Um, yeah. So who cares how cool it looks, and that it gives you extra XP. It probably has crap armor value since you can wear it at level 1. It doesn't take very much time to level up to 6, and by then, I am sure you will need better armor. Why the hell not make it an XP ring? Lame.
@Ayato_Kamina_1 @6_raizen_9 True. I probably spent well over 500 hours on Diablo 2. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to play the starter edition of Diablo 3 and realized that it wasn't worth that same amount of time, so I skipped on buying it. Glad I did.
@DoomZaW Not to mention it's armor value is probably pretty low, and you will most likely want to ditch it for something better around level 10 if not sooner.
"People diss each other all the time on Twitter and she's the cries over dumb stuff meme. It was supposed to sound like she could easily deserve it just by going on the internet."
And your previous post, and the fact that your question isn't really a question.
@If_U_Only_Knew @MoronGotMyName Where you get shot or kicked makes a difference, but not so much on when and where you get called names. Not sure how that matters.
@TheAgingGamer Yeah, I remember them saying that would be possible. Most sports games do offer roster updates to account for mid season trades. And I know there are a few that will allow you to import the draft class for the next year, but that is usually where it ends.
I am sorry, but everyone gets called names during video games. I have been called every name in the book, including derogatory names usually aimed at women while gaming. I am not so sure that the abuse is more rampant toward females. Everyone is a big buff guy behind the computer screen's veil of anonymity. I think if you get easily offended by other people's comments, online gaming is not for you, male or female.
ZOD777's comments