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#1 ZaoQuan
Member since 2011 • 44 Posts

What a load of bollocks or in this case **** Lara Croft and the Lara we all know so well from the films games etc never originated from the story she didn't become a Tomb raider by being shipwrecked on Island full of cultists, merc's, pirates or whatever. We are not playing the GREEN ARROW, NATHAN DRAKE, or JASON BRODY. This is LARA CROFT no not every millionaire gets shipwrecked on island and then becomes a superhero or survivor that is just so cliche. We know how she originated and from where her story and character came from she was similar to Indiana Jones in effect without the Nazi's, she had millionaire parents and she trained from youth and learned in a role similar to that of her father.

Way to go rewrite this story in something absurd in order to show that lack of creativity and yes another shipwrecked on an island killing people because this heroine is the next Rambo wannabe...... So this game will now be a variation of Uncharted not TOMB RAIDER.

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#2 ZaoQuan
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Every game, definitely does not look like every other game ,other wise we would have no difference. The point however is why would you play a game that you have enjoyed previously only to find it is much different then that game you played? Then has been changed into another game were the similarites are identical outside of the main character.

I suppose what I am trying to say I have a real problem with this story it makes no sense at all. If the story is wrong then the game in my opinion is aswell. Lara Croft is a millionare she doesn't get shipwrecked in a storm to be washed ashore on a island full mercenaries pirates cultists. She is a tomb raider, that is not to say there aren't natural disaters but she would have been prepared for them miles before hand. Hunt/camp/scavenge, WHY? When you are on an island full of hostiles you get the F off of it and return when you are better euipped and prepared. You eat what they are eating unless they are cannibals use what weapons they are using, camp and use a fire to cook your hunted food on island and have the rest of the island coming at you. She is now rambo and can handle it. A bow and arrow seriously WTF? A bow is silent sure, but a crossbow today with a scope is so much more accurate if you want a silent kill. Where did she make the string, the bow, the arrows from and she then just picks up unlimited ammo because thats what they all using on that island. It just doens't make any sense and should be called somthing else not to say it doesn't play well or even have decent graphics. This is not entirely the point though of playing this cult heroine at all...........

Everygame plays, some alot better then others. When this game is called Tomb Raider and is about Lara Croft whose character and story we all know and love from the films and previous games. This story wasn't how she was shaped into the Green Arrow, christ because every millionare gets shipwreck on island full of mercenaries and uses a bow and arrow. No we are not playing the Green Arrow or Nathan Drake or another rip off. Having little almost nothing to do with raiding Tombs unearthing relic's and artifacts. Rather hunting/camping and killing lots mecenaries, oh yea and the multiplayer. WTF are you gonna play this for? Its relatively short story and campaign that has nothing to do with this character. In an rpg style game with a talent system 15-20 hours WTF! Then multiplay leveling to 60 on what 5 modes and as many maps you got to be kidding me.........

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#3 ZaoQuan
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Which is why previous Tomb Raiders had a better storyline. The heroine Lara Croft engaged beasts, demons and the occasional mercenary in her quest to save the earth and unearth those relics and artifacts. This is her character a tomb raider, who disarms traps and solves puzzles, uses her physique and acrobatics to get to all of those treasures. She is a milllionare with alot of resources and has trained for the character which she is.

Well now she is on an island full of male mercenaries and is the next Rambo. Who brainlessly charges into certain death by being out of character by thinking she can kill off an entire army. While using survival skills of hunting camping and yes another bow and arrow durp durp, because Lara with all of her millions isn't prepared to go right to the tomb which only she had the key to and knew exactly where the treasure was located. Yes but of course there was a storm and her equipment sunk she is now ashore the same island where the artifacts are in that hostile world full of male pirates who possibly shot her plane down in that storm, so now she forced to survive and learn new talents ffs.......

Lets also throw in multiplayer, because Lara is recruiting...

Although back on topic of this post Lara is hot and we could have had a moneyshot. Although as for anything else the realism of this game was never here to begin with she is already miles outside of her character so why not have those tenactles, but this is not the game we are playing.

