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#1 ZaoQuan
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This is going off topic, but I feel I must respond to your sentiment.

I have a few friends who had pre-ordered and completed 1k within the first weeks. It is easy. The multi-player was the slow grind to 60. Honestly though the roll of a tomb raider is a multiplayed one, I am so sure of this. However valid points that this is not Lara Croft at all. Please do some research into her background to confirm this. She really didn't need redefining as the Uncharted Green Arrow wannabe. She wasn't shipwrecked, raped, to become the next commando, rambo, seeking vengeance against hordes of male enemies in her quest for retribution, to become some grizzled survivor and stumbling across a few relic's in the process redefining her as a Tomb Raider. How can anybody do gymnasitic's with a bow strapped to their back? So this is why ziplines are now frequently used. A classic case of boobs and arrows. Because you would have to be a total tit to even think that would be even remotely possible. Avoid it. Full of cut-screens with easy I win buttons in predeteremined levels. Multiplayer is about the only thing in this game which never needed it anyway. Meanwhile the game has disintegrated in value weekly going at its current rate it will be a fiver by next month's end.

Back on topic Bioshock is Infinitely awesome I am glad to have gotten my copy already and to be enjoying this game

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#2 ZaoQuan
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Also I forgot to mention that Tomb Raider and Monster Hunter are (obviously in my opinion) must plays and I heard Fire Emblem is too but I don't own a 3DS so I can't vouch.


Personally I won't go anywhere near the New Tomb Raider, even if I was given a free copy. The game is selling at 25 quid now 3 weeks later so much for the fools who pre-ordered. The easy I win button gameplay combined with a shortish campaign and the tedious multiplay level to 60 replay value. With a stortyline, that you would actually have to be absolutely braindead to even consider this as Lara Croft a victim survivor turned Tomb Raider from. Yea right, pull the other one infact don't she just isn't hot no more. I hate boobs and arrows, they look even clumsier when they jump......

Remember Me, however looks the part though.....

Anyway I'm off to play BioShock Infinte, which is pure class what an awesome game... Thank you

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#3 ZaoQuan
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any logic in the release date, or does anybody know/care?


Thankfully we are getting this released at the same time as our American cousins on the Tuesday. Tuesday is normally when American games are released. This is generally why your American friends tend to be playing the same games sooner then us Europeans, who would be waiting another 3 days for the friday release.

If only the world would grow up, and do away with all the pointless regions. If something is certified, that certification should be global. When a product is released, it sould be the same for everywhere at the same time. With over a 1/3 of the world online it makes sense. Logically this would stop a lot of piracy and those stupid forever wait times. Some Japanese games take months to come over, some foreigen films take a year to get on our screens and american films sometimes take months. When will they learn? To make a UN certification consuel LOL, or at the very least get me my download already...... HAHAHA

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#4 ZaoQuan
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nothing interest me in your list to be honest... dry year..


Do you even play console games?

BioShock Infinte - Has been in the making for years. The graphics are awesome, the story is great, the difficulties are good, the weapons and shocks perks at your disposal are massive, the campaign duration is long. What is not to be enjoyed when playing?

Dead Island Riptide - How much fun is a 4 player party where you mash up zombies using anything form an electrocuting crowbar to a Deo-Bomb ( the deo-bomb can also blow up other players, laughs maniacally). I honestly couldn't careless if it is the same game again, I had so much fun playing the first. The game duration is long and splatting zombies with a hammer or such is so super cool.

Remember Me - Looks very awesome and very stylish, when playing in Neo Paris a heroine who use powers in a rpg styled game. Look at the previews to note this game is hugely anticipated.

Saint's Row IV - Saint's Row games are probably one of the funniest whackiest stupidest games available on the console they really are so much fun to play, having hours of entertainment to be played, this one will be no different.

GTA V - Any Rockstar game sells and sells well. This game has been in the making for years and the previews only confirm what looks to be an epic game. I can only hope it isn't entirely loaded with cut-screens. All the GTA games have been awesome providing hours of fun and entertainment, this one will be no different.

Assasssins Creed 4 - I'm not sure about this game, Connor I didn't like. Desmond WTF? The sea warfare was so easy when I knew what I was doing. I am inclined to give this game a go though, as I have always been fond of the assassin's story line. Each assassin's game has provided quite a lot of fun and has had long campaign duration. Although quite possibly this game is a dud much like some other unmentionables earlier this year.

