a thyroglossal duct cyst when I was 3, and I had to have 2 operations. The best part was that I got free ice cream after!

6. My maiden name is French, but I'm only 1/8 Frenchy.

7. I've made 7 aprons for 5 people in the past 7 months.

8. I have to look up "shihakusho " every couple of days because I can't remember what it is.

9. I learned that shihakushos have no wedgie issues to fear yesterday. I was sure there was at least one!

10. I like to call elephants "bellytants."

Annnnnd that's a wrap. Have a great weekend!


Okay...I've been a bit down lately, and something about puns and corny humor lift my spirits. It keeps my mind busy and my abs...if not taut, at least it helps them get a workout! (My belly and I chill. We're good buddies, and it's never leaving me.) I've been perusing the internet to see what sorts of things will cheer me up...

Here's a joke:

A kid was sitting on his lawn with a box of puppies one morning. George Bush was on his morning run, accompanied by some Secret Service workers. Dubya asked the boy what kind of puppies were in the box.

The little boy said, "Republicans."

The President beamed, patted the boy on the head, and said, "Atta boy!"

A few weeks later Bush was jogging again, this time with Dick Cheney in tow. Bush stopped at the boy's house, winked at Dick and said, "Hey kid, what kind of puppies are in the box?"

The boy said, "Democracts"

Bush looked crushed, saying, "What happened? A few weeks ago they were Republicans!"

The boy said, "Well, the puppies opened their eyes."

If you're a Republican, it still works if you switcheroo and substitute your favorite politician to make fun of for W. Equal opportunity and all that.

And here's a video,brought to my attention by LeonMorado: you have any good jokes/funny videos to share?

The quality of my personal hygiene...revealed!

All's a confession I make to my family and friends constantly, but I've never made it over the internet: I hate showering.

It's not that I don't like being clean, or the feel of the's not my grape-scented shampoo, the minty conditioner, freshly scrubbed feet, or the delicious way my hair feels freshly done that makes me not want to shower...

It's all of that work.

My husband calls me a cat, and although I dislike cats, I believe he's onto something. Cats are so boring and lazy, they sit and lick themselves but don't do much else. This is how I feel, 9/10 times. Showering requires at least 5 minutes of prep time, the actual shower takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes, depending on how much I want to shave, and then...there's all that work after. I have to blow dry my hair (I've tried the natural look. It doesn't look pretty on me.), flat-iron it, moisturize, do make-up if required...then find an outfit....ugh.

I'm even writing this blog post just so I can delay taking a shower...

Is there anything you go completely out of your way to avoid doing, even when you know you should embrace the day and do it?

Update: I have successfully evaded taking a shower for 3 more hours! Yay!

Heh...2nd Update: It's 4:30, I posted this at 12:30...and I'm off to get clean. Wish me luck.


Tonight as I was driving down the freeway to work, I was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful little firework display in a nearby town. I love living in a cluster of small towns. There's always some town festival, carnival, or other random reason to celebrate summer and the lives we all share. The carnivals are small and bustling, filled with young families and the occasional group of rambunctious teenagers. Often parades consist only of old cars, a fire engine, a large number of horses, and enthusiastic candy-throwing people perched precariously on said moving vehicles. Maybe there will be a band and clowns, but there are usually less than a handful of real floats, and those are made by church groups or other organizations. People will set out chairs and blankets a day in advance to save their spots, anxious to not be on the west side of the street. The anticipation is palpable.

Now, I don't go to many of these small-town shindigs. I'm not a fan of crowds. However, I do love that they happen, and how alive and vibrant these little communities become in the dawn and dusk of these events. Maybe next time there's fireworks I'll skip work and appreciate the show, possibly finding some cotton candy at their carnival to enjoy in the warm summer night.

What do you love about summer where you live?

Edit: I totally got a gold star from AnotherAnimeFan!! Woo, I so rock.

World War II Letters

I finally finished typing up the letters my grandpa sent my grandma during WWII. There were only about 50-55 total, but it still took me 20 hours or more to type them all because it's hard for me to leave spelling and grammar errors that I see intact. Every other time there was a word misspelled I would have to un-correct it. The process was painstakingly slow.

My grandpa is a plain-spoken man and mostly he would talk about what their assignments were and what they had to eat. There was only lovey-dovey stuff in a handful of letters, and this was the best of that:

Darling, I still love you. Or I guess I shouldn't say still. That makes it sound like it is weakening or that I am beginning to wonder. But that isn't so. It is getting deeper and I am more certain of it every day, if that is possible. Anyway, I love you and the kids with all my heart and whatever there is to love you with.

I thought it was tender, especially compared to the time he wrote my grandma, "If there is a can of spam in the house when I get home, I'll tear it down (the house.)" Ha! Spam is gross, but tearing a house down over a can of it would just be silly.

Does anybody else have funny/weird grandparent stories?


Or so my husband and I fondly call the town his grandparents live in. It's nestled right next to the mountains, and it's full of pastoral beauty and goats. (sidenote: Goats are hilarious.) This little town is so pretty and lush and I feel like there's only three other people alive in a mile radius when I visit, which is silly because I'm not from a huge metropolis or anything. Still, the tranquility of the place is soothing. I've been traveling up there every 10 days or so for the past few months, and the past 3 times I've been up there I've brought rain with me. Weird.

I took some pictures this time with my phone to show you peeps...

Notice how there are hardly any houses? I like that.

P.S. Does anybody else think it's sad I took pictures solely to put on my blog?!

and I'm currently addicted to...

Dr. Mario

Dr. Mario on the Wii!! Remember old school Dr. Mario? The awesome Tetris-like game that teaches young children they can solve things with brightly colored pills?! (Please don't use this as an excuse to use drugs, people!) I loved that game, but I wasn't about to keep around the old school system or deal with the hassles of using a hacked copy on my computer...and now all my problems are solved! The Wii released a new version of Dr. Mario last week, where you can play online with other people, or by yourself or with a friend at home. It's mildly tobacco...or chocolate. Mmm, chocolate...

If you have a Wii, play Dr. Mario, and want to go up against Wii number is 1954-8625-6564-2114, and my friend code for Dr. Mario is 0176-5941-1154. Leave me your Wii number in a comment or PM and I'll add you! I'm kind-of good, but not super good. You're forewarned.

My favorite show of the summer

I love So You Think You Can Dance!! Reality shows are not usually my cup of tea, but for some reason So You Think You Can Dance just waltzed its way into my heart. (I know, BAD PUN!) The dancers are insanely good and they have creative ownership in their solos. Just watch these videos and see what you think:

Skip a minute of this one if you want to get to the dancing:

The best popper I've ever seen (I wish I could link you to my recording so you could see it high def):

Tell me what you think!