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#4 ZaoQuan
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A 9.5 game sure yea right. There are very few games I give would ever give that rating to. One would have to be, GTA I liked San Andreas, there are plenty more games in mind Deus EX another and few others. Recently though Games are so over rated mainly due to the kids reviewing them and the way these reviewers have merited games. What does 10 out of 10 mean, please consider this? There really can't be many that fall under that rating at all. So by using a gauge to the proper effect of rating. A 9 rating or above should be reserved for those awesome, elite, error free, hours of game play, truly great, original or even better games. Last year a 9 rating was given on FAR CRY 3, XCOM and a few others. Seriously FC3 was boring and repetitive as hell. Yes it had gametime if you bothered doing the same thing over and over again by definition of insanity to bore you stupid mainly from collecting all those pointless collectibles. Trails of the Raykat was about the only great thing in that game. XCOM was full of annoying errors, also was a very short game and campaign in comparison to other Firaxis or XCOM games, not much in the way of randomness to the levels which where repeated many times, few UFO encounters etc. I really do wish people would take the time to actually consider what a 10 out of 10, or a 9 out of 10 actually means. The only 10 out 10 game I can think of at the minute is FFVII the rest of the series suffered from decline on that epicness, I am sure there are others to each individuals taste.

Uncharted was a good game. This is Tomb Raider though. With these game designers in there DEMO's saying campaign at approx 16 hours and each DEMO scene showing mostly cinematic cutscrenes. I really do ask myself why would I bother playing a game I can complete in a week? Yes there is multiplayer. Although honestly I would rather play any other shooter for that Multiplayer experience with there many more diverse multiplayer modes and maps. This games multiplayer would probably have me level to 50 or something, playing about 3 or so different modes.

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#5 ZaoQuan
Member since 2011 • 44 Posts

I am actually wondering the same? I have always held an interest in Tomb Raider from playing it back on the first playstation. Although from what I see of this game it is little to do with the original. Which was solving many puzzles and having to do many jumps to reveal plenty of secret areas. Fighting many hard bosses usually some type of demon or animal.

What I can see here is a rather short campaign 16ish hours made up largely of cinematics. Not much problem or puzzle solving. Pre-determined action levels with plenty to kill and level up. Many guns and weapons, survival in this sentence yea right? Multiplayer has extended the playable gametime. In a game which was only ever about the story and adventure. I play GOW or another 100 shooters for that experience and they often to do it alot better.

I eagerly await BIO SHOCK INFINITE AND GTA for the true SOLO experience and their great story based gameplay.

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#6 ZaoQuan
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Thank you P3nAiPineapple for your video. It has convinced me that yes it is indeed just another generic shooter. The graphics have improved greatly, this was to be expected. They have also added in weather conditions which are are enjoyable. However I could mostly count the Necromorphs in your video. There are large and vast expanses of you walking around a planets terrain. This wasn't horrifying but design for signifcance to that terrain and landsacpe. Hardly terrify but artistic and beautiful. Not much in the way of horror, no real dismembered or mutilated corpses lying blood to come alive and then attack you unexpectedly. The aliens which didn't really look like much else, and rarely jumped out at you unless from a set piece. You never impaled anything using there limbs or stakes. Ammo seemed plentiful coming from everywhere crates and the dead, some aliens would also shoot return fire. Generic shooter hardly a horror game
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#7 ZaoQuan
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The only good thing and that is the only good thing in this miserable game was the trials of the Rakyat.

The rest of this game was the most tedious experience of any game ever played. I struggled to fully complete this for months game playing an hour at a time at most before being absolutely bored with it. Doing the same thing over and over and over again for so many endless zones. The only time I would ever die would be from falling. Vechilies got stuck alot and where fun to blowup form there lack of handling. The story was *** and repititive. Vaas certainly got insanity meaning right this game is insainity from its repitition. The boss fights there was only one good one. That was in the dream sequence the smoke monster. The rest of them were button bashing some combo. The story missions had a few good fun ones. The best being the german mercenary in the jeep with bombs, and also the flamethrower weed feild, and protecting the german merc diffusing the bombs. Mostly were standard *** or stupid stealth nonsense. As a shooter it was to damn easy inject syringes for heal after body armour was gone use the grenade launcher and specialist shotgun or even melee for 1 hit kill. Hunter quests the animals would get stuck if you sat on a rock. Endlessly doing zone after zone of the same identical ***, they didn't change only got worse from the boredom. I stupidly collected every relic which made this game drag on and on. I was hoping to get UB points for them which they didn't give me any. What a waste of my time. Stealth was fun at times though ultimately pointless as the game was to easy. Did they not know how to play poker? In the mini game when you fold a hand you never show your cards unless you choose to. The format upon winning was wrong making it confusing combining cards with the deck. Some of the races and challenges where fun but do one of each and you had done them all. CO-OP was a total mess before the patches. The competitions on each MULTI map made them very enjoyable.

