@Carreau13 I think they are trying whatever desperate tactics they can to sell the current hardware instead of getting mass shipments back from retailers when the new ones come out. Just a gut feeling, but I bet they are sitting on several hundred thousand (if not mills) between retailers and their own warehouses.
@Grovilis I know what they are saying about the game, my point is that sometimes a certain playstyle is much harder in these types of games to the point of frustration which forces your hand to a different type of playthrough than intended. I am well aware of the choices you are allowed to make, I am just not as sure of the execution of the available choices since Justin had a hard time with other types of play, leading him to alter his playstyle. That is all I am getting at.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum @moviequest14 Shooters will never go away. Sales might drop off somewhat, but they will always be around. They have been around since Wolf3d, and have only steadily gained momentum. Gears is a nice alternative to FPSs, so in my opinion, it should remain a 3rd person shooter.
I just hope that the game doesn't punish one type of play style. A game is not as open as it claims if there is really only one solution to an endeavor rather than a limitless approach. I am a little worried that you almost have to go the stealth route in order to succeed on a regular basis, not because I don't like stealth, but because that limits the replay value and feeling of true choice. Hopefully Dishonored will allow the player to achieve success no matter which style of play they prefer, because that is one of it's biggest selling points. Perhaps Justin just wasn't comfortable enough with the controls to take the guards and enemies on directly. I know games like this usually have a bit of a learning curve, so I am still keeping my hopes up.
@DuaneDog I don't think you read the 75 page lawsuit either. Who would even bother to do that other than the attorneys involved and their clients anyway?
What exactly is "enough"? There are knockoff clothes, drugs, generic foods, you name it. People will gravitate toward the better product in most cases, so I don't see a big problem here. EA just wants to corner the market.
You have to wonder if some of these people are stepping away to avoid blame, or if they have been somewhat pushed aside by the guilt of ruining their chance at the helm. Or even worse yet, they see that the gaming industry itself is being overrun by greed and evil.
Not a bad lineup. I had to look up Brad Dourif to see who that was in LOTR (Wormtongue).
"Sarandon will play former aristocrat Granny Rags, an elderly blind woman who has become deranged after years of living on the streets." Ironic. Seems about right other than the living on the streets part.
@stan_boyd Exactly. I don't see what the big deal is. I think EA just likes to have a monopoly on certain genres (ahem...sports games) and this is just an example of how they are trying to further that goal.
I am a huge SW fan, so this game becoming FTP is actually really good news. I avoid subscription games like the plague, and I didn't even want to bother with the up to level 15 "demo". At least now maybe I will give it a chance.
ZOD777's comments