adrake4183's forum posts
As far as city builders go there are a number of roman based ones on the market right now that are all really upgraded versions of ceasar. Also 1701 gold edition will be out soon and really that might be your best bet.
The tycoon side is a little tougher. One of the best ones to date it Railroad tycoon 3. From there the newer versions Railroads! took a step back. Rollercoaster tycoon has been mentioned and is pretty good although I think a lot of the original charm is gone. The other decent tycoon game as of late is zoo tycoon. Not the best game ever but its alright.
Truthfully though these are genres that seem to be dieing out slowly. I love these types of games and the originality they used to include but nowadays they all are formulaic and uninspired.
I hate the fact that you need the internet in order to install single player games from Valve. The internet should be seen as an option in order to take advantage of online play, not as a requirement just to get it installed. Falconoffury
I used to feel that way too and if you are on dial-up steam is a disaster but now I have changed my mind. Steam is a pretty easy to use program that keeps my games neatly organized. If I unistall a game I can reinstall it easily. There isn't obtrusive anti-piracy stuff since steam is the anti-piracy system, I can buy new games quickly and easily, and it works great for multiplayer games. So yes it is a little irritating that I have to play half-life 2 on the internet even though its a single player game but with broadband I am on the internet 24/7 anyway
on commando one thing you might try... If you have two dvd drives then put the cd in the other one. Sometimes I get that type of error if I installed from one drive and then try to play with the cd in the other drive. Sort of a shot in the dark but its easy to test.
As far as kotor shutting down on start-up it could be a driver or unsupported graphic card problem. I might try patching the game anyway because the newest version should stick. Don't know if these will help but its easy to try.
I would like to play it on PC out of curiousity - I have heard the first game is not quite as revolutionary as it would like to be - hmm I've heard that before from this company...biggest_loser
Lionhead or microsoft? because lionhead was pretty good at rolling out revolutionary games that turned out to disappoint
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