Though honestly this game getting the reviews it did for what had to be one of the most boring games ever played is questionable.

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#8 ZaoQuan
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I facepalmed... Have you realized that co-op is a completely optional system?Skuirrel

Obviously you are still a child and make the same gestures as one. Or you would realise that this game is 18. No this doesn't

mean playing with my kids or family. Because this now means boo, and will make them go bump in the night, yer right.

The game has been gimp to *** it has made up for its unimagination and lack of story telling by creating something different an adding in CO-OP. Making an RPG out of it, I bet in DS4 they will have talent spec's too. This is against of principle of survival horror forgetting all of its loved roots. Yes I can turn off CO-OP for the Solo experience but the was never stand alone so it all reflects oin what is just another generic shooter only against necromorphs with guns now come on..........

Absolute Bull*** that because I have played the last two games those scares aren't scary anymore. WTF thats is just plain unimagination and lack of game design and story telling..

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#9 ZaoQuan
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The reviews have comfirmed that only the majority of the paid reviewers had anything good to say about the game. User reviews have shown it to be a real stinker. 7/10 or 8/10 game at best from critic's to the user reviews at 5/10 or 6/10. Isn't it obvious why. CO-OP and "survival" horror just don't go together at all. Why is the game even 18 now when you can play it with your family and kids, boo?

It was never a case of playing the previous two games, and nothing will scare you from the game horror now, because you have seen it before that is total nonsense. This would mean plain unimaginative storytelling and design. From forgetting their roots to create something entirely different. They then made up for this lost in imagination by adding in CO-OP defeating the entire point of survival horror. Yes I can turn that mode off or play it Solo but this game has already been gimped to ****.

Franchises tend to gimp the **** outta ****, there are few successful ones. Those few which are successfull have learned how to make there games better, not by changing their game entirely.

Campaign CO-OP is left to games which have not been made before or are for the direct purpose of teamplay.

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#10 ZaoQuan
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Who needs CO-OP in a "survival" (keyword) horror game. We might as well be playing Borderlands or some other Multiplay, toon shooter.

Dead Space means. Necromorphs are crawling out of the walls and vents in bleak, dark, rooms of dismembered mutilated corpse which are spattered across the walls of each room and corridor entered. If you stumble across another survivor they are likely to be an insane psychopath who probably wants to kill you. This is while your own consciousness is fading from constantly being under strain from the bombardment of the relic, obelisk. As you struggle to defeat the swarms of Necro's who make jump and curse as you have limited ammo and supplies on increasing harder difficulties.

How does this experience share with a partner? I am at an absolute loss to think this game will now even justified be played at all.

Nothing is scary as you grow up. However the atmosphere creates a memorable experience and should contain plenty of jumps and tension in a visceral setting as you struggle to survive this game horror. The previous DS games had this in abundance DS2 not as much but it was still an awesome game. With DS3 in my opinion they have have created a Borderlands toon game.

Multiplay isn't a bad idea but please create something different for it away from the campaign or story. Maybe a map with two unrelated marines facing swarms of Necro's after seeing the rest of there squad shredded first, or they face some boss together. Or maybe even a mode with one player being an infected Necromorph. Just please make any CO-OP outside of the campaign so the rest of us who appreciate a good survival horror game and play it without it being absurdly gimped. If you think that any game will be shorter by adding in extra CO-OP mode missions outside of the campaign. Look at shooters like COD, Battlefield, or Sniper. To find that this needn't be the case with additional CO-OP mission modes.