Dark Souls 2 - Need I say anymore but Dark Souls was the absolute best RPG game available on the console. Sure there are always a few issues to be improved but overall this game played so very well. When playing in game the gamer cannot even use the middle XBOX button to pause the game, game play is always continuous. Something a lot of other console games should be aware of, there is nothing worst then having a tea break when changing spells. Number 2 should only be better, ironing out a lot of the previous multi-player issues, while improving what was already a 9.5/10 game

I'm sure there are plenty of games to each personal tastes like sports, driving etc. I am not a massive player of these game types. GOW is another considered game I never got into it though. I prefer COD or HALO as multi-shooter's

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#5 ZaoQuan
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This is definitely pre-ordered, bring on Tuesday already..... There are a few good games this year coming Bio Shock Infinite is a very welcome edition and will be well worth what has been an extended prolonged wait for it's released. Definitely the best game to date this year. On what has been a poor start to the year. Titles I almost got DMC, DS3, Crysis 3, & TombRaider, I am so very glad I saved my money on those S... ***** infintely cursed unmentionables.

A look ahead on pre-orders 2013

BioShock Infinte

Dead Island Riptide

Remember Me

Saints Row IV


Assassins Creed 4

Dark Souls 2

Probably a few more titles worth considering as the year progresses I have doubts on AC4 but how bad can it be?

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#6 ZaoQuan
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The trailer looks different. I honestly don't see how people can get tired of that zany, silly, stupid fun on any level of play? Providing it keep all of that same stupidty The gamplay and controls have always been great. The comedy has been a masterpiece and is so enjoyable to play. A thought. If could fire somekind of goo gun which with a sticky goo stops aliens in place, then switching to hand to hand and clobbering them with a giant dong. For a killing spree RAMPGE. WTF, is not to be enjoyed while playing.? One can only hope that, that level of absolute sheer stupidity is provided..... LMAO . Although such was more likely an SR3 theme.
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#7 ZaoQuan
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The whole Tomb Raider is copying off of Uncharted thing is getting really old. I'm a huge fan of both games and Uncharted as amazing as it is, owes Tomb Raider serious respect for doing it 1st long before ps3 came out. Sure Uncharted revolutionized the formula that originated in the Tomb Raider series but Tomb Raider is what started it all. Tomb Raider did later take some elements from Uncharted that the series built upon as well. My point is that they take inspiration from eachother and it makes them better games for that. Both are great and I'd rather just enjoy both of them instead of comparing them.


Uncharted was far more original in a sense, that yes it took a basic role model from Tomb Raider. Although Uncharted in itself from concept was quite different in gameplay and storylline.

What this Tomb Raider has done is taken Uncharted and redefeined Tomb Raider into Uncharted.

It is pointless saying this game is not a clone, it simply is. This is not Tomb Raider or Lara Croft anymore at all, but another generic totally unoriginal game. What elements are here that actually make you want to play this game, apart from the new shiny graphics, which have hideously butchered Lara? There are none whatsoever by comparison. Go on get your easy 1k achieves within a week. This is not gonna make fans want to play, and watch in a few months it will be in the 5 quid bucket. WTF where they honestly thinking with this design? They had almost no imagination at all, except to obviously take away almost everything that was great about playing Lara and Tomb Raider......

Lara was never a frightened young woman who survived a shipwrecked islands horrors rescuing friends using hunting and camping skills.

She was a strong sexy talented heiress who loved her family and followed in fathers path of studying archaeology and history while training hard in her pursuit of Olympic Gymnastics. This is how she became a Tomb Raider in following her heritages. Not some bow and arrow weilding, head scalping wench. Who is no longer in tune with the nature around her by discovering its secrets from a forgotten past. Now interested in being a **** victim that kills men, hunts birds and deer. While saying things like I hate Tombs/Temples, why? If she had be taklen all that time in studying history and archaeology? Causes numerous explosions blows up enemy camps and bases, kills hordes of enemies in doing so makes Rambo envious. Her jumps are now clumsy lacking in any grace or poise, with often resorting to using the ziplines that are in place everywhere. Because of that lack of imagination concerning her talents. Her character missing its basic beauty and charm. Vitally without alot of the equipment that even a younger resourceful and extremely talented Lara would have at her disposal. Because the intelligent Lara went off with friends losing all of her equipment when shipwrecked, as she was multipartying with those friends.

Off topic of this post heading regardless I am so happy to see this game is no longer advertised on my television, and that spot has gone to a far more worthy game which is released in 3 weeks.

