@white_wind @ZOD777 No. Read it more carefully. It is the first line in paragraph 2 of the article. It should be "Fans who signed up to receive the Shield update can...". Or perhaps the word update needs to be omitted and should be "Fans who signed up to receive Shield can.." The way it is written makes my head hurt.
@Redsyrup @LanceCypher @Toysoldier34 Which is actually kind of scary when you stop to think about it. The wealth distribution is very skewed in the US.
Notice that the middle class and lower class is steadily increasing over the years. At this rate, if the people that make the rules continue to get their way, that percentage disparity will only get larger (or smaller in terms of wealth for the bottom 80%). Greedy bastards.
@tightwad34 People that have lots of money only want more money. It is all about having the biggest yacht, the nicest cars, and it just goes on and on. Sure there are some that are charitable, but for the most part, the SUPER rich only want to control everything they can.
While having over a billion dollars invested in a company gives you some clout, at the same time, that also makes said individual less likely to care about anything but turning that investment into profit. Who wouldn't though right? I mean that is the whole idea behind investments. The problem is, this statement right here.
"each obscuring the other's true worth"
It sounds like he is more interested in one side or the other, and would rather own the majority of THAT part of Sony, and not the entire company, most likely the entertainment side. It sounds as though he is more interested in his investment than he is the company's success as a whole. Just my 2 cents.
@saviorofgaming Nearly every FPS uses those controls. And even if they don't, you can usually change the key binds to whatever you want anyway. Failed troll.
30 kids is not a large enough sample to derive accurate results. The time span is also very short (2 evenings) and teenagers are prone to erratic and emotional behavior. Experiments that mean anything can be repeated over and over with the same or similar results. This just sounds like someone got the results they had hypothesized, stopped and said, "See, I told ya so!". This study is a joke.
ZOD777's comments