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#1 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

wait so let me see if i understand this. nintendo the makers of the wiimote which uses revolutionary motion sensing to bring you unsurrpassed control is making another controller called the wii zapper ? now the purpose of the zapper is like a gun like duck hunt ? wouldnt it make more sense to simply use the wiimote ? the zapper is the definition of a gimmick HOW ARE SHEEP FALLING FOR THIS ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????MikeB_74

The zapper is just a shell that the wiimote and nunchuck plug into to make them more like a gun. But the wii zapper is a really bad idea and I don't know why people with a Wii would be ata ll excited by it. It removes most of the motion sensing capabilities, prevents you from resting your hand on your knee while playing long games, and all it adds is your CONTROLLER looks lika a gun. Nintendo should have made a proper pistol extension which plugged into the bottom of the remote and would allow for the nunchuck to still be plugged in and separate. That would have at least allowed for some motion sensing.

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#2 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

...anyone thats really into games cant just use the Wii as his sole gaming machine...


Find me any gamer that is content with one console and I will show you a person in denial.

Or a gamer who is also a graduate student or doctor or lawyer or who has kids etc.

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#3 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

[QUOTE="actionquake"]Personally I would just be happy if the AI was smart enough to consisitently know it is being shot. I have played too many games where an enemy responds to getting shot by just standing against the same wall with the same small part of his body visible to me. Teh_Stevz

I tell you... I wouldn't be a happy bunny if I hit an enemy square in the chest for it's next move to be evading the next attack.

That's almost "Break the controller" fustration. :(

I'm talking about where the enemy is up against the wall and just his leg for example is showing. So you shoot him in the leg. He does whatever getting shot in the leg animation is required and then resumes standing against the same wall in the same position with his leg still showing so you can shoot it again.

Even worse is where an NPC scripted action is interupted by gun fire or something and the NPC carries on talking as though he isn't getting shot repeatedly. This was annoying as hell in Godfather on Wii, but I'm sure it could have been solved with maybe two lines of code.

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#4 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

I was in a shootout with some Chimera on resistance. The Chimera tries to flank you. Sometimes it will hide so you can't kill him. So you rush up and the Chimera pop out at the last minute and start shooting.I had to waste extra ammo and lost unncessary health due to the sneaky Chimera. If AI up to par with human player. No, but the AI has improved after 2-3 yrs from what I notice.


I wonder how much of that is really just scripted. I remember the first time that I fought the marines in the original half life I was amazed at how they worked together, took cover, used grenades to flush you out. The first time I was actually surprised by AI in a game. However, for the most part it wasn't true AI at all, just scripted sequences which were triggered by certain player actions.

Personally I would just be happy if the AI was smart enough to consisitently know it is being shot. I have played too many games where an enemy responds to getting shot by just standing against the same wall with the same small part of his body visible to me.

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#5 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

I've seen a lot of posts recently that include physics and AI along with graphics as things that make the Wii 'last gen'. However, I often doubt that the people who make these posts know what they are talking about. So I was wondering what are examples of processor and/or memory intensive examples of AI and physics.

I'll give two examples to start:

1) Dead rising - I'm sure that the number of different AI entities require a significant amount of power

2) Destructable environments - But often these are only visual in nature ie havoc FX

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#6 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

the ps2 is still selling pretty good in many third world countries that don't have next gen yet, like canada, china and mexico for example.bobbarkerbeauty

Hope that was a joke.

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#7 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

People who want to play some excellent games at a reasonable price maybe?

*Seriously* who is buying a 360, PS3 or Wii which all cost a lot more and have less quality games??

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#8 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts

who the heck waits more than a year to play a game LOL

its old news by then

face it gears of war is a XBOX360 exclusive title


Yep that is why none of the launch titles for 360 are available in stores anymore because everyone who wanted to play them rushed out and bought the system and the games immediately. Same reason you can no longer by Spiderman on DVD.

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#9 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts
They need a console wars. PC's should be excluded because most games on PC are made by MS any way.casey7672
That is completely wrong
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#10 actionquake
Member since 2007 • 335 Posts
I think that the term 'Console Exclusive' is fine in the kind of pedantic arguments that take place here on system wars where people make lists of exclusives based on what other system it is being compared to at that paticular time and where people do things like multiply the cost of a console by the number sold then divide by a different price to determine how many consoles would have been sold at the lower price point! Its just that in real life it means absolutely nothing. The reason people care about exclusivity in REAL LIFE is that it dictates whether or not they require a particular system to play a particular game.