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#8 ZaoQuan
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I am Tomb Raider addict since the beginning of the series. But this episode of Lara Croft is what Tomb Raider is all about-reintroduction of video games history!igrac3

I would like to know how changing an iconic heroine from that super sexy figure instantly recognised. Which I would have inked. Into something so hideous, looking now like some sort of mutant. While changing her entire life story, that of her origin, taking what little truths from her history to fit this ridiculous plotline while ignoring for the most part her characters absolute facts. This now makes this the best Tomb Raider? No it makes this one of the worse game around, because the principles are wrong.

Her origin is no longer original she a clone of the Green Arrow, while the gameplay is total clone of Uncharted. This game is not Tomb Raider, and cannot be defended as. Ask yourself would you ink this new Lara, does she look sexy, is her story now original, is this game now original, are her weapons and jumps better? Her jumps here are nearly to the effect of the gorrilla she has now become lacking in any elegance or beauty, now with plenty of ziplines because this is how everyone travels aboot. This Lara is now some man hating, ugly american indian, content with hunting camping and killing men. Turning this game into another generic clone FPS/RPG.

Go on hail this as the second coming. Shiny Graphics and reasonable controls and the tacky mutliplay make this game good? How those stupid are so easily pleased.

What maded Tomb Raider great was because you felt like a Tomb Raider. You played ingame Temples, and Tombs discovering plenty of secret locations, making those hard to impossible jumps to access all of those relics and artifacts, solving some very awkward and hard puzzles to achieve your game goals. Combating all of those elements and enemies you would find within a tomb or temple. While playing as one of the hottest ever top 10 computer heoines of all time, so hot she was played by one of the hottest top 10 actresses of all time. Nothing of this paragraph can be said of this game.

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#9 ZaoQuan
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your posts give people cancerKickable

No whatever cancer would be is from rewriting this game and character into something they are not, totally changing that origin and charm.

Look at Lara now she doesn't even look sexy anymore, just ugly and butch. The famous hotpants, tank top, ponytail, jumping and doing all of those acrobatics, while dual weilding two pistols. Is now replaced by this super ugly (American Indian) lookalike with bow and arrow and hatchet type of scalper. Her picture is a female, Connor, Creed. While playing her outrageous cliche of a storyline regarding her origins that is no longer original, and in line with her predecessors. FFS! If this doesn't give you cancer. I really don't know what possibly would. However you the above are one of those who are eagerly infected, for that now ridiculously easy 1K, undoubtedly gaining within a week. Obviously is super easy because the game is a total clone.....

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#10 ZaoQuan
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How is game fun if it is a rip off and copy of another game and isn't in line with the original or its story? Because the game plays and has decent graphics that is to be expected of any game bought today. No some of us play game for their originality and we play them for their innovate story lines and characters, this is enjoyment.

No...... The story here makes no freaking sense at all. We have all seen how hot Angelina Jolie was in the film and we all know Lara Croft where her heritage came from and her story from the film and previous games. Where she got her training and why she trained to be a Tomb Raider and were she acquired her riches. She didn't become a tomb raider from being shipwrecked on an island. A rip off cliche from untold creations and you expect me to swallow this crap of her origin. Nothing original here anymore this isn't Lara at all.

When you are shipwrecked on an island you get another boat when the natives have guns, boats and helicopters. obviously not when you must learn to be Tomb Raider before you can actually survive by getting the F outta there?

The bow and arrow came from a dead guy another cliche following that same rip off of the Green Arrow, Hunger Games and so many other shipwrecked island games of late. If she was a millionaire and equipped she would use a crossbow for silent kills they are far more accurate with zoom scopes and compact and the bolts are stronger then arrows.

Your on an island you start a fire the natives come running isn't that obvious? Defeats the whole point of hunting camping and yadda yadda.

Talent skills she already had the talents in pursuit of her Olympic Gold and her Gymnastic's since her early years. She now need new skills in archery durp durp.

Multiplayer this is Tomb Raider about someone who unearths priceless artifacts. Although now she is recruiting to share her treasure with those followers. This kind of defeats the entire point. 15-20 hours of FPS because of the tacked on multiplay yea it is no wonder.

Had she been puzzle solving locating those secret artifacts and relics while killing the undead, beasts, demons in several locations we might have had a longer game then this wannabe Rambo provides shooter provides.

You have to be kidding me at your stupid approach to words the way you attempt to butcher mine. Your lack of knowledge of Lara Croft. I hate when a character I love gets turn into something she is not in a stupid ripped off cliche.