man... the edge ain't gone. At any time in the game Carver could go completely nuts, forcing Isaac to protect him while he deals with his "issues". It's not like you can just bum sweep the entire game with a friend.
Nice double post... Of course the edge is gone with a partner they will take most of the scare away from a survibal horror solo experience. You lose all focus on enemies and with a partner they can be lazier or those partners simply annoy the hell out of you by doing something stupid. Like dying, stealing ammo and guns, or lagging you out. Having played HALO 4 the vechilies where constantly getting stuck on each other most often your partner didn't drive them properly and would force restarts I.E on the bike and in space craft the screen would glitch if drove to quickly and they weren't on top of you and the lag was bad playing cross Atlantic etc.
The point is, Mult in a survival horror game makes it less scary or not even survival horror because it is a team now.
I agree with Multi don't get me wrong, but please make some seperate multi missions for this. With boss modes or swarms of Necromorphs to be enjoyed as a team. Examples can be found in shooter games like COD or even Sniper Elite they have plenty of MULTI only missions where a partner is needed to complete them as you have to work together to complete a common goal. Just don't **** with the campaign in this game, this can be completed solo on hardest difficulties. So WTF do I need a partner for taking away from this games horror.
I not convinced anymore I will probably wait for Bio Shock
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