Paying 60$ for something that is only 8 hours long? Thats 7,5$ an hour..= simply stupid..omgimba
But going to see a movie at a theater is roughly 7-10$ for maybe 2 hours of entertainment. Not that much difference.
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Paying 60$ for something that is only 8 hours long? Thats 7,5$ an hour..= simply stupid..omgimba
But going to see a movie at a theater is roughly 7-10$ for maybe 2 hours of entertainment. Not that much difference.
No GTA4 where you can weave through an entire building and exit into a fire escape, drive a car, and drive straight to a store and pick some clothes off the rack, all without loading. In a Wii only world, with its 62MB of RAM (unlike the 512MB or RAM of PS3/360), you would enter a building (LOAD)......go upstairs, exit the building (LOAD) to the store, enter it (LOAD).......and wait to be inside the store, select clothes (LOAD)......all in 480p drabby glory.
I love a Wii-only world. So immersive. No need for games like Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Mass Effect, BioShock, Star Wars Unleashed, GTA4 and RE5 to push the envelope of immersion, we have 62 whopping MB of RAM and flat non-HDR lighting!
Except that non of those games have been released yet so all you have to go on are videos and screen shots which tell you absolutely nothing about how immersive a game is. Is Night trap the most immersive game ever as it has photo-realistic graphics and movie quality lighting effects?
And your GTA4 on wii example is pointless because the Wii has lower quality textures which take up less room in memory and therefore your example above would work fine without load times (plus the 360 and PS3 will not have all the textures loaded into the 512Mb of Ram but will be streaming them from the DVD/bluray as needed), it would just look worse than the other versions. Which is not a surprise to anyone.
Personally I think graphics do matter, especially in games that are simulations of real life, but anyone who lists a bunch of fantastic looking games that they HAVEN'T PLAYED to prove how immersive games can be is missing the point entirely.
Because it is accesible to people who are not used to playing console games. People don't realize how off putting modern controllers are to a lot of people, not just non-gamers but also PC gamers used to playing with KB/M. People can slag off the controls for games like medal of honor on Wii all they like (and some of the motion controls are absolutely crap and unresponsive in that game) but I would still rather play an FPS with the wiimote than with a dual analog controller. Playing RE4 on the Wii and targeting with the wiimote with pistol versus the anolog stick for sniping perfectly illustrates how much better the wiimote is.
[QUOTE="actionquake"]I like how cows are now shifting everything to 2008 when we are still only half way through 2007. Xbox has a killer line up for 2007 so they keep asking what have you got coming out in 2008. Wii has less of a killer line up, but does have 3 very big games. The PS3 has basically a subset of the Xbox games coming out this year and the only reason it has a good line up of announced titles for next year is because they majority were delayed from this year. And a lot of the reason for the delay is not to improve the games but because there isn't a large enough install base for PS3 exclusive titles yet. azad_champ
the PS3 has a killer line-up this Fall. They're so many games, therefore it's hard to disscus Sony's Fall line-up. Heavenly Sword,Uncharted,Ratchet,Warhawk and Lairseems all to be great games so I don't see what you mean by "a subset of Xbox games". And by akiller line-up for 360, you meana certain killer-app.Not much more than that but Mass Effect and Lost oddysee. And last, Wii's "killer line-up" is the same provided every year. Nothing new and fresh to the hardcore gamers.
OK the line up for the PS3 is actually pretty amazing this year also. The 360 still does have some pretty amazing games coming though such as Halo, Mass Effect and Bioshock and the Wii's line up maybe old franchises but they are key franchises that come up roughly once a generation so to get them all in the fall is pretty amazing. The point still remains that focusing on titles announced for 2008 is kinda pointless because the games are being released on PS3 then because they were delayed most likely in part due to install base issues.
Everything is art. Look around you from the architecture of the walls that your are incased in to the chair you sitting in. This guys is just another one of those art snobs who think they can tell people what is art or not. Video games are art. Anything resulting from the human imagination and emotion is art.jaycouvera
I think his implication is that videogames have more in common with the chair than with the Mona Lisa or Dr Zhivago (movie or novel). The question is whether video games can ascend to the levels that these pieces of art do. The answer for now I think is no. And the real question is do we really care? Do we prefer watch Dr Zhivago or Star Wars? Personally 99% of the time I would prefer Star Wars.
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